The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is a one of the four major ligaments in the knee.
It is located on the outside of the knee, connecting the thighbone (femur) to the smaller bone in the lower leg (fibular). Its main function is to prevent the knee from buckling outward.
Four Important Things to Understand About Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries
Occurrence: When a lateral collateral ligament injury in King of Prussia patients occur, it is usually the result of rotational force across the knee, often combined with the buckling of the knee. It could be a contact injury such as a direct blow to the inside of knee, or a non-contact injury such as hyperextension. It is also frequently associated with a simultaneous ACL tear.
Symptoms: The symptoms of a lateral collateral ligament injury in King of Prussia patients can actually be quite subtle and easy to miss. Always consult your physician if you are experiencing knee pain, weakness, or instability. Your physician may recommend an X Ray or MRI to determine the nature and severity of your injury.
Conservative Treatment: The lateral collateral ligament can take significant time to heal properly. For minor tears, your specialist will likely prescribe non-surgical treatment such as rest, ice, and use of a leg brace. Once the pain and swelling have diminished, you may start exercises with a physical therapist to restore strength and range of motion of knee. Recovery time primarily depends upon the severity of the injury.
Surgical Treatment: If a more severe tear is present, your specialist may recommend surgical options, including arthroscopic procedures to repair the tissue or reattach the ligament to the femur or fibula. If the damage was severe and cannot be repaired, your surgeon may reconstruct a tendon by using a graft taken from your thigh muscles (quadriceps) or your hamstrings.
Tip: Recovery time varies for each patient, but is greatly improved across the board by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions.
What to Do Once the Injury Occurs
If you are experiencing the above mentioned symptoms, we suggest finding an orthopaedic physician, who is trained and equipped to:
Assess your symptoms
Present a comprehensive diagnosis
Provide the best treatment for your condition
If you’re a local patient in the Tri-State area, simply visit a nearby branch of Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, a nationally respected orthopaedic provider with offices conveniently just down the road!
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute knee specialists can help you decide which treatment options are right for patients who suffer from a lateral collateral ligament injury in King of Prussia. For more information, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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