Visit the Most Recognized Concussion Program in South Jersey

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has taken their internationally renowned expertise and applied it to a new sector of care with the opening of the most recognized concussion program in South Jersey. Rothman doctors realize how serious concussions can be and they are committed to addressing this health concern with excellence and expertise.

For years, research has shown the potential for long term brain damage due to the effects of a concussion. Now, public sentiment is finally matching the reality of the research. If you’ve sustained impact to the head, neck or shoulders, don’t dismiss the possibility of a concussion. Athletes playing contact sports are especially prone to negligence in this area because of the frequency of the hits they sustain. But the reality is that every instance of impact to the head can result in potential damage to the brain - especially if it is not appropriately addressed and cared for. Even a slight blow to the head could result in concussion symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, or sensitivity to sound and light. Any of these symptoms could point to a potential concussion, even if the blow wasn’t hard enough to render the athlete unconscious.

Since the most recognized concussion program in South Jersey is right here at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, there is now a quick, easy way to be seen by specialists in the event of a concussion. Through advanced testing, Rothman doctors monitor each patient for cognitive activity following a concussion. This develops a comprehensive concussion history for that patient and allows the physicians to give appropriate advice throughout the recovery process. This is especially important for athletes, who are usually eagerly awaiting the approval to resume playing their sport again.

If you are an athlete or a coach, it is important to be particularly aware of the dangers of concussions. Don’t hesitate to get checked out by an expert at the most recognized concussion program South Jersey has to offer - right here at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute!


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