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    Preventing Running Injuries and Avoiding Lower Back Pain

    December 5th, 2013

     Running is an exercise that anyone can participate in, because it does not require any special training or special equipment. It is important to take proper precautions if you plan on taking up running, however. Without appropriate safety measures, you could subject yourself to various injuries including:

    • Fractured bones
    • Lower back pain
    • Sprained ankles
    • Pulled muscles
    • Foot injuries
    • Shin Splints
    Preventing Injuries
    In order to prevent serious injuries while running, you should take a few important steps:
    • Warm up – Never run when your muscles are not warmed up: this could put you at great risk for injuries that cause knee, hip or lower back pain.
    • Wear the right shoes – The shoes you wear play a vital role in how you run, as well as how you feel when you run. You should wear shoes that fit, as well as that are comfortable. Avoid wearing worn out shoes that offer no support, or you could be facing serious injuries.
    • Pay attention to your body – Even if you are a seasoned runner, always listen to your body. If you feel knee pain or any other type of pain, stop and let yourself recover. If the pain does not go away after proper rest, consult with your orthopedic specialists.
    • Drink plenty of water– One mistake many runners make is forgetting to drink while running. You should drink before, during and after your run, to ensure that your body is properly hydrated and your muscles are able to fully recover from the intense workout.
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