Camping and backpacking have always been a part of Tony’s life, one that he was excited to pass along to his two sons, as the proud scout leader of his 15- and 17-year-old boys. But nagging pain in his Achilles and a bone spur in his other foot made the trails he used to enjoy a painful struggle. That’s when he turned to Rothman at AtlantiCare for help.
The doctor prescribed a round of therapy for his Achilles, surgery on his other foot, and proper recovery time. Following his care at Rothman, Tony is back to his old self—boots, canteen, and all.
Now, Tony and his sons are back enjoying their weekend hikes once again. Not only did Rothman reinvigorate Tony’s call to the wild, they allowed him to bond with his children over something he loves. Today, Tony is one happy camper.