Lankenau Hospital
100 Lancaster Avenue
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Wynnewood, PA 19096

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From the North:
Take I-95 South to Philadelphia. Exit I-95 onto I-676/76 West in Philadelphia. Exit I-76 onto City Avenue, and turn right at the bottom of the ramp. Travel several miles South on Route 1 (City Line Avenue) to the intersection of Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn right onto Lancaster Avenue to the first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.
From the South:
Take I-95 North. Exit I-95 onto I-476 North. Exit I-476 at the Route 1 Exit. Follow Route 1 North several miles to Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn left on Route 30 (West) to first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.
From the East/West:
Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the Valley Forge Interchange (Exit 326). Exit onto I-76 East. Follow to Route 1 Exit (City Line Avenue). Exit South onto Route 1, follow for several miles to Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn right (West) onto Route 30 to first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.
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From the North:
Take I-95 South to Philadelphia. Exit I-95 onto I-676/76 West in Philadelphia. Exit I-76 onto City Avenue, and turn right at the bottom of the ramp. Travel several miles South on Route 1 (City Line Avenue) to the intersection of Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn right onto Lancaster Avenue to the first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.
From the South:
Take I-95 North. Exit I-95 onto I-476 North. Exit I-476 at the Route 1 Exit. Follow Route 1 North several miles to Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn left on Route 30 (West) to first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.
From the East/West:
Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the Valley Forge Interchange (Exit 326). Exit onto I-76 East. Follow to Route 1 Exit (City Line Avenue). Exit South onto Route 1, follow for several miles to Route 30 (Lancaster Avenue). Turn right (West) onto Route 30 to first traffic light. The hospital will be on your left.