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723 Results Found
A Comprehensive Review of Meniscus Tears
Meniscus tears stand out as one of the prevalent knee injuries, commonly associated with athletic activities. However, this injury is not limited to athletes and can occur in individuals of any age. Join Dr. Erickson of Rothman Orthopaedics as he...
When To See A Spine Surgeon
Join Dr. Mangan of Rothman Orthopaedics for a virtual lecture covering chronic issues of the spine to acute trauma. Gain insights on recognizing signs that may require surgical consultation. Don't miss this chance to empower yourself with essential...
Get Lower Back Pain Relief & Get Back to Living
Experience relief from common low back pain complaints by joining Dr. Mia Song of Rothman Orthopaedics for a virtual event. Uncover insights into prevalent musculoskeletal causes, understand what to anticipate during an office evaluation, and explore...
Alleviating Sciatica Pain & Discomfort
Join Dr. Daniel Fassett of Rothman Orthopaedics for an informative virtual session on sciatica, a painful condition characterized by radiating pain along the path of the sciatic nerve. This nerve originates in the lower back, extends through the hips...
Cutting Edge Innovations in Foot and Ankle Injuries
Join Dr. Selene Parekh of Rothman Orthopaedics for an enlightening community lecture on the latest breakthroughs in foot and ankle injury treatments. Discover cutting-edge surgical techniques, innovative technologies, and personalized approaches...
Surgery for Adult Scoliosis
Join Dr. Daniel Fassett of Rothman Orthopaedics for an informative virtual session on adult scoliosis surgery, a procedure that aims to correct spinal curvature to improve posture and relieve pain. Gain insights into surgical and non-surgical treatment...
Understanding Hip & Knee Pain
Join Dr. Andrew Pepper of Rothman Orthopaedics for an informative virtual session on the causes of joint pain and dysfunction and how it can significantly impact one's quality of life, limiting mobility and causing pain. Gain insights into advancements...
Minimally Invasive Technique - Dupuytrens Disease
Standard Treatment The standard treatment called a fasciectomy is a procedure involving open excision of the disease or contracted tissue. This involves an open surgical approach. Needle Aponeurotomy (NA) Needle aponeurotomy was first developed in...
Rothman Patient Finds the Positive in a Negative
A torn ACL can be a daunting diagnosis for a devoted soccer player. But for Brett Tharp, this injury came as a blessing in disguise. "I've been playing soccer since I was five years old," says the 27-year-old Tharp. "And I never stopped playing; I even...
ImPACT Testing Now Being Offered at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
In recent years, concussions have become a hot topic both on and off the field. While athletes have always been at risk for concussions, determining the severity and long-term effects of these head injuries has traditionally been difficult....
The Aches and Pains of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
It's not uncommon to have minor painor tingling in the fingers and wrists from time-to-time. For patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, however, this numbness can be so debilitating that it may restrict daily activities. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs...
Beware of Fireworks Injuries This Summer
The use of fireworks peaks around the July 4th holiday, but despite their glowing and dazzling appeal they don't come without risk. "People associate fireworks and sparklers with celebrations and fun," says Pedro Beredjiklian, MD, a hand, wrist and...
Start Training Now for a Successful Running Season
Warmer weather is right around the corner and with it comes the spring running season. Whether you currently run or you are an aspiring runner, it's best to start training now to ensure that you're able to cross the finish line. "Successful runners...
The World's Most Dangerous Foot Wear
Back and neck pain. Spinal problems. Aching knees. Strained leg tendons. Injuries from a game of pickup football? Think again. All of these injuries can occur from wearing high heels. The problems caused by high heels go way beyond a pair of aching...
At 94, he's ready to hit the dance floor again
Ed Moore's physical activities might be severely limited today if not for a visit to the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at Jefferson when he was a mere 91. He had an appointment with Dr. Richman H. Rothman, the high-profile orthopedic surgeon and...
Ukee Washington comes to RI for Hip Replacement
"Hip replacement isn’t just for elderly people anymore. Ukee Washington is among a growing number of younger active people who need the surgery. 3 On Your Side Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl has details on Ukee’s surgery." Read more about Ukee's...
Patient Spotlight on Ann Levandoski and Pamela Zbylicki
Ann Levandoski and Pamela Zbylicki, both of Scranton, are the types of sisters that can finish each other's sentences. Both gym teachers and four years apart, the two have always had a close bond and preferred to do things as a team rather than...
Surf can be dangerous, traumatic-injury patients warn
"A former lifeguard and longtime surfer, Chad de Satnick never imagined he'd be injured by the ocean he'd grown up with - and the waves he rode so often." To read more about this story and Dr. Radcliff's advice regarding surf/water injuries, click here.
What exactly was Bynum doing in Germany?
"Barry Kenneally, M.D., is a non-surgical sports medicine physician at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. He spoke to Sports Doc about Orthokine and its potential effects." Read more about Dr. Kenneally's thoughts on Orthokine and more by clicking here.
The Rothman 8K
Good luck to all atheletes running this weekend! Rothman Orthopaedic Institute's CEO Mike West was at the event with Mayor Michael Nutter and Rothman's Dr. Peter Sharkey who was the guest starter for the race. Congrats to the 8K First place runner,...