I'm a P.E. teacher and also have my own yoga business. I am the primary yoga teacher and spend time after school practicing yoga with high school sports teams, daycare facilities, middle school students and private lessons for adults. For about 5 years I was doing all of this with a shoulder impingement and I was able to manage through it with rehab and exercises. Over the years the impingement became a torn rotator cuff. I was instructed by many people to visit the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. I met with Dr. Emper and he told me not only could surgery help me get better but I could be 100%! I'm 54 years old and with a plethera of sports related injuries and my profession I haven't been 100% in 20 years! I had rotator cuff surgery on February 19, 2016. I went to work 5 days later with a brace on and now, after 4 months I'm able to do almost everything. I still have a long road to 100% but I feel stronger everytday. if it wasn't for Rothman I have no idea what I would have done! Namaste'
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