Jeffrey, Total Hip & Knee Replacement
- Jeffrey, Total Hip & Knee Replacement
Back in 2012 I finally took the dive to repair my damaged body joints and spinal problems. Upon visiting Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, several x-rays exposed the extreme damage created mainly by years of hard work, business, and play. Meeting first with Dr. Greg Deirmengian he drew up a game plan to begin a series of 4 total replacements and a couple of spinal surgeries. Although surgeries got delayed by several other complications, some due to decades of pain. He sequentially planned surgeries around pain levels and amount of discomfort. I am now 75% completed with all but 1 knee and 1 hip replacement in which will take place this coming July and next June. Starting these surgeries in my early 50's I now can see returning to some ability of work again. Between Dr. Deirmengian , Dr. Rihn and assistance from several other surgeons I never once doubted a return to my quality of life eventually. Every operation has not come without unexpected complications due to major arthritis. Although recovery has taken longer than I expected, recovery has been amazing. I know I will never be 30 years old again yet at my age now can see the life without major pain and the improvement of the quality of life once again. Without my strong family to help me through the years of pain and depression prior to, and the fantastic doctors at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute I can not thank all enough.
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