I had two uncemented Bi-Polar Hip Replacements in 1990 when I was 38 and 39 years of age. I had no follow up except for a couple visits with my Orthopedist in the summer of 1990. I am a big guy 6'3" 200 lbs and very active. I used to be an athlete. I had always meant to visit the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute in Egg Harbor Township NJ but failed to do so.
In February 2015 I slipped on a patch of ice and fell on my left hip. As it was a Sunday evening I elected to stay home but the next morning in extreme pain and unable to walk visited the ER at Shore Memorial Hospital in Somers Point NJ which was only several miles from my home. The ER took xrays and confirmed I had fractured my left femur. I was asked who my Orthopedist was and advised he had retired over 20 years prior. The on call Orthopedist's consulted were Dr. Tucker and Dr. Post from Rothman. It seems that Dr. Post took over and had the ER do a CT scan and to admit me for a possible Hip Replacement. I was immediately admitted and the attending nurse advised I was on pre-surgical status. She later returned and said Dr. Post wished to wait until the following morning for another xray and CT scan as he saw evidence in the original tests that my hip stem may have not moved. I was visited the following morning by Dr. Post's PA, Dave Katz. He explained what would need to happen if I needed a Replacement which was to wrap my broken femur in wire and do the replacement.
Shortly thereafter with the assistance of a Physical Therapist I was gotten on my feet and walked a little in the room using a walker. I then had xrays and I think a CT scan. The results of the tests revealed that my hip stem had not moved. I stayed one more night in the hospital and prior to discharge spoke via phone with Dave Katz. He indicated I should try walk on my left toes to limit weight on my left hip and to see Dr. Post in his office. Two weeks later I visited Rothman in Egg Harbor Township, had xrays and met with Dr.Post. I was impressed with Dr. Post. He was young and very friendly and knowledgeable about my condition. He said my femur fracture was superficial and I could put full weight on my left foot. He indicated that the Bi-Polar replacements I had would never be done on a young man anymore. He suggested that both of my hips be replaced and explained his decision to use the Anterior method and explained it. He seemed very confident that he could handle my circumstance. I felt very comfortable with Dr. Post and elected to schedule the 1st replacement. Dr. Post had indicated he would first do my right hip and give my left femur more time to heal.
Two months later I had the right hip replaced. Dr Post used the Anterior method and I was on my feet 2 hours after surgery. I was home the next morning. Our home, a split level was a good place to recover as we had moved a bed into the family room after I returned home with the fractured hip 3 months earlier. In that we have a bathroom on that level I was able to avoid using stairs but could easily get outside to walk. I used the walker for about a week shifting to a cane. I made sure I took several walks each day increasing the length. I was amazed at how fast I recovered. I saw Dr Post about (2) weeks post surgery and elected to schedule the left hip which was done 7 weeks after the right.
The left hip was also replaced using the Anterior method. As had been the case with my right hip the stem did not need replacement but the left femur had more damage and material from the Bi-Polar replacement to cleanout. I again was on my feet 2 hours after surgery and returned home the next morning. Due to the disintegration of my left femur and tendon stretching required during surgery the recovery was a little slower than the right hip. I experienced a bit more post surgical pain but continued to exercise and walk. I saw Dr Post again 2 weeks after surgery and he explained why the left might take a little longer.. I saw him several more times in 2015 and due to the left hips stiffness requested physical therapy. He agreed and I had 4 sessions at Rothman PT and continued my exercises for months.
I again saw Dr. Post in July 2016 and explained the evening stiffness. He indicated that I could receive an ibuprofen injection of my PSOA tendon at a local Atlantic Medical Imaging if it was bothersome. I elected to not have the injection as my left hip has continued to improve as Dr Post said it would.
Today 2 years following surgeries I walk fine and have no pain nor need to limit the distance I walk. As I had learned from the 1990 surgeries there are things to avoid like lifting or carrying heavy weight and running( which I detest anyway). The left PSOA tendon at times is stiff but does not impede me in any way...I feel like someone should after having Replacement surgery..good. If it weren't for the scars and occasional stiffness I forget about my hips.. Well done Dr. Post
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