meniscal tear in media

Understanding Your Surgical Options for a Meniscal Tear in Media

Christopher C. Dodson, MD June 2nd, 2017

For local patients who experience a meniscal tear in Media, treatment often begins with a series of non-surgical interventions such as rest, ice, and over-the-counter medications.

Given enough time, these methods are often sufficient to restore the knee and allow the patient to return to normal activities.

However, when non-surgical methods are not enough to reduce or eliminate symptoms, knee specialists, like the ones who practice at nearby Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, may recommend one of two surgical techniques to address the damaged ligament.

Two Surgical Options for a Patient with a Meniscal Tear In Media

1. Meniscal Repair Surgery
Arthroscopic meniscus repair is an outpatient surgical procedure performed to repair torn knee cartilage. In this procedure, the injured meniscus cartilage is mended using sutures so that it can heal properly over time. Due to the important role of the meniscus in the protection and stabilization of the knee, repair surgery tends to be the preferred option in most cases.

2. Meniscal Removal Surgery
In other cases, arthroscopic meniscus repair is not feasible due to poor circulation to the area of the meniscus. Poor blood supply would cause a repair not to be effective because the meniscus would heal too slowly or not at all and the symptoms would persist. When that happens, meniscal removal surgery (or excision) is preferred.

Two Important Tips for a Patient with a Meniscal Tear in Media

1. Post-Surgery Recovery
The success rate for surgeries that treat patients with a meniscal tears in Media is very high. The procedure is typically followed by a period of bracing and physical therapy. Patients can expect to plan for a period of rest, that may include the use of medication and a compression sleeve to assist the knee in healing.

During this recovery period, it is important for patients to follow the instructions of their surgeon as closely as possible to ensure long term healing. Sticking with the recovery plan will help you return to your normal activities and routine sooner.

2. Trusted Specialists For Patients with a Meniscal Tear in Media
If you or someone you love does need meniscal tear surgery, contact the orthopaedic specialists at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute as soon as possible. Our team of knee experts have extensive experience and focus in knee health. When you come to Rothman, you can rest assured that you’ll be provided with the highest level of compassionate care.

For more information, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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