Learn about traumatic injuries that may occur in football and how to prevent them.
Football is an extremely popular sport in the United States. From high school games to the pros, few things get people as excited as a football game. But more and more we see sobering headlines alongside the celebratory ones--headlines about the many traumatic injuries in football.
While every sport poses some risks of injury, as a high impact sport, football is especially notorious for producing traumatic injuries.
Let’s take a look at some of these injuries, and what we should be doing to help prevent and reduce them.
4 Types of Traumatic Injuries in Football
While it is possible for just about any type of injury to occur during a football game, there are certain injuries that occur at a particularly high frequency.
Joint Injuries:
Injuries to the joints, especially the knee, ankles, and shoulders, are very common traumatic injuries in football games. These injuries may occur either from sudden impact or as a result of sudden strain. -
Overuse Injuries:
Overuse injuries occur when the same motion or exercise is repeated too frequently and without adequate rest to allow for recovery. Overuse may result in inflammation or tears. Lower back pain is a common overuse injury amongst football players. -
Heat Injuries:
Intense physical activity in high temperatures and humidity can lead to excessive perspiration and the depletion of the salt and water in the body. If not treated promptly, heat exhaustion and heat stroke may occur. -
Head Injuries:
Head injuries have been one of the largest concerns in football recently. The head injuries in football statistics can be troubling with a recent study finding that 40% of retired NFL players have evidence of traumatic brain injuries.
Concussions are a type of traumatic injury in football which occur very frequently. A concussion occurs when a force causes the brain to move back and forth inside the skull. This may occur as the result of a direct blow to the head, or a blow to the body that causes the head to move suddenly. A concussion temporarily affects brain functioning and the ability to process information; this may result in difficulty with balance, coordination, memory, and speech.
While the effects of concussions are normally brief--recovery usually takes around 7 to 10 days--repeated concussions can have serious, long-term consequences. Once a person has suffered one concussion, there is a higher risk of repeat concussions. This makes concussion prevention extremely important.
Another head injury concern connected to football is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE. CTE is a rare condition sometimes found in the brains of individuals who play contact sports, including football. CTE brain symptoms may include difficulties with cognition, emotions, behaviors, and physical problems.
While head injuries may be getting the most attention in the headlines right now, it is important to remember to take preventative measures for all types of traumatic injuries in football.
Some key measures that should be taken to reduce injuries include:
Proper training: When athletes are properly trained in the performance of particular maneuvers, many injuries may be avoided.
Strength training: Strengthening muscles which may be subject to particular strain and risk of injury can help to minimize those risks.
Appropriate recovery: It is essential that athletes are allowed necessary recovery time after workouts to avoid overuse injuries. When an injury does occur, it is critical that rest and recovery be allowed to prevent further injury.
Adequate hydration: Drinking enough water is critical to health and performance and the prevention of heat injuries.
Protective gear: Make sure athletes have the appropriate protective gear, that the gear is functional and undamaged, and that the gear is worn properly so as to be fully effective.
For more information on the treatment and prevention of traumatic injuries in football contact the orthopaedic experts at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute today.
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