Dr. Freedman is a board certified specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.  He is also a Clinical Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. 

Professional Profile

Titles & Certifications
Professional Associations


  • Honorary B.A., Central High School
  • B.A., La Salle University
  • M.D., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Internship, Delaware Valley Medical Center
  • Residency, Rehabilitation Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
  • Fellowship, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Non-surgical/Procedural Management of Spinal Disorders, Florida Spine Institute

Titles & Certifications

  • Clinical Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
  • Medical Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
  • Board Certified, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Professional Associations

  • American Osteopathic Association
  • American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
  • North American Spine Society
  • Academy of Pain Medicine
  • International Society of Spinal Injection


  • Honorary B.A., Central High School
  • B.A., La Salle University
  • M.D., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Internship, Delaware Valley Medical Center
  • Residency, Rehabilitation Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
  • Fellowship, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Non-surgical/Procedural Management of Spinal Disorders, Florida Spine Institute

Titles & Certifications

  • Clinical Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
  • Medical Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
  • Board Certified, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Professional Associations

  • American Osteopathic Association
  • American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
  • North American Spine Society
  • Academy of Pain Medicine
  • International Society of Spinal Injection
  • Editorial Positions
  • Reviewer for Journal of Spine: 2006- ongoing
  • Leader for NOW editorial board for Pain and Neuromuscular Medicine for AAPMR
  • Lectures by invitation
·         April 7, 2000              Evaluation of the Cervical Spine
Greater Philadelphia Pain Society, Philadelphia, PA
·         January 20, 2001     Evaluation and Treatment of Pain
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         February 20, 2001   Physiatric Evaluation of the Patient with Chronic Pain
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         February 22, 2001   Basic Pain Management
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
·         May 12, 2001                        Modalities in Pain Management
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         October 26, 2002      Evaluation and Treatment of Degenerative Spinal      
                                Disorders     Spinal Imaging Symposium, Philadelphia, PA
·         January 29, 2003     Modalities in Chronic Pain
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         April 22, 2003                       Modalities in Pain Management                                                                                       Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         July 2, 2003              Pain Management of Lumbar Disc Disorders
Jefferson Department of Family Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA
·         October 25, 2004      Physiatrist and Pain Management                                                                                               Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         October 2005               Symposium on Buttock Pain
Annual Meeting of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
·         January 13, 2005     Basics of EMG / NCV Grand Rounds                             
Department of Orthopaedics
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
                                         2006    The Treatment of Spinal Disorders
              Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
·         May 2007                    Epidural Steroid Injections
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         June 2008                    Update on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Pennsylvania Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Annual Meeting; Visiting Professor
·         June 2008                    Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spine
Eastern Shore Medical Symposium
·         April 3, 2009             Comparison of the Epidemiology, Surgical and
Non-surgical Management of Diabetic vs. Non-diabetic
Patients with Spinal Disorders in the Spine,
Patient Research Trials, Lumbar Spine Research Society
·         April 2009                 Updates in the Management of Lower Back Pain
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         March 2010                           Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Ulnar Nerve
37th Annual Course in Electrodiagnostic Medicine
·         September 2010       Nursing Pain Conference at Thomas Jefferson
Hospital Treatment of Lumbar Pain
·         March 2011                Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Ulnar Nerve
38th Annual course in Electrodiagnostic Medicine
·         April 2011                   Update in the evaluation and treatment of Complex                    
Regional Pain Syndrome
American Osteopathic College of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Bibliography
  • Publications
  • Peer- reviewed
  • Rivas, D.A., Chancellor M.B., Hill, K., Freedman, M.K.: Neurological Manifestations of Baclofen Withdraw. Journal of Urology 150(6): 1903-5, 1993.
  • Chancellor, M.B., Rivas, D.A., Panzer, D.E., Staas, W.E., Freedman, M.K.: Prospective Comparison of Topical Minoxdil to Vacuum Construction Device and Intracorporeal Papaverine Injection in Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction due to Spinal Cord Injury. Urology 43(3): 365-9, 1994.
  • Kornbluth, I., Freedman, M.K., Sher, L., Frederick, R.: Femoral Saphenous Nerve Palsy after Tourniquet Use: A Case Report. Arch Physical Medicine Rehabilitation 84:909-11, 2003.
  • Dholakia M, Kupfer M, Sher L, Dimuzio P, Freedman MK. Retroperitoneal false aneurysm presenting as anterior thigh pain and weakness, a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87(4); 583-84, 2006.
  • Holding MY, Saulino MF, Overton EA, Kornbluth ID, Freedman MK. Update on Important Definitions in Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S38-S40, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Overton EA, Saulino MF, Holding MY, Kornbluth ID. Diagnosis of Cervical and Thoracic Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89(3); S41-46, 2008.
  • Saulino MF, Kornbluth ID, Overton EA, Holding MY, Freedman MK. Evaluation and Management of Lumbar Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S47-50, 2008.
  • Kornbluth ID, Freedman MK, Holding MY, Overton EA, Saulino MF. Monitoring Progress and Compliance in Chronic Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S51-55, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Saulino MF, Overton EA, Holding MY, Kornbluth ID. Approaches to Medication and Lifestyle in Chronic Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S56-60, 2008.
  • Overton EA, Kornbluth ID, Saulino MF, Holding MY, Freedman MK. Interventional Approaches in Chronic Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S61-64, 2008.
  • Zhang Y, AN HS, Tannoury C, Thonar EJ-MA, Freedman MK, Anderson DG. Biologic Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease: Implications for the Field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(9): 694-702, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Hilibrand AS, Blood EA, Zhao W, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR, Oleson CV, Morgan TS, Weinstein JN. The Impact of Diabetes on the Outcomes of Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatment of Patients in the Spine Outcomes Research Trial. Spine, 36(4):290-308, 2011.
 Vasudevan JM, Nazarian LN, DeLuca PF, Beredjiklian PK, Freedman MK. Common peroneal entrapment neuropathy secondary to a popliteal lipoma: ultrasound superior to Resonance Imaging. PM&R  3(3);274-279, 2011.
  • Non Peer Reviewed
  • Lichten DL, Freedman MK. Shoulder Evaluation in the Patient with Cervical Radiculopathy. Practical Neurology 7(1); 14-16, 2008.
  • Gehret JA, Freedman MK, Sher L. Low Back vs. Hip Pain: How to Decide? Practical Neurology 7(5); 12-15, 2008.
  • Abstracts
  • Pfeifer R, Broyer Z, Conliffe TD, Freedman M. Sciatic Neuropathy in a Patient after Acupuncture Treatment: A Case Report. AAPMR Annual Assembly 10/22-10/25/2009. PM&R 1(9):S143, 10/22-25/2009.
  • Vasudevan J, Fetouf S, Freedman M. Perplexing leg pain and the value of musculoskeletal ultrasound. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 11/04/10 – 11/08/10.PM&R 2(9);S87, 2010.
  • Books
·         Freedman MK, Morrison WB, Hardwood MI, editors. Minimally Invasive Musculoskeletal Medicine. New York: Information Healthcare USA, Inc; 2007.
·         Chapters
  • Staas WE, Formal CS, Freedman MK et al: Spinal Cord Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. In DeLisa JA (Ed): Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed., pp 1259-1292. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lippincott – Raven, 1998.
  • Freedman MK: Axial Low Back Pain: Nonoperative Approach. In Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ (Ed): Mastercases Spine Surgery pp 78-84, New York, NY Time, 2001
  • Freedman MK, Brislin BT, Vaccaro AR, O’Neil C, Maurer PM, O’Brien E: Invasive Spinal Diagnostics. In Vaccaro AR, Betz RR, Zeidman SM(Ed): Principles and Practice of Spine Surgery, pp 97-114. Phila, Mosby Inc, 2003.
  • Freedman MK, Fried G: Rehabilitation of the Spinal Cord Injury Patient. In Vaccaro AR, Betz RR, Zeidman SM(Ed): “Principles and Practice of Spine Surgery”, pp 495-506. Phila, Mosby Inc, 2003.
  • Freedman MK, Vaccaro AR, Daffner SD, Fried G: Rehabilitation of the Patient with Tetraplegia and Paraplegia. In “The Adult and Pediatric Spine”, pp 619-632. Phila, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004.
  • Freedman MK, Broyer Z, Kornbluth I: Complications of Spinal Injections Therapy and Discography. In Vaccaro AR (ed): Complications of Pediatric and Adult Spinal Surgery, pp 573-592. New York, New York, Marcel Dekker, 2004.
  • Ovsiowitz RS, Swamy P, Freedman MK, Fried GW, Vaccaro AR: Low Back Pain–Nonoperative Treatment Strategies in “Spine Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics”, pp 57-65 Phila, Mosby Inc. 2005.
  • Freedman MK, Mayer TM, eds. Rehabilitation, In Vaccaro (Ed): Orthopaedic Knowledge Update pp 655-660. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005.
  • Freedman, MK, Dholakia MD, Ivill DW, Hilibrand AS, Broyer, Z: Cervical Radiculopathy In Skirven TM, Osterman AL, Fedorczyk JM, Amadio PC(Ed):Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, pp 713-723. Phila, Elsevier, 2011.


Stories Related to Mitchell K. Freedman, DO

Last Name *


  • Editorial Positions
  • Reviewer for Journal of Spine: 2006- ongoing
  • Leader for NOW editorial board for Pain and Neuromuscular Medicine for AAPMR
  • Lectures by invitation
·         April 7, 2000              Evaluation of the Cervical Spine
Greater Philadelphia Pain Society, Philadelphia, PA
·         January 20, 2001     Evaluation and Treatment of Pain
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         February 20, 2001   Physiatric Evaluation of the Patient with Chronic Pain
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         February 22, 2001   Basic Pain Management
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
·         May 12, 2001                        Modalities in Pain Management
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         October 26, 2002      Evaluation and Treatment of Degenerative Spinal      
                                Disorders     Spinal Imaging Symposium, Philadelphia, PA
·         January 29, 2003     Modalities in Chronic Pain
Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         April 22, 2003                       Modalities in Pain Management                                                                                       Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         July 2, 2003              Pain Management of Lumbar Disc Disorders
Jefferson Department of Family Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA
·         October 25, 2004      Physiatrist and Pain Management                                                                                               Jefferson Pain Center, Philadelphia, PA
·         October 2005               Symposium on Buttock Pain
Annual Meeting of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
·         January 13, 2005     Basics of EMG / NCV Grand Rounds                             
Department of Orthopaedics
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
                                         2006    The Treatment of Spinal Disorders
              Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
·         May 2007                    Epidural Steroid Injections
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         June 2008                    Update on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Pennsylvania Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Annual Meeting; Visiting Professor
·         June 2008                    Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spine
Eastern Shore Medical Symposium
·         April 3, 2009             Comparison of the Epidemiology, Surgical and
Non-surgical Management of Diabetic vs. Non-diabetic
Patients with Spinal Disorders in the Spine,
Patient Research Trials, Lumbar Spine Research Society
·         April 2009                 Updates in the Management of Lower Back Pain
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
·         March 2010                           Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Ulnar Nerve
37th Annual Course in Electrodiagnostic Medicine
·         September 2010       Nursing Pain Conference at Thomas Jefferson
Hospital Treatment of Lumbar Pain
·         March 2011                Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the Ulnar Nerve
38th Annual course in Electrodiagnostic Medicine
·         April 2011                   Update in the evaluation and treatment of Complex                    
Regional Pain Syndrome
American Osteopathic College of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Bibliography
  • Publications
  • Peer- reviewed
  • Rivas, D.A., Chancellor M.B., Hill, K., Freedman, M.K.: Neurological Manifestations of Baclofen Withdraw. Journal of Urology 150(6): 1903-5, 1993.
  • Chancellor, M.B., Rivas, D.A., Panzer, D.E., Staas, W.E., Freedman, M.K.: Prospective Comparison of Topical Minoxdil to Vacuum Construction Device and Intracorporeal Papaverine Injection in Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction due to Spinal Cord Injury. Urology 43(3): 365-9, 1994.
  • Kornbluth, I., Freedman, M.K., Sher, L., Frederick, R.: Femoral Saphenous Nerve Palsy after Tourniquet Use: A Case Report. Arch Physical Medicine Rehabilitation 84:909-11, 2003.
  • Dholakia M, Kupfer M, Sher L, Dimuzio P, Freedman MK. Retroperitoneal false aneurysm presenting as anterior thigh pain and weakness, a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87(4); 583-84, 2006.
  • Holding MY, Saulino MF, Overton EA, Kornbluth ID, Freedman MK. Update on Important Definitions in Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S38-S40, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Overton EA, Saulino MF, Holding MY, Kornbluth ID. Diagnosis of Cervical and Thoracic Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89(3); S41-46, 2008.
  • Saulino MF, Kornbluth ID, Overton EA, Holding MY, Freedman MK. Evaluation and Management of Lumbar Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S47-50, 2008.
  • Kornbluth ID, Freedman MK, Holding MY, Overton EA, Saulino MF. Monitoring Progress and Compliance in Chronic Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S51-55, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Saulino MF, Overton EA, Holding MY, Kornbluth ID. Approaches to Medication and Lifestyle in Chronic Pain Syndromes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S56-60, 2008.
  • Overton EA, Kornbluth ID, Saulino MF, Holding MY, Freedman MK. Interventional Approaches in Chronic Pain Management. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(3); S61-64, 2008.
  • Zhang Y, AN HS, Tannoury C, Thonar EJ-MA, Freedman MK, Anderson DG. Biologic Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease: Implications for the Field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(9): 694-702, 2008.
  • Freedman MK, Hilibrand AS, Blood EA, Zhao W, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR, Oleson CV, Morgan TS, Weinstein JN. The Impact of Diabetes on the Outcomes of Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatment of Patients in the Spine Outcomes Research Trial. Spine, 36(4):290-308, 2011.
 Vasudevan JM, Nazarian LN, DeLuca PF, Beredjiklian PK, Freedman MK. Common peroneal entrapment neuropathy secondary to a popliteal lipoma: ultrasound superior to Resonance Imaging. PM&R  3(3);274-279, 2011.
  • Non Peer Reviewed
  • Lichten DL, Freedman MK. Shoulder Evaluation in the Patient with Cervical Radiculopathy. Practical Neurology 7(1); 14-16, 2008.
  • Gehret JA, Freedman MK, Sher L. Low Back vs. Hip Pain: How to Decide? Practical Neurology 7(5); 12-15, 2008.
  • Abstracts
  • Pfeifer R, Broyer Z, Conliffe TD, Freedman M. Sciatic Neuropathy in a Patient after Acupuncture Treatment: A Case Report. AAPMR Annual Assembly 10/22-10/25/2009. PM&R 1(9):S143, 10/22-25/2009.
  • Vasudevan J, Fetouf S, Freedman M. Perplexing leg pain and the value of musculoskeletal ultrasound. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 11/04/10 – 11/08/10.PM&R 2(9);S87, 2010.
  • Books
·         Freedman MK, Morrison WB, Hardwood MI, editors. Minimally Invasive Musculoskeletal Medicine. New York: Information Healthcare USA, Inc; 2007.
·         Chapters
  • Staas WE, Formal CS, Freedman MK et al: Spinal Cord Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. In DeLisa JA (Ed): Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed., pp 1259-1292. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lippincott – Raven, 1998.
  • Freedman MK: Axial Low Back Pain: Nonoperative Approach. In Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ (Ed): Mastercases Spine Surgery pp 78-84, New York, NY Time, 2001
  • Freedman MK, Brislin BT, Vaccaro AR, O’Neil C, Maurer PM, O’Brien E: Invasive Spinal Diagnostics. In Vaccaro AR, Betz RR, Zeidman SM(Ed): Principles and Practice of Spine Surgery, pp 97-114. Phila, Mosby Inc, 2003.
  • Freedman MK, Fried G: Rehabilitation of the Spinal Cord Injury Patient. In Vaccaro AR, Betz RR, Zeidman SM(Ed): “Principles and Practice of Spine Surgery”, pp 495-506. Phila, Mosby Inc, 2003.
  • Freedman MK, Vaccaro AR, Daffner SD, Fried G: Rehabilitation of the Patient with Tetraplegia and Paraplegia. In “The Adult and Pediatric Spine”, pp 619-632. Phila, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004.
  • Freedman MK, Broyer Z, Kornbluth I: Complications of Spinal Injections Therapy and Discography. In Vaccaro AR (ed): Complications of Pediatric and Adult Spinal Surgery, pp 573-592. New York, New York, Marcel Dekker, 2004.
  • Ovsiowitz RS, Swamy P, Freedman MK, Fried GW, Vaccaro AR: Low Back Pain–Nonoperative Treatment Strategies in “Spine Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics”, pp 57-65 Phila, Mosby Inc. 2005.
  • Freedman MK, Mayer TM, eds. Rehabilitation, In Vaccaro (Ed): Orthopaedic Knowledge Update pp 655-660. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005.
  • Freedman, MK, Dholakia MD, Ivill DW, Hilibrand AS, Broyer, Z: Cervical Radiculopathy In Skirven TM, Osterman AL, Fedorczyk JM, Amadio PC(Ed):Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, pp 713-723. Phila, Elsevier, 2011.


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