
Three Questions to Help You Find the Best Lawrenceville Joint Surgeons

Arjun Saxena, MD, MBA July 30th, 2018

Nervous At The Thought Of Joint Surgery? These Questions Can Help.

Joint pain can result from a number of traumatic events, emerging conditions, or diseases. If you have joint pain that is getting progressively worse, it’s time to get diagnosed and seek treatment. Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can perform both non-operative and operative treatments on many distinct joints, including the hips, knees, ankles, hands, wrists, and shoulders.

An expert joint surgeon should provide comprehensive explanations to answer each and every one of your questions. It is your body, after all, and you’ll want to understand exactly what is happening to it. Below are three questions to ask Lawrenceville joint surgeons regarding your condition and future procedure.

Three Questions to Ask Lawrenceville Joint Surgeons

  1. Am I ready for joint surgery?

After attempting other forms of non-operative treatment, your Lawrenceville joint specialist should express to you that surgery is a last resort. In order to determine whether you personally feel ready for a surgical procedure, ask yourself and your doctor some of the following questions:

  • Have my symptoms gotten progressively worse over time?

  • Am I healthy enough for surgery?

  • Can I live with the pain I’m currently experiencing?

  • Have I explored every other option available besides surgery?

  • How will surgery improve my condition?

  • Am I prepared for the recovery process?

With the help of these questions and the advice of your doctor, you can decide if surgery is the best joint treatment option for your particular case. Lawrenceville joint surgeons and others at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute perform thousands of joint replacement surgeries each year, and therefore have the experience to put your mind at ease.

  1. How can I prepare for my joint surgery?

A doctor or surgeon should assist you with preparing for your upcoming procedure. Your joint physician may give you a physical health exam to ensure you are indeed healthy enough for surgery. Your surgeon might also require specific preoperative tests (such as blood tests) before the day of the procedure.

Preparing for your joint surgery will depend on the type of surgery you are having done and how the injury or condition manifested in the first place. Three common causes of joint pain include a traumatic injury (from playing a sport or a car accident,) a particular disease or condition that results in inflammation of the joints (such as Gout or Lupus,) and arthritis, which is considered one of the leading causes for joint pain in the U.S.

There are several kinds of joint surgeries that aim to realign the joint or remove any damaged lining. One major joint procedure, total joint replacement, involves replacing parts of an impaired joint with a prosthesis, which is designed to replicate the same movement of a healthy and functioning joint. Prep your body for total joint replacement by eating nutrient-dense foods and exercising your uninjured body parts. Additionally, you may want to pack a small bag of items, some of which may include a book to read while waiting, a change of clothes, and any medications you take regularly.

  1. What can I do to speed up my recovery after joint surgery?

So, you’ve decided to get joint surgery treatment and know how to prepare for operation day. What about postsurgical recovery? Our joint surgeons recommend asking a friend or family member for assistance at home following your procedure. You may experience temporary pain right out of surgery, and you will likely recover quicker if you do not attempt to do everything yourself.

After a period of rest, exercise is also an important part of recovery. Talk to your doctor or surgeon about attending physical therapy to regain regular movement in the joint. While performing rehabilitory exercises, though, make sure to immediately report any sensations of pain.

The medical professionals of Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute understand that joint surgery can be a frightening thought. However, our surgeons have the expertise to perform successful joint surgeries, in addition to the communication skills to put your mind at ease about your operation.To learn more about our Lawrenceville joint surgeons, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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