
Where to Get a Knee Cartilage Restoration Procedure Near Ridgewood

Learn About Your Knee Cartilage Restoration Options

If you have arthritis or another condition in your knees causing the deterioration of articular joint cartilage, you may be wondering what your treatment options are. The articular cartilage that prevents friction between bones in your joints cannot heal by itself when damaged. However, there are surgical techniques that can stimulate regrowth.

Any type of knee cartilage restoration is an intricate process that requires the diligence and dexterity of an expert. At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, our Sports Medicine specialists in Montvale can provide knee cartilage restorations near Ridgewood. These procedures can eventually restore function to patients’ knee joints, alleviate pain and restore you to vigorous activity. Below, you will learn about the various types of cartilage restoration as well as why our practice is the best North Jersey choice for this treatment.

Four Knee Cartilage Restoration Options Near Ridgewood

Generally, there are four main types of cartilage restoration surgeries that our knee surgeons perform for severe cartilage injuries:

  1. Microfracture/Marrow Stimulating Procedure: An arthroscopic microfracture can restore small, thick areas of cartilage damage. During this procedure, the surgeon drills small holes through the bone and fills in the damaged area with stem cells from the bone marrow. Although this surgery enables the production of reparative fibrous tissue, microfractures do not have the long-lasting results as other cartilage restoration processes do.

  2. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI): Recommended for large areas of full thickness cartilage loss, ACI includes two procedures. After a surgeon collects healthy cartilage cells with arthroscopic tools, she or he will implant these cells into the damaged area to stimulate regrowth.

  3. Chondroplasty/Debridement: This procedure involves smoothing out and shaping rough areas of cartilage. After that, a surgeon will remove loose pieces that are “swimming” around in the joint.

  4. Osteochondral Transplant: When knee cartilage damage is large enough, the knee surgeon will utilize cartilage and/or bone transplants. This option may also be the most appropriate when other techniques fail to improve the patient’s pain. During this procedure, the surgeon with harvest healthy cartilage and bone either from a cadaver or the patient’s own cartilage grown in a laboratory. In some cases, the involved area is so large that the physician needs to transplant cartilage from an allograft which is termed osteochondral allograft transplantation.

Our Dedication to Excellent Orthopaedic Care

The Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Cartilage Restoration Center of Excellence consists of highly trained and educated professionals who are proficient in resurfacing, realigning, and stabilizing joints with cartilage loss. Based on research in the field, joint treatment is heading in the direction of restoration for some younger, healthier patients. Still, each patient’s condition is unique and must be evaluated by a specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment needed.

Aside from our doctors’ impressive experiences and backgrounds, patients appreciate the values we place at the forefront of our practice:

  • Innovation: We are committed to the research we do and to advancing our knowledge and methods of practice.

  • Respect: We value our patients’ trust in us and strive to give back in the form of accurate and superior orthopaedic care.

  • Integrity: We speak honestly and openly to patients about their condition, care options, and outlook.

  • Compassion: We know certain diagnoses can impact patients emotionally, and the possibility of getting surgery may be overwhelming for some. Our doctors pride themselves on their bedside manner.

  • Trust: The doctor-patient relationship is built on trust—and so are the relationships of our doctors, surgeons, and professional staff members. We consider ourselves a team comprised of communicative and well-connected professionals. Our practice is resilient because each member of our team has this goal in common: to improve the quality of life of all patients who come to us.

If you live in the area, visit one of our North Jersey offices to receive the exceptional care for your knees that you deserve. To learn more about the details of knee cartilage restoration near Ridgewood, or to schedule an appointment with one of our knee specialists, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.


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