Learn about each step of the knee replacement surgical.
A knee replacement in Trenton administered by the experts at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is a highly reliable, effective operation. With excellent knee replacement surgery success rates, knee patients at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute tend to have highly positive results following surgery. However, while the skill of knee replacement surgeons and effectiveness of the surgical procedure provides reassurance, familiarity with the specific details of the operation can provide patients with the knowledge they need to confidently face their procedure.
When it comes to preparing for a knee replacement in Trenton, a thorough understanding of the surgical procedure will enable you to better mentally and physically prepare for your operation and the recovery period that follows. And, as always, knowledge and a sense of what to expect will help to ease your worries before surgery.
Knee Replacement Procedure: Step by Step
A knee replacement surgery involves the removal and replacement of the knee bone’s surface. This may be deemed necessary by your doctor or specialist for a number of reasons; most common among them is severe degradation resulting from arthritis.
All three major forms of arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and posttraumatic arthritis) can significantly compromise the function of the knee. Arthritis destroys the cartilage that enables smooth, frictionless movement of the knee joint and causes painful inflammation. If damage from arthritis advances to the point where it begins to harm your mobility and lifestyle, a knee replacement in Trenton may be recommended by your doctor to address your knee condition and eliminate the associated symptoms.
If knee replacement surgery is advised, you’ll want to know exactly what to expect. Below is a step by step look at the surgical procedure:
The first step is the administration of anesthesia (either general, spinal, regional, or epidural); the type administered will depend upon the particulars of your condition and medical history.
The surgery proper begins with the preparation of the bone. This entails removing the degraded cartilage surface and a small portion of bone from both ends of the femur and the tibia.
The artificial implants must then be properly positioned. The removed sections of cartilage and bone are replaced with metal implants which are fitted or cemented into the bone and serve to recreate the joint’s surface.
The next step is the resurfacing of the patella. This involves cutting and smoothing the underside of the patella. While this step may be recommended in some cases, not all patients will have their patellas resurfaced.
The final procedural step is the insertion of a spacer. Medical plastic spacers help to create a smooth surface for gliding movements.
These five steps comprise the steps of a knee replacement in Trenton, as well as anywhere in the world. However, the process of treatment and recovery continues after the procedure proper has ended. The first step of recovery will be to move to a recovery hospital room where your wounds will be cared for and your pain will be managed.
Your post-surgery hospital stay could last several days, after which the recovery process will be transferred to your home. Most patients will be able to resume normal, light activities (such as driving) within four to six weeks, but knee replacement surgery recovery time varies from patient to patient.
These are the basic steps of the knee replacement in Trenton procedure. While we hope that familiarity with the surgical and recovery processes will help to alleviate your concerns, you likely will have specific questions regarding your particular condition and anticipations. We encourage you to reach out to Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute with your questions; we’ll be glad to speak with you and address your concerns. To learn more, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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