Most Common Knee and Shoulder Injuries Sustained at the Beach
With summer in full swing, spending a hot day at the beach is a long-lived tradition. The beach is and has always been a place of pure joy. Kids and adults alike are free to run, jump, tackle, and play! However, orthopedic injuries at the beach can quickly derail a fun day in the sun.
An orthopedic injury definition is broad and can include an array of injuries. For instance, injuries of the knee, shoulder, elbow, and ankle can all fit in this definition. It is important to be aware of the most common orthopedic injuries that can be experienced at the beach. Two of the most common injuries to be aware of are ACL tears and concussion injuries.
ACL Injuries
The term ACL has become quite well known within the sports community. ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament and is found in your knee. An ACL tear is a fairly common orthopedic sports injury but can occur even while playing at the beach or swimming in the ocean.
It is important to be aware of the symptoms of an ACL injury so that you can take prompt action in treating it. If you experience some or all of the following symptoms, then you may have incurred an ACL injury.
A popping noise or feeling
Severe pain and continuing pain with activity
Rapid swelling
Decreased range of motion and instability when bearing weight
There are some primary causes of ACL injuries, and if known, can reduce the chances of orthopedic injuries at the beach. These causes include:
Changing direction suddenly
Landing awkwardly from jumping
Being tackled or any direct physical force
Nevertheless, informal games and play at the beach can also result in ACL tears. Not all injuries are avoidable, however, these preventative measures can help to protect yourself and your loved ones while at the beach:
Playing on more stable surfaces: The sand can create a lot of instability while walking or playing. It would be best to run or play on grass nearby or areas like playgrounds designated for kids! If you do want to run or play on the sand, choose level, firm sand over soft or uneven sand.
Warming up: Take time to stretch and do some light warm-ups before jumping straight into more intense activity. Remember that the softness and instability of the sand can put extra strain on your muscles and joints.
Don’t overdo it: Due to that extra effort required to move around on the beach, it is easy to overwork your muscles without realizing it. Remember that a mile run on the beach is more strenuous than a mile run on the road.
If you have further questions about ACL tears, you can learn more here or consult your physician.
Concussion Injuries
Concussions are quite common injuries, and can even occur at the beach. Head injuries may occur during informal play on the beach or while swimming in rough water. Both are situations you should be aware of for you and your family.
Recognizing the symptoms of a concussion are incredibly important. If left untreated, they may lead to more serious health conditions, such as seizures and slurred speech. The symptoms of a concussion are:
Pressure in your head
Confusion or feeling like you are in a fog
Nausea and vomiting
Dizziness and ringing in the ears
It is important to know these symptoms so if you or a loved one experience any of them, you can seek medical attention quickly. The first thing you should do is approach a certified lifeguard on the beach. They are trained to help in medical situations including orthopedic injuries at the beach.
At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we specialize in orthopedic medicine in the Philadelphia area and are dedicated to providing any help or guidance that is needed when dealing with an orthopaedic injury. Please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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