shoulder injuries in the winter

Avoiding Shoulder Injuries in the Winter

Joseph A. Abboud, MD October 30th, 2017

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute offers unmatched care for seasonal shoulder injuries.

Winter presents a double threat in terms of orthopaedic injuries; the cold, icy conditions can simultaneously raise the risk of initial injuries and also increase the severity of symptoms related to former injuries and ongoing conditions.

That’s why shoulder injuries in the winter are such a critical issue. The onset of ice, snow, and sleet significantly increases the threat of slips, trips, and falls which may result in traumatic shoulder injuries; likewise, certain wintertime activities (such as skiing, ice skating, sledding, and shoveling) predispose you to injury. And as temperatures drop, shoulder pain in cold weather may become increasingly problematic.

For those who have suffered traumatic   in the winter and those whose injuries have grown intolerable, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is proud to offer effective, top-quality orthopaedic care to address shoulder conditions and symptoms. To learn more about common winter injuries and symptoms, as well as the treatments that can properly address and treat them, continue reading.

Seasonal Shoulder Injury Threats

There are numerous shoulder injuries that may result from wintertime accidents and just as many types of activities with high risks of injury. Among the most common causes of orthopaedic injury during wintertime are:

  • Skiing (responsible for 114,000 injuries annually)

  • Snowboarding (responsible for 79,000 injuries annually)

  • Sledding, snow tubing, and tobogganing (responsible for 52,000 injuries annually)

  • Ice skating (responsible for 47,000 injuries annually)

All of these sports may result in traumatic injuries to the shoulder, such as sprains, strains, tears, breaks, and dislocations. However, many non-athletic activities may result in a shoulder injuries in the winter as well.

Slips and falls on icy pavement are a common cause of shoulder injuries; forceful impact with icy surfaces may cause damage to the joint. Soreness, bruising, and dislocations are all common consequences of an icy fall. Meanwhile, the repetitive shoulder motions of shoveling snow is a common cause of rotator cuff tears.

Seasonal Shoulder Symptoms

For patients already suffering from orthopaedic shoulder conditions, the cold weather of the winter season can intensify painful symptoms. While there is no established scientific data on causation or the exact nature of these symptoms, cold, stiffened joints and decreased atmospheric pressure (enabling additional swelling) are possible causes.

For those suffering from shoulder arthritis, post-traumatic shoulder conditions, and other orthopaedic shoulder issues, warming up your shoulder prior to activity to loosen muscles and ligaments is recommended for reducing shoulder pain. Stretching may also help to increase blood flow and deliver pain relief for muscles.

Treatments for Shoulder Injuries in the Winter  

If you are dealing with the symptoms of a shoulder injury (including shoulder arthritis) during the winter season and are having increasing difficulty maintaining a normal lifestyle without increased pain, inflammation, and immobility, it may be time to visit an orthopaedic specialist.

Treatments available for shoulder injuries include both nonoperative and surgical options. For minor or moderate injuries, lifestyle modifications, medications, physical therapy, and the use of supportive/assistive devices may be sufficient for treating shoulder injury symptoms. For more serious injuries or advanced arthritic conditions, surgery may be recommended.

If you’ve experienced shoulder injuries in the winter and the associated symptoms, you’ll want to pursue the best care available. The doctors and specialists at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute have unmatched expertise treating shoulder injuries. Please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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