Every function of your body depends on the health of your spinal cord.
In this article, we’ll cover some basic information about causes and characteristics of spinal cord conditions, types of spine surgery, and guidelines for how to respond if trauma to the spine occurs.
Identifying Types of Spinal Cord Injury
What Are They & How Do They Occur?
Injuries to the spinal cord can vary, but the most common are these three types:
Contusion: bruising of the spinal cord
Compression: pressure on the spinal cord, often caused by the accumulation of blood, disc material, or fluid in the canal
Central Cord Syndrome: specific damage to the cervical region of the spinal cord
There are a variety of potential spinal cord injury causes. Most frequently, they happen as a result of some kind of accident. Our spine physicians here at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute see patients that have experienced all kinds of trauma, including, but not limited to :
Car accidents
Slip and fall accidents
Sports-related injuries
Domestic abuse
Spinal Cord Surgery
There are a number of injuries that can be effectively treated through spinal surgery. Most surgeries of this type are done for one of two purposes - to decompress the spinal cord and/or to stabilize it.
Decompression: This kind of surgery will remove the cause of the pressure, whether it’s the buildup of fluid around the cord, a spinal tumor, or a herniated disc from the spinal column. Patients should talk to their surgeon regarding whether the procedure would be a laminectomy or a discectomy and whether it would be done from an anterior or posterior approach.
Fusion: These surgeries are performed in order to stabilize the spine so that it properly supports and does not pose a threat to the cord. Fusion procedures involve the placement of a screw and rods or plates and the implantation of a bone graft. Patients should talk to their surgeon about whether a graft would be taken from their own body or a donor’s.
When it comes to surgical treatment for spine injuries, patients should keep in mind the importance of choosing the right surgeon. Look for a physician who has these two important characteristics:
Years of experience performing successful spine surgeries
Willingness to walk you through the process and answer all questions
Respond Promptly to Spinal Cord Injuries
When trauma occurs and the result is an injury to the spinal cord, it is essential to seek care immediately. Because the cord responds by swelling, patients must be treated promptly with steroid medication to reduce inflammation. Seeing a spine physician as soon as possible will reduce the risk of additional issues developing due to pressure on the cord or spinal instability.
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is known throughout the country for our highly acclaimed team of spine specialists. In fact, our physicians are innovators in the technology and techniques used to treat spinal cord injuries. To learn more about the possibility of spinal cord surgery, or to consult with one of our spine physicians, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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