Swimmer’s shoulder and breaststroke knee are two of the most common swimming injuries. Learn more about these injuries and treatment options.
From swimmer’s shoulder to breaststroke knee, swimming can cause painful orthopaedic conditions. Some of the most common swimming injuries may result in months out of the water - something serious swimmers want to avoid at all costs. Taking preventative measures (such as stretching, building muscle and ligament strength, and rotating strokes and workout activities) is the best way to ensure an uninterrupted swimming season.
However, if you do experience competitive swimming injuries, it is critical that you seek out swimming injury treatment to prevent further, long-term damage. Leaving injuries untreated and continuing to swim can cause some of the worst swimming injuries; it’s always better to pursue swimming injury treatment while your injury is still in an early stage. And, if you’re in search for an effective swimming injury treatment that will allow you to have a full, successful recovery - so you can get back in the pool as quickly as possible - there’s no better option than the orthopedic specialists at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.
Two Swimming Injuries, Two Effective Treatment Options
We’d like to take a closer look at the two common swimming injuries we previously mentioned: swimmer’s shoulder and breaststroke knee. Knee injuries from swimming and common swimming shoulder injuries have a great deal of variance in terms of severity, and the prescribed treatment will vary accordingly. For each of these injuries, we offer a wide range of treatment options, discussed below.
Swimmer’s Shoulder
Of all the injuries that swimmers face, those affecting the shoulder are the most common and often the most severe. As the arm is lifted during swimming activity, impingement of the rotator cuff may occur. This is caused by pressure that the shoulder blade or scapula place upon the rotator cuff; and as this motion is repeated during swimming, the rotator cuff and surrounding muscles will become weakened and subject to strain and fatigue. This may result in painful inflammation of the bicep tendon and shoulder instability as the weakened and damaged muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint become unable to properly hold the ball within the socket.
If you’ve experienced swimmer’s shoulder-type injuries of minor severity, your swimming injury treatment will typically begin with pain management, anti-inflammatory medicines, and physical therapy. However, in more serious cases, these treatments may be insufficient. In these cases, surgery will likely be recommended. The surgical procedure involves repairing the damaged tendons and smoothing the surface of the shoulder blade; it is a highly effective and permanent swimming injury treatment. -
Breaststroke Knee
Also known as “swimmer’s knee”, breaststroke knee is a common swimming injury that most frequently affects breaststroke swimmers. It is caused by the stress that is placed on the knee’s inner ligaments by the propulsive kicks of the legs that power breaststroke swimmers. As the legs extend during the breaststroke kick, the knee experiences unnatural external rotation, which strains the medial collateral ligament.
Much like swimmer’s shoulder, minor cases of breaststroke knee can be effectively treated with anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and physical therapy. However, if the medial collateral ligament is severely damaged or torn, a surgical solution will be necessary to repair or replace the damaged ligament.
Though swimmer’s shoulder and breaststroke knee are two of the most common swimming injuries, there are many others that swimmers may have. If you’ve experienced an orthopaedic injury of any type during your swimming activity, the physicians at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can offer you the most effective treatment plans to ensure a fast and full recovery. To discuss swimming injury treatment options or schedule an appointment, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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