Surena Namdari, MD Image 1

Surena Namdari, MD

Surena Namdari, MD Image 1

Dr. Namdari is a board certified shoulder and elbow surgeon and a Professor of orthopedic surgery at Thomas Jefferson University. He is the Fellowship Director and Co-Director of Research for the Shoulder and Elbow Division.  He completed medical school at Brown University and orthopedic residency at the University of Pennsylvania. He was then awarded a fellowship in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery at Washington University in St Louis.

He specializes in the arthroscopic and open treatment of all conditions of the shoulder and elbow, including arthritis, tendon disorders, fractures, and instability.  He is particularly interested in complex problems, involving bone loss, irreparable tendon tears, or failed previous surgery.

Dr. Namdari is especially committed to the practice of evidence-based medicine and is actively involved in advancing the field of orthopedics through research.  He has an extensive bibliography of original papers and abstracts and presents both nationally and internationally.  He is also actively involved in the innovation and design of new medical devices and implants aimed at improving patient outcomes.



Professional Profile

Titles & Certifications
Professional Associations


  • Fellowship, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Residency, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania
  • MD, Brown Medical School
  • MSc, Brown University – Division of Biology and Medicine
  • BA, Brown University – Division of Biology

Titles & Certifications

  • Professor, Orthopedic Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Co-Director of Shoulder and Elbow Research, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
  • Fellowship Director, Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

Professional Associations

  • American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Association of Clinical Elbow and Shoulder Surgeons
  • Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society, Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons
  • Mid-Atlantic Shoulder and Elbow Society
  • Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society
  • Multi-Center Orthopaedic Outcome Network (MOON) Shoulder Group
  • Penn Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders (PCMD) Affiliate Member


  • Fellowship, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Residency, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania
  • MD, Brown Medical School
  • MSc, Brown University – Division of Biology and Medicine
  • BA, Brown University – Division of Biology

Titles & Certifications

  • Professor, Orthopedic Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Co-Director of Shoulder and Elbow Research, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
  • Fellowship Director, Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

Professional Associations

  • American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Association of Clinical Elbow and Shoulder Surgeons
  • Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society, Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons
  • Mid-Atlantic Shoulder and Elbow Society
  • Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society
  • Multi-Center Orthopaedic Outcome Network (MOON) Shoulder Group
  • Penn Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders (PCMD) Affiliate Member
  • April 3, 2018

    Is your purse or briefcase the culprit of your neck and back pain?

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    Is your purse or briefcase the culprit of your neck and back pain?
  • May 6, 2015

    Dr. Surena Namdari on Manny Pacquiao's injury, surgery and rehab

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    Dr. Surena Namdari on Manny Pacquiao's injury, surgery and rehab

1.    Namdari H,  Kintner K, Jackson B, Namdari S, Hughes J, Peairs R, Savage D.  Abiotrophia
Species as a Cause of Endophthalmitis Following Cataract Extraction. J Clin Micro. 1999;37(5):1564-6.

2.    Namdari S, Carney WI, Weiss APC. Palmar bypass for digital ischemia. J Hand Surg [Am].
2007 Oct;32(8):1251-8.

3.    Namdari S, Valdes M, Born CT. Parturition-Induced Pubic Symphysis Separation and Sacral
Ala Fracture: Case Report and Review of the Medical Literature.  J of Pelvic Med and Surg Nov/Dec 2007;13(6):383-390.

4.    Park MJ, Namdari S, Weiss APC. The carpal boss: review of diagnosis and treatment. J Hand
Surg [Am]. 2008 Mar;33(3):446-9.

5.    Namdari S, Park MJ, Carney WI, Weiss APC. Chronic hand ischemia treated with radial
artery balloon angioplasty: case report. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2008 Apr:33(4);551-4.

6.    Wernecke G, Namdari S, Dicarlo EF, Schneider R, Lane JM. Case Report of Spontaneous,
Nonspinal Fractures in a Multiple Myeloma Patient on Long-term Pamidronate and Zoledronic Acid. HSS J. 2008 Sep;4(2):123-7.

7.    Namdari S, Henn RF, Green A. Traumatic anterior superior rotator cuff tears:  the
outcome of open surgical repair. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Sep;90(9):1906-13.

8.    Namdari S, Moore D, Wei L, Chen Q. Reduced limb length and worsened osteoarthritis in
adult mice after genetic inhibition of p38 MAP kinase activity in cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Oct 30:58(11)3520-3529.

9.    Auerbach JD, Namdari S, Milby AH, White AP, Reddy SC, Lonner BS, Balderston RA. The
parallax effect in the evaluation of range of motion in lumbar total disc replacement. SAS Journal December 2008;2(4), 184-188.

10.    Namdari S, Weiss APC. Anatomically-neutral silicone small joint arthroplasty for
osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2009 Feb:34(2):292-300.

11.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Anakwenze O, Park MJ, Huffman R, Sennett B. Results and
performance after microfracture in National Basketball Association (NBA) athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2009 May;37(5):943-8.

12.    Namdari S, Green A. Range of motion limitation after rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow
Surg. 2010 Mar;19(2):290-6.

13.    Namdari S, Park MJ, Baldwin K, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA.  Effect of age, sex, and timing
on correction of spastic equinovarus following cerebrovascular accident. Foot Ankle Int. 2009 Oct;30(10):923-7.
14.    Baldwin KD, Harrison RA, Namdari S, Nelson CL, Hosalkar HS. Outcomes of hip
arthroscopy for treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review.  Current Orthopaedic Practice. 20(6):669-673, November/December 2009.

15.    Kamath AF, Pandya NK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA.  Surgical technique for
correction of adult spastic equinovarus foot.  Tech Foot Ankle Surg. 8(4):160-167, December 2009.

16.    Valdes MA, Thakur NA, Namdari S, Ciombor DM, Palumbo M. Recombinant bone  
morphogenic protein-2 in orthopaedic surgery: a review. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Dec;129(12):1651-7. Epub 2009 Mar 12.

17.    Baldwin K, Namdari S, Andersen JR, Lee B, Itamura JM, Huffman GR. Luggage Tag
Technique of Anatomic Fixation of Displaced Acromioclavicular Joint Separations. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan;468(1):259-65. Epub 2009 May 7.

18.    Namdari S, Pill S, Makani A, Keenan MA. Rectus femoris to gracilis transfer with fractional
lengthening of the vastus muscles: A treatment for adults with stiff knee gait. Phys Ther. 2010 Feb;90(2):261-8. Epub 2009 Dec 18.

19.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Weinraub B, Mehta S. Changes in the number of resident
publications after inception of the 80-hour work week. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Aug;468(8):2278-83. Epub 2010 Feb 13.

20.     Park MJ, Namdari S, Yao J. Anatomic variations of the palmaris longus muscle. Am J
Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2010 Feb;39(2):89-94.

21.    Anakwenze OA, Namdari S, Auerbach JD, Baldwin K, Weidner ZD, Lonner BS,
Huffman GR, Sennett BJ. Athletic Performance Outcomes Following Lumbar Discectomy in Professional Basketball Players. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Apr 1;35(7):825-8.

22.    Hsu JE, Namdari S, Baldwin KD, Esterhai JL, Mehta S. Is upper extremity trauma an
independent risk factor for lower extremity venous thromboembolism? An 11-year experience at a Level I trauma center. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 Jan;131(1):27-32.  

23.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Green A. Does obesity affect early outcome after rotator
cuff repair? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Dec;19(8):1250-5.

24.     Namdari S, Milby A, Garino JP.  Limb salvage following infected knee arthroplasty with
bone loss and extensor mechanism deficiency using a modular segmental replacement system. J Arthroplasty. 2011 Sep;26(6):977.e1-4.

25.     Namdari S, Keenan MA. Outcome of Surgical Treatment of Painful Inferior Glenohumeral
Subluxation in Hemiparetic Patients: The Biceps Suspension Procedure.  J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010 Nov 3;92(15):2589-97.

26.    Baldwin KD, Matuszewski PE, Namdari S, Esterhai JL, Mehta S. Does morbid obesity
negatively affect the hospital course of patients undergoing treatment of closed, lower extremity diaphyseal long bone fractures? A Case Control Study. Orthopedics 2011 Jan 3;34(1).

27.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Mehta S, Keenan MA.  Shoulder tenotomies to improve
passive motion and relieve pain in patients with spastic hemiplegia after upper motor neuron injury.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2011 Jul;20(5):802-6.

28.    Baldwin KD, Namdari S, Donegan D, Kamath AF, Mehta S.  Early effects of resident work-
hour restrictions on patient safety: a systematic review and plea for improved studies.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Jan;93(2):e5.

29.     Namdari S, Baldwin K, Matuszewski P, Esterhai J, Mehta S. Delay in surgical debridement
of open tibia fractures: an analysis of national practice trends. J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Mar;25(3):140-4.

30.     Namdari S, Scott K, Milby A, Baldwin K, Lee GC. Athletic performance after ACL
reconstruction in the Women’s National Basketball Association.  Phys sportsmed.  2011 Feb;39(1):36-41.

31.  Pahlavan S, Baldwin KD, Pandya NK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS.  Proximal humerus fractures
in the pediatric population: a systematic review. J Child Orthop. 2011 Jun;5(3):187-94.

32. Namdari S, Baldwin K, Ahn A, Huffman GR, Sennett BJ. Performance after surgery for
rotator cuff tear : A case-control study of Major League baseball. J Athl Train 2011 May-June;46(3)296-302.

33.  Baldwin K, Namdari S, Esterhai J, Mehta S.  Venous thromboembolism in blunt trauma
patients: are comprehensive guidelines the answer? Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2011 May;40(5):E83-7.

34.  Namdari S, Ganley TJ, Baldwin K, Rendon Sampson N, Hosalkar H, Nikci V, Wells L.  
Fixation of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures in skeletally immature patients. J Pediatr Orthop.  2011 Jul-Aug;31(5):507-11.

35.  Namdari S, Goel DP, Romanowski JR, Glaser D, Warner JJP.  Principles of glenoid
component design and strategies for managing glenoid bone loss in revision total shoulder arthroplasty in the absence of infection and rotator cuff tear. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Sep;20(6):1016-24.

36.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Mehta S, Keenan MA.  Outcomes of tendon fractional
lengthenings in spastic hemiparetics with intact motor control and shoulder contractures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 May;21(5):691-8.

37.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Kelly JD.  Biological glenoid resurfacing for
glenohumeral osteoarthritis: a systematic review.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Oct;20(7):1184-90.

38.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Baldwin K, Lee GC. Primary total joint arthroplasty performed in
operating rooms following cases of known infection.  Orthopedics. 2011 Sep 9;34(9):e541-5.

39.  Namdari S, Keenan MA. The biceps suspension procedure for treatment of painful inferior
glenohumeral subluxation in hemiparetic patients.  JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques, 2011 Sep 14;01(02):e11 1-7.

40.  Namdari S, Yagnik G, Ebaugh DD, Nagda S, Ramsey M, Williams GR, Mehta S. Defining
functional shoulder range of motion for activities of daily living? J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 Sep;21(9):1177-83.

41.  Namdari S, Glaser D. Arthroscopic-assisted conversion of total shoulder arthroplasty to
hemiarthroplasty with glenoid bone grafting. Orthopedics. 2011 Nov;34(11):862-5

42.  Namdari S, Keenan MA. Treatment of glenohumeral arthrosis and inferior shoulder
subluxation in an adult cerebral palsy: a case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Dec 7;93(23):e1401-5.

43.  Baldwin KB, Namdari S, Bowers AB, Levin LS, Keenan MA, Ahn JA.  Factors affecting
interest in orthopedics among female medical students: A prospective analysis. Orthopedics. 2011 Dec 6;34(12):e919-32.

44.     Namdari S, Horneff JG, Baldwin KB, Keenan MA.  Muscle releases to improve passive
motion and relieve pain in patients with spastic hemiplegia and elbow flexion contractures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Oct;21(10):1357-62.

        45.  Sciascia A, Thigpen C, Namdari S, Baldwin K. Kinetic chain abnormalities in the athletic
shoulder.  Sports Med Arthrosc. 2012 Mar;20(1):16-21.

46.  Namdari S, Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Huffman GR, Glaser D.  Fifty most cited articles in
orthopedic shoulder surgery.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 Dec;21(12):1796-802.

47.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Huffman GR.  Latissimus dorsi tendon transfer
for irreparable rotator cuff tear: a systematic review. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 May 16;94(10):891-8.

48.  Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Namdari S, Sankar W, Flynn JM, Dormans JP. The 50 most cited
articles in pediatric orthopaedics.  J Pediatr Orthop B. 2012 Sep;21(5):463-8.

49.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Huffman GR.  Compressive brachial plexopathy after fixation of
clavicle nonunion. JBJSCC. 2012;2(2):e26 1-4.  

50.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Mehta S.  Evaluation of the osteoporotic proximal humerus fracture and
strategies for structural augmentation during surgical treatment.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Dec;21(12):1787-95.

51.  Pandya N, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS. Displaced clavicle fractures in adolescents: facts,
controversies, and current trends. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2012 Aug;20(8):498-505.

52.  Namdari S, Hsu J, Baron M, Huffman GR, Glaser D.  Immediate Postoperative Radiographs
After Shoulder Arthroplasty Are Often Poor Quality and Do Not Alter Care. Clin Orthop Relat Res.  2013 Apr;471(4):1257-62.

53.  Edgar R, Nagda S, Huffman GR, Namdari S.  Pulmonary embolism after shoulder
arthroscopy: case series and review of the literature.  Orthopedics. 2012 Nov 1;35(11):e1673-6.

54.  Baldwin K, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Speigel D, Keenan MA.  Specialty Update: What’s new
in orthopaedic rehabilitation? J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Nov 21;94(22):2106-11.

55.  Voleti PB, Namdari S, Mehta S.  Scapular fracture fixation.  Adv Orthop. 2012;2012:903850.

56.  Namdari S. Computer-assisted navigation in shoulder arthroplasty: a way to level the playing
field?  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2012 Nov;41(11):E155-E156.

57.  Namdari S, Lipman AJ, Ricchetti ET, Tjoumakaris FP, Huffman GR, Mehta S.  Fixation
strategies to prevent screw cut-out and malreduction in proximal humeral fracture fixation. Clin Orthop Surg. 2012 Dec;4(4):321-4.

58.  Namdari S, Raminovich R, Scolaro J, Baldwin K, Bhandari M, Mehta S.  Absorbable and
non-absorbable cement augmentation in fixation of intertrochanteric femur fractures: systematic review.  Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 Apr;133(4):487-94.

        59.  Scolaro JA, Namdari S, Levin LS.  The value of an annual educational retreat in the
orthopaedic residency training program. J Surg Educ. 2013 Jan;70(1):164-7.

60.  Anakwenze OA, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Benham J, Keenan MA.  Myotendinous lengthening of
the elbow flexor muscles to improve active motion in patients with elbow spasticity following brain injury. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2013 Mar;22(3):318-22.

61.  Lee EK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA, Baldwin KD.  Clinical results of the excision
of heterotopic bone around the elbow: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2013 May;22(5):716-22.

62.  Namdari S, Melnic C, Huffman GR.  Foreign Body Reaction to Acellular Dermal Matrix
Allograft in Biologic Glenoid Resurfacing.  Clin Orthop Relat Res.  2013 Aug;471(8):2455-8.

63.  Namdari S, Jani S, Baldwin K, Mehta S.  What is the relationship between number of
publications during orthopaedic residency and selection of an academic career?  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Apr 3;95(7):e451-6.

64.  Pandya NP, Namdari S.  Shoulder Arthroscopy in Children and Adolscents. J Am Acad
Orthop Surg.  2013 Jul;21(7):389-397.

65.  Namdari S, Skelley N, Keener J, Galatz L, Yamaguchi K.  What is the role of arthroscopic
debridement for glenohumeral arthritis? A critical examination of the literature.  Arthroscopy. 2013 Aug;29(8):1392-8.

66.  Namdari S, Horneff JG, Baldwin KB.  Comparison of hemiarthroplasty and reverse
arthroplasty for treatment of proximal humeral fractures: a systematic review.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Sep 18;95(18):1701-1708.

67.  Namdari S, Baldwin K, Horneff JG, Keenan MA.  Orthopaedic evaluation and surgical
management of the spastic shoulder.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2013 Oct;44(4):605-614.

68.  Baldwin K, Yanascoli S, Namdari S, Speigel D, Keenan MA.  Specialty Update: What’s new
in orthopaedic rehabilitation? J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Nov 20;95(22):2071-2077.

69.  Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Namdari S, Mehta S. 100 most cited articles in orthopaedic trauma.  
Am J Orthop.  2013 Dec;42(12):547-52.

70.  Donegan RP, Namdari S, Galatz LM.  Arthroscopic management of anterior capsulolabral
lesions: how and why. Oper Tech Sports Med.  2013 Dec;21(4):214-19.

71.  Namdari S, Donegan RP, Dahiya N, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K, Keener JD.  Characteristics
of Small to Medium-Sized Rotator Cuff Tears with and without Disruption of the Anterior Supraspinatus Tendon.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Jan;23(1):20-7.

72.  Scolaro J, Voleti P, Makani A, Namdari S, Mirza A, Mehta S.  Surgical fixation of
extra-articular distal humeral fractures with a posterolateral plate through a triceps sparing technique.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Feb;23(2):251-7.

73.  Namdari S, Donegan RP, Chamberlain AM, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K, Keener JD.  Factors
affecting outcome after structural failure of repaired rotator cuff tears.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Jan 15;96(2):99-105.

74.  Nelson GN, Namdari S, Galatz L, Keener JD.  Pectoralis major tendon transfer for
irreparable subscapularis tears. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Jun;23(6):909-18.

75.  Horneff GJ, Namdari S.  My shoulder is stuck: limited range of motion after open
reduction and internal fixation of the shoulder.  Curr Orthop Practice. 25(3):227-232, May/June 2014.

76.  Hsu J, Namdari S, Baron M, Kuntz AF, Abboud JA, Huffman GR, Williams GR, Glaser D.  
Glenoid perforation with pegged components during total shoulder arthroplasty? Orthopedics. 2014; 37: e587-e591.

77.  Photopolous C, Namdari S, Baldwin KD, Keenan MA.  Decision-making in the Treatment of
the Spastic Shoulder and Elbow: Tendon Release vs. Tendon Lengthening.  J Bone Joint Surg Reviews. 2014 Oct;2(10):e3.

78.  Skelley N, Namdari S, Chamberlain AM, Keener JD, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K.
Arthroscopic debridement and capsular release for treatment of shoulder osteoarthritis.  
Arthroscopy. 2015 Mar;31(3):494-500.

        79.  Kolman S, Keenan MA, Spiegel D, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Baldwin KD.  What’s New in
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Nov 19;96(22):1925-1934.

80.  Gillespie RJ, Garrigues GE, Chang E, Namdari S, Williams GR. Surgical Exposure for
Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Differences in Approaches & Outcomes.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2015 Jan;46(1):49-56.

81.  Padegimas E, Maltenfort M, Ramsey ML, Williams GR. Parvizi J, Namdari S.  Periprosthetic
Shoulder Infection in the United States: Incidence and Economic Burden.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 May;24(5):741-6.

82.  Padegimas E, Maltenfort M, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Future
Young Patient Demand for Shoulder Arthroplasty: National Projections. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jun;473(6):1860-7.

        83.  Namdari S, Leopold SS.  Editor’s Spotlight/Take 5: Future Patient Demand for Shoulder
Arthroplasty by Younger Patients: National Projections.  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jun;473(6):1856-9.

84.  Mori D, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Williams GR. Glenoid bone loss in anatomic shoulder
arthroplasty: literature review and surgical technique.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2015 Jul;46(3):389-397.

85.  Chamberlain AM, Namdari S, Keener J. What’s new in shoulder and elbow surgery.  J Bone
Joint Surg Am. 2015 Oct 21;97(20):1719-27.

86.  Kolman S, Spiegel D, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Keenan MA, Baldwin KD.  What’s new in
orthopaedic rehabilitation. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Nov 18;97(22):1892-8.

87.  Lawrence C, Donegan RP, Namdari S.  Augmentation in proximal humeral fractures:  when
and how?  Curr Orthop Practice. 26(6):576-583, November/December 2015.

        88.  Abdullah L, Davis D, Fabricant P, Baldwin KB, Namdari S.  Is there truly "no significant
difference"? Underpowered randomized controlled trials in orthopaedic literature.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Dec 16;97(24):2068-73.

        89.  Padegimas E, Clyde C, Zmistowski B, Restrepo C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Risk factors
for blood transfusion following shoulder arthroplasty.  Bone Joint J. 2016 Feb;98

90.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA, Wang ML, Namdari S, Barlow J,
Arnold WV, Kostas J, Hou C, Fertala A. Auxiliary Proteins that Facilitate Formation of Collagen-Rich Deposits in the Posterior Knee Capsule in a Rabbit-Based Joint Contracture Model. J Orthop Res. 2016 Mar;34(3):489-501.

        91.  Lenart B, Namdari S, Williams GR.  Total shoulder arthroplasty with an augmented
component for anterior glenoid bone deficiency.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2016

92.     Ko JWK, Namdari S.  The Diagnosis and Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infections of
the Shoulder.  Op Tech Orthop Surg.  2016 March: 26(1):53-59.  

93.     Nelson GN, Davis DE, Namdari S.  Outcomes in the Treatment of periprosthetic joint
infection after shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2016 Aug;25(8):1337-45.

94.  Shields MV, Abdullah L, Namdari S.  The challenge of Propionibacterium acnes and revision
shoulder arthroplasty: a review of current diagnostic options.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.
2016 Jun;25(6):1034-40.

95.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski BM, Clyde CT, Restrepo C, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD, Ramsey
ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Length of Stay after Shoulder Arthroplasty- The Effect of
an Orthopaedic Specialty Hospital. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Sep;25(9):1404-11.

96.  Bhat S, Secrist E, Austin L, Getz C, Krieg J, Mehta S, Namdari S.  Displaced proximal
humerus fractures in the elderly: practice variability among shoulder surgeons and traumatologists.  Orthopedics.  2016 May 1;39(3):e509-13.

        97.  Lawrence C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Influence of glenosphere design on outcomes and
complications in reverse arthroplasty: a systematic review.  Clin Orthop Surg. 2016

98.  Chamberlain AM, Namdari S, Keener J. What’s new in shoulder and elbow surgery. 2016
Oct 19; 98 (20): 1755 -1762.

99.  Bhat SB, Lazarus M, Getz C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Economic Decision Model
Suggests Total Shoulder Arthroplasty is Superior to Hemiarthroplasty in Young Patients with End-stage Shoulder Arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Nov;474(11):2482-2492.

100.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski B, Restrepo C, Getz C, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey M,
Williams GR, Namdari S.  Instability after Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Which Patients Dislocate?  Am J Orthop. 2016 November;45(7):E444-E450.

        101.  Dialectos A, Namdari S.  Glenohumeral osteoarthritis and the young patient: current options
for treatment.  Curr Orthop Practice. 28(2):130-134, March/April, 2017.

102.  Namdari S, Mehta S, Tierney A, Hast MW.  Locking Cap Designs Improve Fatigue
Properties of Polyaxial Screws in Upper Extremity Applications. J Orthop Trauma. 2017 May;31(5):275-280.

103.  Davis DE, Narzikul A, Sholder D, Lazarus M, Namdari S, Abboud J.  Shoulder Synovial
Fluid Lipoprotein Levels and Their Relationship to the Rotator Cuff.Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2017 Mar;49(3):396-402.

        104.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Steinberg D, Williams G.  Randomized
Controlled Trial of Interscalene Block Compared with Injectable Liposomal Bupivacaine in Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Apr 5;99(7):550-556.

105.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA, Wang ML, Namdari S, Barlow J,
Rivlin M, Arnold WV, Kostas J, Hou C, Fertala A.  Blocking collagen fibril formation in injured knees reduces flexion contracture in a rabbit model.  J Orthop Res. 2017 May;35(5):1038-1046.

106.  Padegimas EM, Lawrence C, Narzikul A, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Future Surgery after Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty: the Impact of
Unexpected Positive Cultures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jun;26(6):975-981.

107.  Padegimas EM, Hendy BA, Lawrence C, Devasagayaraj R, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA,
Lazarus M, Williams GR, Namdari, S.  An Analysis of Surgical and Non-Surgical Operating Room Times in High Volume Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jun;26(6):1058-1063.

        108.  Padegimas EM, Ramsey ML, Austin M, Parvizi J, Williams GR, Doyle K, West M,
Rothman RH, Vaccaro A, Namdari S.  An Assessment of the Safety of an Orthopaedic
Specialty Hospital: A Report of Our Five Year Experience.  Orthopedics. 2017 Jul 1;40(4):223-229.

109.  Padegimas EM, Schoch BS, Kwon J, DiMuzio PJ, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Evaluation
and Management of Axillary Artery Injury: The Orthopaedic and Vascular Surgeon's Perspective.  JBJS Rev. 2017 Jun;5(6):e3.

110.  Seidl A, Sholder D, Warrender W, Livesey M, Williams G, Abboud J, Namdari S.  Early
Versus Late Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures: Does It Matter?  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2017 Jul;5(4):213-220.

111.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty: Review of
Early Clinical and Radiographic Results.  JBJS Rev. 2017 Aug;5(8):e3

112.  Lawrence C, Zmistowski BM, Lazarus M, Abboud J, Williams G, Namdari S.  Expectations
of shoulder surgery are not altered by surgeon counseling of the patient.  Joints. 2017 Aug 115(3):133-137.

113.  Schoch BS, Padegimas EM, Maltenfort M, Krieg J, Namdari S.  Humeral shaft fractures:
national trends in management.  J Orthop Traumatol. 2017 Sep;18(3):259-263.

114.  Sheth M, Ko JWK, Namdari S.  Reverse Arthroplasty and Latissimus Dorsi Tendon
Transfer: a systematic review.  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2017 Sep/Oct;46(5):E287-E292.

115.  Schoch B, Abboud J, Namdari S, Lazarus M.  Glenohumeral Mismatch in Anatomic Total
Shoulder Arthroplasty. JBJS Rev. 2017 Sep;5(9):e1.

        116.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Parvizi J, Ramsey M.  Preoperative doxycycline does not
decolonize Propionibacterium acnes from the skin of the shoulder: a randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Sep;26(9):1495-1499.

117.  Aleem AW, Syed UAM, Nicholson T, Getz CL, Namdari S, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA.
Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients Following Corticosteroid Injections into the Subacromial Space of the Shoulder.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2017 Sep;5(5):315-321.

        118.  Brolin TJ, Hackett DJ, Abboud JA, Hsu JE, Namdari S. Routine cultures for seemingly
aseptic revision shoulder arthroplasty: are they necessary? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov;26(11):2060-2066.

119.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski B, Lawrence C, Palmquist A, Nicholson TA, Namdari S.
Defining optimal calcar screw positioning in proximal humerus fracture fixation.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov;26(11):1931-1937.

120.  Schoch B, Mehta S, Namdari S.  Surgical Fixation of periprosthetic humerus fractures using
an extension plate: Surgical Technique and Report of 5 Cases.  J Orthop Trauma. 2017

        121.  Zmistowski B, Padegimas EM, Howley M, Abboud J, Williams G Jr, Namdari S. Trends
and Variability in the Use of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Medicare Patients.  J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2018 Feb 15;26(4):133-141.

        122.  Schoch B, Hast MW, Mehta S, Namdari S. Not All Polyaxial Locking Screw Technologies
Are Created Equal: A Systematic Review of the Literature. JBJS Rev. 2018 Jan;6(1):e6.

123.  Cox RM, Jamgochian GC, Nicholson K, Wong JC, Namdari S, Abboud JA. The
effectiveness of cerebral oxygenation monitoring during arthroscopic shoulder surgery in the beach chair position: a randomized blinded study.  Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Apr;27(4):692-700.

        124.  Mehta S, Chin M, Sanville J, Namdari S, Hast MW.  Calcar screw position in proximal
humerus fracture fixation: Don't miss high! Injury. 2018 Mar;49(3):624-629.

        125.  Namdari S. CORR Insights®: Primary Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty: What Can Be Learned
From 359 Cases That Were Surgically Revised?  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018 May;476(5):1041-1042.

        126.  Livesey M, Horneff JG 3rd, Sholder D, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S. Functional
Outcomes and Predictors of Failure After Rotator Cuff Repair During Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Orthopedics. 2018 Mar 1:1-6.

127.  Sheth MM, Sholder D, Abboud J, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  
Revision of failed hemiarthroplasty for painful glenoid arthrosis to anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Oct;27(10):1884-1890.

        128.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Zmistowski BM, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  Surgeons'
experience and perceived barriers with outpatient shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Jun;27(6S):S82-S87

        129.  Nicholson T, Maltenfort M, Getz C, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S.  Multimodal Pain
Management Protocol Versus Patient Controlled Narcotic Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Control after Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 May;6(3):196-202.

        130.  Wong JC, Schoch BS, Lee BK, Sholder D, Nicholson T, Namdari S, Getz CL, Lazarus MD,
Ramsey ML, Williams GR Jr, Abboud JA.  Culture positivity in primary total shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Aug;27(8):1422-1428.

        131.  Zmistowski B, Pourjafari A, Padegimas EM, Sheth M, Cox RM, Ramsey ML, Horneff JG
3rd, Namdari S.  Treatment of periprosthetic joint infection of the elbow: 15-year experience at a single institution.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Sep;27(9):1636-1641

        132.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Steinberg D, Williams G.  Interscalene
Block with and without Intraoperative Local Infiltration with Liposomal Bupivacaine in Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Aug 15;100(16):1373-1378.

        133.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Silva S, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari
S.  Outcomes of Shoulder Arthroplasty Performed for Postinfectious Arthritis.Clin Orthop Surg. 2018 Sep;10(3):344-351.

134.  Williams A, H Tischler E, Sholder D, A Nicholson T, G Maltenfort M, Getz C, Williams G
Jr, Namdari S.  Identification of Risk Factors for Abnormal Postoperative Chemistry
Labs after Primary Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Jul;6(4):282-288.

135.  Padegimas EM, Hendy BA, Chan WW, Lawrence C, Cox RM, Namdari S, Lazarus MD,
Williams GR, Ramsey ML, Horneff JG.  The effect of an orthopedic specialty hospital on operating room efficiency in shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jan;28(1):15-21.
        136.  Updegrove GF, Nicholson TA, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  Short-Term Results
of the DePuy Global Unite Platform Shoulder System: A Two-Year Outcome Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Sep;6(5):353-358.

        137.  Ghoraishian M, Abboud JA, Romeo AA, Williams GR, Namdari S. Augmented glenoid
implants in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty: review of available implants and current literature.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Feb;28(2):387-395.

        138.  Mehta S, Chin M, Sanville J, Namdari S, Hast MW.  Use of an Additional Nonlocking
Screw in Olecranon Fracture Osteosynthesis Changes Failure Mechanism.  Orthopedics.
2019 Jan 1;42(1):e74-e80.

        139.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams G, Parvizi J.
Comparative study of cultures and next-generation sequencing in the diagnosis of shoulder prosthetic joint infections.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jan;28(1):1-8.

        140.  Horneff JG, Nicholson TA, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  The Midterm Results of
the Delta Xtend Reverse Shoulder System: A Five-Year Outcome Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Nov;6(6):532-538.

        141.  Zmistowski B, Warrender W, Livesey M, Girden A, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  The
Characteristics of Surgeons Performing Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Volume Consistency, Training, and Specialization.  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2018 Dec;47(12).

        142.  Sheth MM, Sholder D, Getz CL, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Revision of failed
hemiarthroplasty and anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty to reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6):1074-1081.

        143.  Namdari S.  CORR Insights®: What Pain Levels Do TSA Patients Experience When Given
a Long-acting Nerve Block and Multimodal Analgesia?  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2019 Mar;477(3):633-634.

        144.  Stone MA, Namdari S. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty: diagnostic and treatment options for
the infected reverse. Ann Joint Nov 2018;3:91.

        145.  Bachner EM, Schmidt EC, Chin M, Namdari S, Baxter JR, Hast MW.  Parameterization of
proximal humerus locking plate impingement with in vitro, in silico, and in vivo techniques.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6):1183-1192.

        146.  Sheth M, Sholder D, Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Getz CL, Ramsey ML, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Failure of Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty with Revision to another Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 Jan;7(1):19-23.

        147.  Stone MA, Namdari S.  Surgical Considerations in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Proximal
Humerus Fractures.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2019 Apr;50(2):223-231.

        148.  Schwarz EM, Parvizi J, Gehrke T, Aiyer A, Battenberg A, Brown SA, Callaghan JJ, Citak
M, Egol K, Garrigues GE, Ghert M, Goswami K, Green A, Hammoud S, Kates SL, McLaren AC, Mont MA, Namdari S, Obremskey WT, O'Toole R, Raikin S, Restrepo C, Ricciardi B, Saeed K, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Shohat N, Tan T, Thirukumaran CP, Winters B.
The 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Musculoskeletal Infection: Research
Priorities from the General Assembly Questions.  J Orthop Res. 2019 May;37(5):997-1006.

        149.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: prevention of periprosthetic shoulder infection.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S13-S31.

        150.  Klein JS, Davis DE, Wells ZS, Kane LT, Sholder D, Namdari S, Abboud JA. The Distress
and Risk Assessment Method predicts postoperative narcotic use in patients undergoing rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S146-S153.

        151.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group. Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: evaluation of periprosthetic shoulder infection.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S32-S66.

        152.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: management of periprosthetic shoulder infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S67-S99.

        153.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: the definition of periprosthetic shoulder infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S8-S12.

154.  Schumaier A, Abboud J, Grawe B, Horneff JG, Getz C, Romeo A, Keener J, Friedman R,
Yian E, Muh S, Nicholson G, Delaney R, Otto R, William W, Tokish JT, Williams G, Kazanjian J, Dines J, Ramsey M, Green A, Paxton S, Namdari S, Flanagin B, Hasan S, Kaar S, Miniaci A, Cuomo F.  Evaluating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: The Relative Impact of Patient Age, Activity Level, Symptoms, and Kellgren-Lawrence Grade on Treatment.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 Mar;7(2):151-160.

        155.  Lee BK, Jamgochian GC, Syed UAM, Getz CL, Dodson CC, Namdari S, Ramsey ML,
Williams GR, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD.  Reconstruction of Acute Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Dislocations with or without Tendon Graft: a Retrospective Comparative Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 May;7(3):239-245.

        156.  Nicholson TA, Elder A, Gallen K, Namdari S. Rotational Osteotomy of the Humeral Shaft
for Malunion in Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect. 2019 Jul-Sep;9(3):e0161.

        157.  Beason AM, Koehler RJ, Sanders RA, Rode BE, Menge TJ, McCullough KA, Glass NA,
Hettrich CM; MOON Shoulder Group, Cox CL, Bollier MJ, Wolf BR, Spencer EE, Grant JA, Bishop JY, Jones GL, Barlow JD, Baumgarten KM, Kelly JD, Sennett BJ, Zgonis M, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Allen C, Kuhn JE, Sullivan JP, Wright RW, Brophy RH, Smith MV, Dunn WR.  Surgeon Agreement on the Presence of Pathologic Anterior Instability on Shoulder Imaging Studies.  Orthop J Sports Med. 2019 Aug 9;7(8):2325967119862501.

        158.  Padegimas EM, Chang G, Namjouyan K, Namdari S.  Failure to restore the calcar and
locking screw cross-threading predicts varus collapse in proximal humerus fracture fixation.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Feb;29(2):291-295.

        159.  Padegimas EM, Merkow D, Nicholson TA, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Outcomes of shoulder arthroplasty following axillary lymph node dissection.
Shoulder Elbow. 2019 Oct;11(5):344-352.

        160.  Ho JC, Thakar O, Chan WW, Nicholson T, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Early radiographic
failure of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with structural bone graft for glenoid bone loss.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Mar;29(3):550-560.

        161.  Zmistowski B, Gutman M, Horvath Y, Abboud JA, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  Acromial
stress fracture following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: incidence and predictors.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):799-806.
162.  Ho JC, Kane L, Stone MA, Romeo AA, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Arthroscopic débridement
of irreparable rotator cuff tears: predictors of failure and success. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):e118-e123.

        163.  Lucasti CJ, Namdari S. Acromial Stress Fractures: A Systematic Review.  Arch Bone Jt
Surg. 2019 Sep;7(5):397-401.

        164.  Fram B, Elder A, Namdari S. Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures in Shoulder Arthroplasty.
JBJS Rev. 2019 Nov;7(11):e6.

        165.  Bechay J, Lawrence C, Namdari S.Calcific tendinopathy of the rotator cuff: a review of
operative versus nonoperative management.  Phys Sportsmed. 2020 Jan 18:1-6.

        166.  Bassora R, Namdari S, Beharrie AW, Inzerillo VC, Abboud JA.  Late-Onset Radial Nerve
Palsy After Closed Treatment of a Periprosthetic Humerus Fracture: A Case Report.  JBJS Case Connect. 2020 Jan-Mar;10(1):e0510.

        167.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Horneff Iii JG, Namdari S, Abboud JA, Nicholson K, Ramsey ML.
Humeral-sided Radiographic Changes Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jan;8(1):50-57.

        168.  Davis DE, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Cost Effectiveness of Laminar Flow
Systems for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Filtering Money from the OR?Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jan;8(1):38-43.

        169.  Stone MA, Ho JC, Kane L, Lazarus M, Namdari S. Midterm outcomes of arthroscopic
rotator cuff repair in patients aged 75 years and older. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jul;29(7S):S17-S22.

        170.  Gutman MJ, Stone MA, Namdari S, Abboud JA.  Treatment of elbow periprosthetic joint
infection: a systematic review of clinical outcomes.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020

        171.  Stull JD, Nicholson TA, Davis DE, Namdari S.  Addition of 3% hydrogen peroxide to
standard skin preparation reduces Cutibacterium acnes-positive culture rate in shoulder surgery: a prospective randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Feb;29(2):212-216.

        172.  Kirsch JM, Namdari S.Rehabilitation After Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder
Arthroplasty: A Critical Analysis Review. JBJS Rev. 2020 Feb;8(2):e0129.

        173.  Kane LT, Thakar O, Jamgochian G, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Horneff JG.
The role of telehealth as a platform for postoperative visits following rotator cuff repair: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):775-783.

        174.  Singh AM, Sethi PM, Romeo AA, Anakwenze OA, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Strategies to
decolonize the shoulder of Cutibacterium acnes: a review of the literature. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):660-666.

175.  Tan Z, Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Camp RS, Getz CL, Abboud JA, Namdari
S.Glenohumeral synovitis score predicts early shoulder stiffness following arthroscopic
rotator cuff repair. J Orthop. 2020 Mar 30;22:17-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2020.03.050. eCollection 2020 Nov-Dec.
        176.  Entezari V, Henry T, Zmistowski B, Sheth M, Nicholson T, Namdari S. Clinically
significant subscapularis failure after anatomic shoulder arthroplasty: is it worth
repairing?  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Sep;29(9):1831-1835.

177.  Vincent S, Paskey T, Critchlow E, Mann E, Chapman T, Abboudi J, Jones C, Kirkpatrick
W, Namdari S, Hammoud S, Ilyas AM. Prospective Randomized Study Examining Preoperative Opioid Counseling on Postoperative Opioid Consumption after Upper Extremity Surgery.  Hand (N Y). 2020 May 20:1558944720919936.

        178.  Kane LT, Namdari S, Plummer OR, Beredjiklian P, Vaccaro A, Abboud JA.  Use of
Computerized Adaptive Testing to Develop More Concise Patient-Reported Outcome Measures.  JBJS Open Access. 2020 Mar 12;5(1):e0052.
        179.  Sheth M, Sholder D, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S. Revision of Anatomic
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty to Hemiarthroplasty: Does it work? Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Mar;8(2):147-1153.

        180.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams G, Parvizi J.
Cutibacterium acnes is less commonly identified by next-generation sequencing than culture in primary shoulder surgery.  Shoulder Elbow. 2020 Jun;12(3):170-177.

        181.  Patel MS, Singh AM, Gregori P, Horneff JG, Namdari S, Lazarus MD. Cutibacterium
acnes: a threat to shoulder surgery or an orthopedic red herring? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jun 1:S1058-2746(20)30231-7.

        182.  Kane LT, Lazarus MD, Namdari S, Seitz AL, Abboud JA. Comparing expert opinion within
the care team regarding postoperative rehabilitation protocol following rotator cuff repair.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 May 5:S1058-2746(20)30171-3.

        183.  Menendez ME, Moverman MA, Puzzitiello RN, Pagani NR, Namdari S.  A Break-Even
Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide for Infection Prevention in Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Nov;29(11):2185-2189.

        183.  ASES B2 Glenoid Multicenter Research Group, Ricchetti ET, Khazzam MS, Denard PJ,
Dines DM, Edwards TB, Entezari V, Friedman RJ, Garrigues GE, Gillespie RJ, Grawe BM, Green A, Hatzidakis AM, Horneff JG, Hsu JE, Jawa A, Jin Y, Johnston PS, Jun BJ, Keener JD, Kelly JD 2nd, Kwon YW, Miniaci A, Morris BJ, Namdari S, Spencer EE, Strnad G, Williams GR Jr, Iannotti JP. Reliability of the Modified Walch Classification for Advanced Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis using Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis: A Study of the ASES B2 Glenoid Multicenter Research Group.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Apr;30(4):736-746.

184.  Carducci MP, Mahendraraj KA, Menendez ME, Rosen I, Klein SM, Namdari S,
Ramsey ML, Jawa A. Identifying surgeon and institutional drivers of cost in total shoulder arthroplasty: a multicenter study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jan;30(1):113-119.
        185.  Ghoraishian M, Stone MA, Elhassan B, Abboud J, Namdari S. Techniques for lower
trapezius tendon transfer for the management of irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears. J Orthop. 2020 Aug 15;22:331-335.

        186.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Parvizi J. Cutibacterium acnes is Isolated from Air Swabs: Time
to Doubt the Value of Traditional Cultures in Shoulder Surgery?  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jul;8(4):506-510.

        187.  Zmistowski B, Nicholson TA, Wang WL, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  What is the Clinical
Impact of Positive Cultures at the Time of Primary Total Shoulder Arthroplasty? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun;30(6):1324-1328.

        188. Richard GJ, Denard PJ, Kaar SG, Bohsali KI, Horneff JG, Carpenter S, Fedorka CJ,
Mamelson K, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Abboud JA, Paxton ES, Kovacevic D, Hebert-Davies J, Ponce BA, King JJ. Outcome measures reported for the management of proximal humeral fractures: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Oct;29(10):2175-2184.

        189.  Hendy BA, Padegimas EM, Kane L, Harper T, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD, Romeo AA,
Namdari S. Early Postoperative Complications after Latarjet: A Single Institution Experience Over 10 years. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun;30(6):e300-e308.

        190.  Kohan EM, Wong J, Stroh M, Syed UAM, Namdari S, Lazarus M. Outcome of biceps
suspensionplasty for recurrent multidirectional shoulder instability.
J Orthop. 2020 Oct 9;22:473-477.

        191.  Davis DE, Cox R, Patel MS, Lazarus M, Ramsey M, Namdari S. Successful Outcomes
Achieved Via Web-based, Home Program after Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Nov;8(6):661-667.

192.  Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Wells Z, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Humeral Shaft Fractures:
Surgical versus Nonsurgical Management in Workers' Compensation.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Nov;8(6):668-674.

        193.  Testa EJ, Lowe JT, Namdari S, Gillespie RJ, Sears BW, Johnston PS; Rothman Institute
Shoulder Consortium Group; Association of Shoulder Surgeons, Jawa A. Operative duration-based learning period analysis for reverse and total shoulder arthroplasty: A multicenter study.  Shoulder Elbow. 2020 Dec;12(1 Suppl):23-30.

    194.  Shah SS, Gaal BT, Roche AM, Namdari S, Grawe BM, Lawler M, Dalton S, King JJ,
Helmkamp J, Garrigues GE, Wright TW, Schoch BS, Flik K, Otto RJ, Jones R, Jawa A, McCann P, Abboud J, Horneff G, Ross G, Friedman R, Ricchetti ET, Boardman D, Tashjian RZ, Gulotta LV. The modern reverse shoulder arthroplasty and an updated systematic review for each complication: part I.  JSES Int. 2020 Sep 7;4(4):929-943.

        195.  Stone MA, Noorzad AS, Namdari S, Abboud J.  Prosthetic Bearing Surfaces in an
Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 May 15;29(10):414-422.

196.  Gutman MJ, Gutman BS, Joyce C, Kirsch JM, Sherman M, Namdari S.  Performance in
Major League Baseball Pitchers after Surgical Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Phys Sportsmed. 2021 Jan 20. [ePub ahead of print]

        197.  Kirsch JM, Patel M, Singh A, Lazarus MD, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Early Clinical and
Radiographic Outcomes of an Augmented Baseplate in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Glenohumeral Arthritis with Glenoid Deformity. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jul;30(7S):S123-S130.

        198.  Kirsch JM, Gutman M, Patel M, Rondon A, Ramsey ML, Abboud JA, Williams GR,
Namdari S. Low-dose aspirin and the rate of symptomatic venous thromboembolic complications following primary shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jul;30(7):1613-1618.

    199.  Omid R, Trasolini NA, Stone MA, Namdari S.  Principles of Locking Plate Fixation of Proximal
Humerus Fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 Jun 1;29(11):e523-e535.

    200.  Shah SS, Roche AM, Sullivan SW, Gaal BT, Dalton S, Sharma A, King JJ, Grawe BM, Namdari S,
Lawler M, Helmkamp J, Garrigues GE, Wright TW, Schoch BS, Flik K, Otto RJ, Jones R, Jawa A, McCann P, Abboud J, Horneff G, Ross G, Friedman R, Ricchetti ET, Boardman D, Tashjian RZ, Gulotta LV.  The modern reverse shoulder arthroplasty and an updated systematic review for each complication: part II.  JSES Int. 2020 Sep 10;5(1):121-137.

    201.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Chang G, Hebert-Davies J, Namdari S. Outcomes of Open
Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fracture Dislocations. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2331-2335.

    202.  Stone MA, Kane LT, Ho JC, Namdari S.  Short-Term Outcomes of Lower Trapezius Tendon
Transfer With Achilles Allograft for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears.
Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Dec 24;3(1):e23-e29.

    203.  Mahendraraj KA; ASES Acromial Stress Fracture Group, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin
T, Entezari V, Friedman L, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta L, Gutman M, Hart PA, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King J, Kloby MA, Knack M, Levy J, Murthi A, Namdari S, Okeke L, Otto R, Parsell DE, Polisetty T, Ponnuru P, Ricchetti E, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Townsend C, Wright M, Wright T, Zimmer Z, Menendez ME, Jawa A.  Predictors of Acromial and Scapular Stress Fracture after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: An ASES Multicenter Study from the Complications of Reverse Arthroplasty Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2296-2305.

    204.  Hendy BA, Padegimas EM, Harper T, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Horneff JG.
Outcomes of chronic distal biceps reconstruction with tendon grafting: a matched comparison with primary repair. JSES Int. 2020 Dec 19;5(2):302-306.   

    205.  Gutman MJ, Patel MS, Vannello C, Lazarus MD, Parvizi J, Vaccaro AR, Namdari S. What was the
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Asymptomatic Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgery in One Large United States City Mid-pandemic? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021 Aug 1;479(8):1691-1699.

    206.  Cronin KJ, Kirsch JM, Gates S, Patel MS, Joyce CD, Hill BW, Gutman MJ, Williams GR, Namdari
S. Three-Dimensional Measures of Posterior Bone Loss and Retroversion in Walch B2 Glenoids Predict the need for an Augmented Anatomic Glenoid Component. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2386-2392.

    207.  Singh AM, Kirsch JM, Patel MS, Gutman M, Harper T, Lazarus M, Horneff JG, Namdari S,
Voskeridjian A, Abboud JA. Effect of Perioperative Acetaminophen on Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Rotator Cuff Repair: A Prospective Randomized Study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Sep;30(9):2014-2021.

    208.  Gutman MJ, Joyce CD, Patel MS, Kirsch JM, Gutman BS, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Ramsey ML.
Early repair of traumatic rotator cuff tears improves functional outcomes.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Nov;30(11):2475-2483.
    209.  Namdari S.  Editorial Commentary: Hydrogen Peroxide in the Perioperative Skin Preparation is a
No Brainer for Shoulder Surgery (Despite Imperfect Data). Arthroscopy. 2021 Apr;37(4):1141-

    210.  Zmistowski B, Chang M, Shahi A, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Williams G, Parvizi J,
Namdari S. Is D-dimer a Reliable Serum Marker for Shoulder Periprosthetic Joint Infection?
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021 Jul 1;479(7):1447-1454.

    211.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Brolin TJ, Lu J, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD. Healing and Functional Results
of Dermal Allograft Augmentation of Complex and Revision Rotator Cuff Repairs.  Am J Sports Med. 2021 Jul;49(8):2042-2047.

    212.  Henry TW, Entezari V, Ghoraishian M, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Complications Associated With
Intravenous Antibiotic Treatment for Cutibacterium acnes Periprosthetic Shoulder Infection.  Orthopedics. 2021 May-Jun;44(3):e422-e426.

    213.  Rondon AJ, Paziuk T, Gutman MJ, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S. Spacers for Life: High Mortality
Rate associated with Definitive treatment of shoulder periprosthetic infection with permanent antibiotic spacer. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun 1:S1058-2746(21)00472-9. [Epub Ahead of Print]

    214.  Horan DP, Baldwin K, Purtill JJ, Namdari S.  Predictors of Success in an Orthopaedic Residency.
JBJS Rev. 2021 Jun 14;9(6).
    215.  Patel MS, Kirsch JM, Gutman MJ, McEntee RM, Alberta F, Ramsey ML, Abboud JA, Namdari
S.Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation Correlates with American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Score for Common Elbow Pathology: A Retrospective Cohort Study.  Am J Sports Med. 2021 Aug;49(10):2771-2777.

216.  Lawrence C, Lazarus M, Abboud J, Williams G, Namdari S.  Prospective Comparative Study of
Preoperative Expectations and Postoperative Outcomes in Anatomic and Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Joints. 2021 Jun 18;7(4):159-164.

    217.  Baessler AM, Brolin TJ, Azar FM, Sen S, Chang M, Zmistowski BM, Routman HD, Namdari S,
Gulotta LV, Throckmorton TW.  Development and validation of a predictive model for outcomes in shoulder arthroplasty: a multicenter analysis of nearly 2000 patients.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Dec;30(12):2698-2702.

    218.  Henry TW, Gutman M, Backal A, Namdari S.  The Surgical Treatment of Deep Infection in the
Native Shoulder Joint.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2021 Jul;9(4):412-417.

    219.  Joyce CD, Gutman MJ, Hill BW, Singh AM, Sherman M, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Radiographic
Severity May Not be Associated with Pain and Function in Glenohumeral Arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2022 Feb 1;480(2):354-363.

    220.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Tomlinson RE, Wang ML, Donahue A, Arnold WV, Rivlin M, Beredjiklian
PK, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Fertala A. Mechanisms of reducing joint stiffness by blocking collagen fibrillogenesis in a rabbit model of posttraumatic arthrofibrosis. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0257147.

    221.  Zmistowski B, Chapman T, Sheth M, Getz CL, Ramsey ML, Namdari S. Hematoma following total
elbow arthroplasty: incidence, management, and outcomes. Shoulder Elbow. 2021 Oct;13(5):538-543.

    222.  Ho JC, Kane LT, Nunes B, Williams GR, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Glenoid Radiolucent Lines in
Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty are Unaffected by Thrombin Glenoid Preparation. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2021 Sep;9(5):543-547.

    223.  Panico L, Roy T, Namdari S. Long Head of the Biceps Tendon Ruptures: Biomechanics, Clinical
Ramifications, and Management.  JBJS Rev. 2021 Oct 25;9(10).

    224.  Cronin KJ, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Namdari S.  Ambulatory shoulder arthroplasty provides a
mild reduction in overall cost compared with inpatient shoulder arthroplasty cost of ambulatory shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Jun;31(6S):S90-S93.

225.  Kohan EM, Hendy BA, Kowal LL, Kirsch J, Gregori P, Williams GR, Namdari S. Mid-to-Long
Term Outcomes of Augmented and Non-Augmented Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty in Walch B3 Glenoids. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Jun;31(6S):S103-S109.

    226.  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) Multicenter
Group, Hsu JE, Bumgarner RE, Bourassa LA, Budge MD, Duquin T, Garrigues GE, Green A, Iannotti J, Khazzam MS, Koh JL, Matsen FA 3rd, Namdari S, Nicholson TA, Richter S, Sabesan V, Virk MS, Whitson A, Yian E, Ricchetti E.  What do Positive and Negative Cutibacterium Culture Results in Periprosthetic Shoulder Infection Mean? A Multi-Institutional Control Study.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Aug;31(8):1713-1720.

    227.  Cronin KJ, Hadley CJ, Hameed D, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Outcomes of Instability
after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Reoperation and Persistent Instability is Common. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Aug;31(8):1738-1742.
    228.  Kirsch JM, Patel M, Hill BW, McPartland C, Namdari S, Lazarus MD. Preoperative Single
Assessment Numeric Evaluation Score Predicts Poor Outcomes After Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Without Arthritis. Orthopedics. 2022 Jul-Aug;45(4):215-220.

    229.  Brochin RL, Schiffman CJ, Hsu JE, Quigley RJ, Garrigues GE, Kohan EM, Namdari S, Ricchetti
ET.  New Approaches to the Diagnosis and Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infection of the
Shoulder. Instr Course Lect. 2022;71:361-376.

    230.  Ghoraishian M, Hill BW, Nicholson T, Ramsey ML, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  Postoperative
stiffness after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2022 Apr;14(2):150-156.

    231.  ICM-VTE General Delegates. Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: General.  J Bone Joint Surg
Am. 2022 Mar 16;104(Suppl 1):4-162.

    232.  ICM-VTE Shoulder & Elbow Delegates. Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Shoulder &
Elbow.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2022 Mar 16;104(Suppl 1):252-266.

    233.  Namdari S, Sudah SY, Menendez ME, Denard PJ. Antibiotic Spacers for Shoulder Periprosthetic
Joint Infection: A Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 Oct 1;30(19):917-924.

    234.   Stoll KE, Hendy B, Brown T, Cohen N, Lee TQ, Namdari S, Davidson P. Arthroscopically
Assisted Acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular Reconstruction with a Looped Braided Polyester Suture Band and Buckle Device. Arthrosc Tech. 2022 Apr 22;11(5):e819-e826.

    235.  Gupta R, Schmidt EC, Namdari S, Stone MA, Hast MW. The addition of cerclage wiring does not
improve proximal bicortical fixation of locking plates for Type C periprosthetic fractures in synthetic humeri. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2022 Jul;97:105709.

    236.  Nicholson TA, Kirsch JM, Churchill R, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S. The Effect of
Tranexamic Acid for Visualization on pump pressure and visualization during Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: a blinded, randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Nov;31(11):2211-2216.

    237.  Townsend CB, Liss F, Langman C, Mazur D, Stache SA, Sharma S, Stolzenberg DS, Srinivasan M,
Pedowitz D, Namdari S, Wang ML, Greis AC, Ilyas AM.  Perspectives of Orthopedic Patients on Medical Cannabis: A Survey of More Than 2500 Patients. Orthopedics. 2022 Nov-Dec;45(6):e309-e314.

    238.  Menendez ME, Pagani NR, Puzzitiello RN, Moverman MA, Sudah SY, Namdari S, Jawa A.
Strong Public Desire for Quality and Price Transparency in Shoulder Arthroplasty. Cureus. 2022 Oct 17;14(10):e30396. doi: 10.7759/cureus.30396.

    239.  Sanko C, Cox R, Hadley C, Gilmore G, Wood C, Getz C, Namdari S, Davis D.  The Impact of
Elective Surgical Restriction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: patient perceptions.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Nov 23:S1058-2746(22)00852-7.

    240.  Paziuk T, Cox RM, Gutman MJ, Rondon AJ, Nicholson T, Belden K, Namdari S.Periprosthetic
joint infections of the shoulder: A 10-year retrospective analysis outlining the heterogeneity among these patients. Shoulder Elbow. 2022 Dec;14(6):598-605.

    241.  Gutman MJ, Kohan EM, Hendy BA, Joyce CD, Kirsch JM, Singh A, Sherman M, Austin LS,
Namdari S, Williams GR Jr.  Factors Associated with Functional Improvement After Posteriorly Augmented Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jan 4:S1058-2746(23)00001-0.

    242.  Chambers MM, Khan AZ, Namdari S. Teres Minor Muscle Atrophy: Anatomy, Patterns, and
Clinical Manifestations.  JBJS Rev. 2022 Dec 16;10(12).

    243.  Joyce CD, Stoll KE, Harper TM, Sherman M, Botros J, Getz CL, Namdari S, Davis DE. Shoulder
Synovitis Does not Affect Pain After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair.
Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2022 Dec;10(12):1013-1019.

    244. Klein JS, Jamgochian G, Thakar O, Singh A, Huntley S, Nicholson T, Thomas J, Namdari S,
Abboud J.  Post-operative Urinary Dysfunction Following Shoulder Surgery: Rates and Risk Factors. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2022 Dec;10(12):1020-1025.

    245.  Chen RE, Vaughan AK, Cox RM, Alfosi S, Belden KA, Namdari S. Shoulder Periprosthetic Joint
Infection is Associated with Increased Mortality. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jun;32(6S):S1-S7.

    246.  Hendy BA, Fertala J, Nicholson T, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Fertala A. Profibrotic behavior of
fibroblasts derived from patients that develop posttraumatic shoulder stiffness. Health Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 16;6(2):e1100.
    247.  Luthringer TA, Kane LT, Vaughn AK, Reddy YC, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Work Related
Outcomes of Revision Rotator Cuff Repair for Patients Receiving Workers' Compensation. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Feb 25:S1058-2746(23)00125-8.  [Epub ahead of print]

    248.  Hill BW, Joyce CD, Singh A, Guttman MJ, Williams GR, Namdari S. Patients With Mild
Osteoarthritis Are Less Likely to Achieve a Clinically Important Improvement in Pain or Function After Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2023 Feb 28.  [Epub ahead of print]

    249.  Khan AZ, Luthringer TA, Kohan EM, Kowal LL, Vaughan A, Zmistowski BM, Keener JD,
Williams GR, Namdari S. Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty in Walch C Glenoid Deformity: Mid-to-Long Term Outcomes. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jun;32(6S):S23-S31.

    250.  Blaber O, Hadley CJ, Gutman MJ, Bishop ME, Namdari S, Romeo AA, Erickson BJ. Prior
Acromioplasty Provides Similar Outcomes and Rate of Postoperative Complications Including Acromial Fracture After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Matched-Cohort Analysis. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2022 Dec 26;5(1):e263-e266.

    251.  Kobayashi EF, Namdari S, Schenker M, Athwal GS, Ahn J. Evaluation and treatment of
postoperative periprosthetic humeral fragility fractures. OTA Int. 2023 Mar 28;6(1 Suppl):e244.

    252. Sudah SY, Imam N, Sirch F, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. Differences in the
Academic Attributes of Matched and Unmatched Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Applicants are Narrowing. JBJS Open Access. 2023 Apr 13;8(2):e22.00138.

    253.  Chen RE, Gates ST, Vaughan A, Santoro A, Reddy Y, Williams GR, Namdari S. Complications
after Operative Treatment of High Grade Acromioclavicular Injuries. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Sep;32(9):1972-1980.

    254.  Imam N, Sudah SY, Shaikh SZ, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. National Institutes of
Health Funding to Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery at U.S. Medical Schools from 2015 to 2021. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Aug 2;105(15):1205-1213.

    255.  Tzeuton S, Johns W, Campbell B, Hammoud S, Ciccotti MG, Namdari S.Outcomes and Patient
Satisfaction of Delayed Distal Biceps Repairs without Graft Augmentation: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2023 May 4;11(5).

    256.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Namdari S. Short-Term Results of a Convertible Diaphyseal-fit
Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty System. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(3):154-159.

    256.  Gutman MJ, Patel MS, Weintraub MT, Singh A, Padegimas EM, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Can
Patients Accurately Recall their Preoperative Pain and Functional Scores Following Rotator Cuff
Repair and Total Shoulder Arthroplasty? Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(3):160-165.

257.  Stone MA, Henry TW, Gutman MJ, Ho JC, Namdari S. Surgical Treatment of Shoulder Infection
Following Rotator Cuff Repair. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(2):111-116.

    258.  Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Sheth M, Abboud JA, Williams GR, Namdari S. Hematoma Following
Shoulder Arthroplasty: Incidence, Management, and Outcomes. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(2):102-110.

259.  Stoll K, Alfonsi S 3rd, Khan AZ, Vaughan A, Namdari S. Preoperative Prophylactic Antibiotics
Administration Does Not Influence Culture Yield in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Nov;32(11):2366-2370.

260.  Cox RM, Hendy BA, Gutman MJ, Sherman M, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Utilization of comorbidity
indices to predict discharge destination and complications following total shoulder arthroplasty.
Shoulder Elbow. 2023 Jun;15(3):274-282.

    261.  ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Lohre R, Swanson DP, Mahendraraj KA, Elmallah
R, Glass EA, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Risk Factors of Acromial and Scapular Spine Stress Fractures Differ by Indication: A Study by the ASES Complications of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Dec;32(12):2483-2492.

262.  Fernández-Rodríguez D, Cho J, Parvizi N, Khan AZ, Parvizi J, Namdari S. Next-generation
Sequencing Results Require Higher Inoculum for Cutibacterium acnes Detection Than Conventional Anaerobic Culture.  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2023 Dec 1;481(12):2484-2491.

    263.  Cehelyk EK, Stull JD, Patel MS, Cox RM, Namdari S.  Humeral Head Avascular Necrosis:
Pathophysiology, Work-up, and Treatment Options. JBJS Rev. 2023 Jun 27;11(6).

    264.  ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Lohre R, Swanson DP, Mahendraraj KA, Elmallah
R, Glass EA, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Predictors of Dislocations after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A study by the ASES Complications of RSA Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jan;33(1):73-81.

265.  Eoghan T Hurley, Seth L Sherman, Daniel J Stokes, Scott A Rodeo, Shane A Shapiro, Ken
Mautner, Don A Buford, Jason L Dragoo, Bert R Mandelbaum, Kenneth R Zaslav, Brian J Cole, Rachel M Frank; Members of the Biologics Association; Mukesh Ahuja, Adam W Anz, Jorge Chahla, Constance R Chu, Ramon Cugat, Joao Espregueira-Mendes, Jack Farr, David C Flanigan, Alberto Gobbi, Andreas H Gomoll, Daniel A Grande, Mederic M Hall, Kay Horsch, Jason L Koh, Elizaveta Kon, Christian Lattermann, Louis F McIntyre, Iain R Murray, George F Muschler, Norimasa Nakamura, Surena Namdari, Nicolas S Piuzzi, Daniel B F Saris, Nicholas A Sgaglione, Kurt P Spindler, John M Tokish, Adam B Yanke. Experts Achieve Consensus on a Majority of Statements Regarding Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pathology.  Arthroscopy. 2023 Aug 23;S0749-8063(23)00673-4.

    266.   Cox RM, Mandava N, Lazarus MD, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S. Management of Proximal Humerus Bone Loss with Allograft Prosthetic Composite Technique in Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6):1306-1312.

    267.   Hoveidaei AH, Nakhostin-Ansari A, Namdari S, Hosseini-Asl SH, Khonji MS, Selk-Ghaffari M,
    Pouramini A, LaPorte DM.  Increasing Burden of Upper-Extremity Fractures in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): A 30-Year Analysis of the Epidemiology and Causes of Injuries..J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Nov 24.

    268.  Khan AZ, Vaughan A, Mandava NK, Wickes C, Ramsey ML, Namdari S.  Elevated HbA1c is not associated with reoperation following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients with diabetes mellitus.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Feb;33(2):247-254.

    269.  Hurley ET, Sherman SL, Stokes DJ, Rodeo SA, Shapiro SA, Mautner K, Buford DA, Dragoo JL, Mandelbaum BR, Zaslav KR, Cole BJ, Frank RM; Members of the Biologics Association.  Experts Achieve Consensus on a Majority of Statements Regarding Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pathology. Arthroscopy. 2024 Feb;40(2):470-477.e1.

    270.    Chambers MM, Namdari S. A Review of Surgical Irrigation Solutions for Infection Prevention in Orthopaedic Surgery. JBJS Rev. 2023 Dec 11;11(12).

    271.  Kane LT, Wilkening JD, Keener M, Tashjian RZ, Omid R, Namdari S. Common Complication From Routine Shoulder Surgery: Postoperative Stiffness After Rotator Cuff Repair. Instr Course Lect. 2024;73:527-534.

    272. Roddy E, Gardner MJ, Namdari S, Athwal GS, Hebert-Davies J. Proximal Humerus Fractures: How to Achieve Best Outcomes. Instr Course Lect. 2024;73:535-545.

    273.  Fram BR, Strony JT, Chen RE, Namdari S, Krieg JC. Proximal humerus fractures: Postoperative protocols and factors affecting treatment decisions among shoulder and elbow and orthopedic trauma surgeons.
J Orthop. 2023 Nov 25;49:75-80.

    274.  Lopez R, Singh J, Ghoraishian M, Nicholson T, Gates S, Namdari S. Anatomic factors associated with degeneration and fraying of the coracoacromial ligament. 2024 Mar;27(1):26-31.

    275.  Kane LT, Luthringer T, Vaughan A, Kim S, Ramsey ML, Namdari S. Outcomes of Initial Non-Operative Treatment of Traumatic, Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears. . 2024 Jul;33(7):1586-1592.

    276.  Lopez R, Zmistowski B, Hendy BA, Sanko C, Williams A, Getz CL, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Is Arthroscopic Latarjet a Cost-Effective Procedure? A Decision Analysis. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2024;12(1):12-18.

    277.  Imam N, Sudah SY, Shaikh SZ, Bonney AA, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. The Rising Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery: An Updated Analysis from 2014 to 2022. JB JS Open Access. 2024 Feb 12;9(1):e23.00079

    278. Schiffman CJ, Baker W, Kwak D, Ramsey ML, Namdari S, Austin LS. High failure rate of 2-stage revision for the infected total elbow arthroplasty: a single institution's experience. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6S):S122-S129.

    279.  Mirghaderi P, Azarboo A, Ghaseminejad-Raeini A, Eshraghi N, Vahedi H, Namdari S. Shoulder Arthroplasty After Previous Nonarthroplasty Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes and Complications. JBJS Rev. 2024 Mar 20;12(3).

    280.  Sanko C, Kane LT, Vaughan A, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Humeral stem loosening is not always prosthetic joint infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6S):S86-S92.

    281. Rompala A, Sudah SY, Miller AS, Gaccione AG, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. Predicting academic productivity among American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons fellowship faculty from publications acquired before and during surgical training. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct;33(10):e523-e528.

    282.  Schiffman CJ, Kane L, Khoo K, Hsu JE, Namdari S. Does retained cement or hardware during 2-stage revision shoulder arthroplasty for infection increase the risk of recurrent infection? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Apr 29:S1058-2746(24)00300-8. [Online ahead of print]

    283. Schiffman CJ, Cohn MR, Austin LS, Namdari S. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty to Treat Proximal Humerus Fracture Sequelae: A Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg.  2024 Aug 1;32(15):681-691.

    284.  Khan AZ, Vaughan AK, Aman ZS, Lazarus MD, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Reaching Minimal Clinically Important Difference, Substantial Clinical Benefit, and Patient-Acceptable Symptomatic State for Patient-Reported Outcome Measures following Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Does Not Correlate with Patient Satisfaction.  J Clin Med. 2024 Apr 26;13(9):2550.

285. Kane LT, Mahmood H, Singh J, Tate A, Namdari S. Provider Opinions on Effectiveness of Physical Therapy as Treatment for Glenohumeral Arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Aug;33(8):e415-e421.

286. Hurley ET, Aman ZS, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Jazrawi LM, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Klifto CS, Anakwenze O, Dickens JF; Posterior Shoulder Instability International Consensus Group. Posterior Shoulder Instability, Part I-Diagnosis, Nonoperative Management, and Labral Repair for Posterior Shoulder Instability-An International Expert Delphi Consensus Statement. Arthroscopy. 2024 May 11:S0749-8063(24)00341-4. [Online ahead of print]

287. Hurley ET, Aman ZS, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Jazrawi LM, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Klifto CS, Anakwenze OA, Dickens JF; Posterior Shoulder Instability International Consensus Group. Posterior Shoulder Instability Part II - Glenoid Bone-Grafting, Glenoid Osteotomy, and Rehabilitation/Return to Play - An International Expert Delphi Consensus Statement. Arthroscopy. 2024 May 10:S0749-8063(24)00340-2. [Online ahead of print]

288. Tarabichi S, Goh GS, Fraval A, Lizcano JD, Abe EA, Courtney PM, Namdari S, Parvizi J. Serum and Synovial Markers in the Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infection of the Hip, Knee, and Shoulder: An Algorithmic Approach. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Jul 3;106(13):1221-1230.

289.  Chen RE, Vaughan A, Santoro AJ, Namdari S, Williams GR. Low acromial insufficiency fracture rate in reverse shoulder arthroplasty with distal clavicle excision. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Jul;16(3):258-264.

290.  Hurley ET, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Klifto CS, Anakwenze OA; Pseudoparalysis/Pseudoparesis Consensus Group. Defining Pseudoparalysis & Pseudoparesis - A Consensus Study.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct;33(10):2111-2117.

291.  Yao JJ, Aggarwal M, Lopez RD, Namdari S. Current Concepts Review: Large Language Models in Orthopaedics: Definitions, Uses, and Limitations. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Jun 19. [Online ahead of print]

292. Stadler RD, Sudah SY, Moverman MA, Denard PJ, Duralde XA, Garrigues GE, Klifto CS, Levy JC, Namdari S, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Menendez ME.  Identification of ChatGPT-Generated Abstracts Within Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Poses a Challenge for Reviewers.  Arthroscopy. 2024 Jul 9:S0749-8063(24)00495-X. [Online ahead of print]

293.  Kane LT, Vaughan A, Namdari S, Kohan E. Effect of Axillary Radiograph Rotation and Medial Scapular Visualization on Glenoid Retroversion Measurement. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2024;12(8):597-602.

294.  Yeramosu T, Johns WL, Onor G, Menendez ME, Namdari S, Hammoud S. ChatGPT is capable of providing satisfactory responses to frequently asked questions regarding total shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Jul;16(4):407-412.

295.  Lopez R, Schiffman C, Singh J, Yao J, Vaughan A, Chen R, Lazarus M, Namdari S. Early Postoperative Pain is Similar after Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair versus Short-Stay Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Prospective Study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct 18:S1058-2746(24)00761-4. [Online ahead of print]

296.  Brush PL, Trenchfield D, Pohl NB, Swan TL, Santana A, Jones CM, Namdari S, Beredjiklian PK, Fletcher D.  A comparison of distal triceps tendon repair outcomes by surgical technique. JSES Rev Rep Tech. 2024 Jul 20;4(4):790-796.

297. ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Puzzitiello R, Glass EA, Bowler AR, Swanson DP, Moverman M, Lohre R, Mahendraraj KA, McDonald-Stahl M, Diestel DR, Le K, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Hsu JE, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Low Success Rate of Closed Reductions when Treating Dislocations after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Study by the ASES Complications of RSA Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Nov 13:S1058-2746(24)00805-X. [online ahead of print]

298.  Cox RM, Mandava N, Vaughan A, Ramsey ML, Getz CL, Namdari S. Management of periprosthetic humerus fractures after shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Mar 18:17585732241239952. [Online ahead of print].

299.  Horneff JG 3rd, Vaughan A, Patel M, Nicholson T, Tzeuton S, Lazarus M, Namdari S, Abboud JA.
Photodynamic therapy for Cutibacterium acnes decolonization of the shoulder dermis. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Oct;16(6):635-640.

Stories Related to Surena Namdari, MD
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1.    Namdari H,  Kintner K, Jackson B, Namdari S, Hughes J, Peairs R, Savage D.  Abiotrophia
Species as a Cause of Endophthalmitis Following Cataract Extraction. J Clin Micro. 1999;37(5):1564-6.

2.    Namdari S, Carney WI, Weiss APC. Palmar bypass for digital ischemia. J Hand Surg [Am].
2007 Oct;32(8):1251-8.

3.    Namdari S, Valdes M, Born CT. Parturition-Induced Pubic Symphysis Separation and Sacral
Ala Fracture: Case Report and Review of the Medical Literature.  J of Pelvic Med and Surg Nov/Dec 2007;13(6):383-390.

4.    Park MJ, Namdari S, Weiss APC. The carpal boss: review of diagnosis and treatment. J Hand
Surg [Am]. 2008 Mar;33(3):446-9.

5.    Namdari S, Park MJ, Carney WI, Weiss APC. Chronic hand ischemia treated with radial
artery balloon angioplasty: case report. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2008 Apr:33(4);551-4.

6.    Wernecke G, Namdari S, Dicarlo EF, Schneider R, Lane JM. Case Report of Spontaneous,
Nonspinal Fractures in a Multiple Myeloma Patient on Long-term Pamidronate and Zoledronic Acid. HSS J. 2008 Sep;4(2):123-7.

7.    Namdari S, Henn RF, Green A. Traumatic anterior superior rotator cuff tears:  the
outcome of open surgical repair. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Sep;90(9):1906-13.

8.    Namdari S, Moore D, Wei L, Chen Q. Reduced limb length and worsened osteoarthritis in
adult mice after genetic inhibition of p38 MAP kinase activity in cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Oct 30:58(11)3520-3529.

9.    Auerbach JD, Namdari S, Milby AH, White AP, Reddy SC, Lonner BS, Balderston RA. The
parallax effect in the evaluation of range of motion in lumbar total disc replacement. SAS Journal December 2008;2(4), 184-188.

10.    Namdari S, Weiss APC. Anatomically-neutral silicone small joint arthroplasty for
osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2009 Feb:34(2):292-300.

11.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Anakwenze O, Park MJ, Huffman R, Sennett B. Results and
performance after microfracture in National Basketball Association (NBA) athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2009 May;37(5):943-8.

12.    Namdari S, Green A. Range of motion limitation after rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow
Surg. 2010 Mar;19(2):290-6.

13.    Namdari S, Park MJ, Baldwin K, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA.  Effect of age, sex, and timing
on correction of spastic equinovarus following cerebrovascular accident. Foot Ankle Int. 2009 Oct;30(10):923-7.
14.    Baldwin KD, Harrison RA, Namdari S, Nelson CL, Hosalkar HS. Outcomes of hip
arthroscopy for treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review.  Current Orthopaedic Practice. 20(6):669-673, November/December 2009.

15.    Kamath AF, Pandya NK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA.  Surgical technique for
correction of adult spastic equinovarus foot.  Tech Foot Ankle Surg. 8(4):160-167, December 2009.

16.    Valdes MA, Thakur NA, Namdari S, Ciombor DM, Palumbo M. Recombinant bone  
morphogenic protein-2 in orthopaedic surgery: a review. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Dec;129(12):1651-7. Epub 2009 Mar 12.

17.    Baldwin K, Namdari S, Andersen JR, Lee B, Itamura JM, Huffman GR. Luggage Tag
Technique of Anatomic Fixation of Displaced Acromioclavicular Joint Separations. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan;468(1):259-65. Epub 2009 May 7.

18.    Namdari S, Pill S, Makani A, Keenan MA. Rectus femoris to gracilis transfer with fractional
lengthening of the vastus muscles: A treatment for adults with stiff knee gait. Phys Ther. 2010 Feb;90(2):261-8. Epub 2009 Dec 18.

19.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Weinraub B, Mehta S. Changes in the number of resident
publications after inception of the 80-hour work week. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Aug;468(8):2278-83. Epub 2010 Feb 13.

20.     Park MJ, Namdari S, Yao J. Anatomic variations of the palmaris longus muscle. Am J
Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2010 Feb;39(2):89-94.

21.    Anakwenze OA, Namdari S, Auerbach JD, Baldwin K, Weidner ZD, Lonner BS,
Huffman GR, Sennett BJ. Athletic Performance Outcomes Following Lumbar Discectomy in Professional Basketball Players. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Apr 1;35(7):825-8.

22.    Hsu JE, Namdari S, Baldwin KD, Esterhai JL, Mehta S. Is upper extremity trauma an
independent risk factor for lower extremity venous thromboembolism? An 11-year experience at a Level I trauma center. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 Jan;131(1):27-32.  

23.    Namdari S, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Green A. Does obesity affect early outcome after rotator
cuff repair? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Dec;19(8):1250-5.

24.     Namdari S, Milby A, Garino JP.  Limb salvage following infected knee arthroplasty with
bone loss and extensor mechanism deficiency using a modular segmental replacement system. J Arthroplasty. 2011 Sep;26(6):977.e1-4.

25.     Namdari S, Keenan MA. Outcome of Surgical Treatment of Painful Inferior Glenohumeral
Subluxation in Hemiparetic Patients: The Biceps Suspension Procedure.  J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010 Nov 3;92(15):2589-97.

26.    Baldwin KD, Matuszewski PE, Namdari S, Esterhai JL, Mehta S. Does morbid obesity
negatively affect the hospital course of patients undergoing treatment of closed, lower extremity diaphyseal long bone fractures? A Case Control Study. Orthopedics 2011 Jan 3;34(1).

27.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Mehta S, Keenan MA.  Shoulder tenotomies to improve
passive motion and relieve pain in patients with spastic hemiplegia after upper motor neuron injury.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2011 Jul;20(5):802-6.

28.    Baldwin KD, Namdari S, Donegan D, Kamath AF, Mehta S.  Early effects of resident work-
hour restrictions on patient safety: a systematic review and plea for improved studies.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Jan;93(2):e5.

29.     Namdari S, Baldwin K, Matuszewski P, Esterhai J, Mehta S. Delay in surgical debridement
of open tibia fractures: an analysis of national practice trends. J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Mar;25(3):140-4.

30.     Namdari S, Scott K, Milby A, Baldwin K, Lee GC. Athletic performance after ACL
reconstruction in the Women’s National Basketball Association.  Phys sportsmed.  2011 Feb;39(1):36-41.

31.  Pahlavan S, Baldwin KD, Pandya NK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS.  Proximal humerus fractures
in the pediatric population: a systematic review. J Child Orthop. 2011 Jun;5(3):187-94.

32. Namdari S, Baldwin K, Ahn A, Huffman GR, Sennett BJ. Performance after surgery for
rotator cuff tear : A case-control study of Major League baseball. J Athl Train 2011 May-June;46(3)296-302.

33.  Baldwin K, Namdari S, Esterhai J, Mehta S.  Venous thromboembolism in blunt trauma
patients: are comprehensive guidelines the answer? Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2011 May;40(5):E83-7.

34.  Namdari S, Ganley TJ, Baldwin K, Rendon Sampson N, Hosalkar H, Nikci V, Wells L.  
Fixation of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures in skeletally immature patients. J Pediatr Orthop.  2011 Jul-Aug;31(5):507-11.

35.  Namdari S, Goel DP, Romanowski JR, Glaser D, Warner JJP.  Principles of glenoid
component design and strategies for managing glenoid bone loss in revision total shoulder arthroplasty in the absence of infection and rotator cuff tear. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Sep;20(6):1016-24.

36.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Mehta S, Keenan MA.  Outcomes of tendon fractional
lengthenings in spastic hemiparetics with intact motor control and shoulder contractures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 May;21(5):691-8.

37.  Namdari S, Alosh H, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Kelly JD.  Biological glenoid resurfacing for
glenohumeral osteoarthritis: a systematic review.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Oct;20(7):1184-90.

38.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Baldwin K, Lee GC. Primary total joint arthroplasty performed in
operating rooms following cases of known infection.  Orthopedics. 2011 Sep 9;34(9):e541-5.

39.  Namdari S, Keenan MA. The biceps suspension procedure for treatment of painful inferior
glenohumeral subluxation in hemiparetic patients.  JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques, 2011 Sep 14;01(02):e11 1-7.

40.  Namdari S, Yagnik G, Ebaugh DD, Nagda S, Ramsey M, Williams GR, Mehta S. Defining
functional shoulder range of motion for activities of daily living? J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 Sep;21(9):1177-83.

41.  Namdari S, Glaser D. Arthroscopic-assisted conversion of total shoulder arthroplasty to
hemiarthroplasty with glenoid bone grafting. Orthopedics. 2011 Nov;34(11):862-5

42.  Namdari S, Keenan MA. Treatment of glenohumeral arthrosis and inferior shoulder
subluxation in an adult cerebral palsy: a case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Dec 7;93(23):e1401-5.

43.  Baldwin KB, Namdari S, Bowers AB, Levin LS, Keenan MA, Ahn JA.  Factors affecting
interest in orthopedics among female medical students: A prospective analysis. Orthopedics. 2011 Dec 6;34(12):e919-32.

44.     Namdari S, Horneff JG, Baldwin KB, Keenan MA.  Muscle releases to improve passive
motion and relieve pain in patients with spastic hemiplegia and elbow flexion contractures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Oct;21(10):1357-62.

        45.  Sciascia A, Thigpen C, Namdari S, Baldwin K. Kinetic chain abnormalities in the athletic
shoulder.  Sports Med Arthrosc. 2012 Mar;20(1):16-21.

46.  Namdari S, Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Huffman GR, Glaser D.  Fifty most cited articles in
orthopedic shoulder surgery.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2012 Dec;21(12):1796-802.

47.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Baldwin K, Glaser D, Huffman GR.  Latissimus dorsi tendon transfer
for irreparable rotator cuff tear: a systematic review. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 May 16;94(10):891-8.

48.  Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Namdari S, Sankar W, Flynn JM, Dormans JP. The 50 most cited
articles in pediatric orthopaedics.  J Pediatr Orthop B. 2012 Sep;21(5):463-8.

49.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Huffman GR.  Compressive brachial plexopathy after fixation of
clavicle nonunion. JBJSCC. 2012;2(2):e26 1-4.  

50.  Namdari S, Voleti P, Mehta S.  Evaluation of the osteoporotic proximal humerus fracture and
strategies for structural augmentation during surgical treatment.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Dec;21(12):1787-95.

51.  Pandya N, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS. Displaced clavicle fractures in adolescents: facts,
controversies, and current trends. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2012 Aug;20(8):498-505.

52.  Namdari S, Hsu J, Baron M, Huffman GR, Glaser D.  Immediate Postoperative Radiographs
After Shoulder Arthroplasty Are Often Poor Quality and Do Not Alter Care. Clin Orthop Relat Res.  2013 Apr;471(4):1257-62.

53.  Edgar R, Nagda S, Huffman GR, Namdari S.  Pulmonary embolism after shoulder
arthroscopy: case series and review of the literature.  Orthopedics. 2012 Nov 1;35(11):e1673-6.

54.  Baldwin K, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Speigel D, Keenan MA.  Specialty Update: What’s new
in orthopaedic rehabilitation? J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Nov 21;94(22):2106-11.

55.  Voleti PB, Namdari S, Mehta S.  Scapular fracture fixation.  Adv Orthop. 2012;2012:903850.

56.  Namdari S. Computer-assisted navigation in shoulder arthroplasty: a way to level the playing
field?  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2012 Nov;41(11):E155-E156.

57.  Namdari S, Lipman AJ, Ricchetti ET, Tjoumakaris FP, Huffman GR, Mehta S.  Fixation
strategies to prevent screw cut-out and malreduction in proximal humeral fracture fixation. Clin Orthop Surg. 2012 Dec;4(4):321-4.

58.  Namdari S, Raminovich R, Scolaro J, Baldwin K, Bhandari M, Mehta S.  Absorbable and
non-absorbable cement augmentation in fixation of intertrochanteric femur fractures: systematic review.  Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 Apr;133(4):487-94.

        59.  Scolaro JA, Namdari S, Levin LS.  The value of an annual educational retreat in the
orthopaedic residency training program. J Surg Educ. 2013 Jan;70(1):164-7.

60.  Anakwenze OA, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Benham J, Keenan MA.  Myotendinous lengthening of
the elbow flexor muscles to improve active motion in patients with elbow spasticity following brain injury. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2013 Mar;22(3):318-22.

61.  Lee EK, Namdari S, Hosalkar HS, Keenan MA, Baldwin KD.  Clinical results of the excision
of heterotopic bone around the elbow: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2013 May;22(5):716-22.

62.  Namdari S, Melnic C, Huffman GR.  Foreign Body Reaction to Acellular Dermal Matrix
Allograft in Biologic Glenoid Resurfacing.  Clin Orthop Relat Res.  2013 Aug;471(8):2455-8.

63.  Namdari S, Jani S, Baldwin K, Mehta S.  What is the relationship between number of
publications during orthopaedic residency and selection of an academic career?  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Apr 3;95(7):e451-6.

64.  Pandya NP, Namdari S.  Shoulder Arthroscopy in Children and Adolscents. J Am Acad
Orthop Surg.  2013 Jul;21(7):389-397.

65.  Namdari S, Skelley N, Keener J, Galatz L, Yamaguchi K.  What is the role of arthroscopic
debridement for glenohumeral arthritis? A critical examination of the literature.  Arthroscopy. 2013 Aug;29(8):1392-8.

66.  Namdari S, Horneff JG, Baldwin KB.  Comparison of hemiarthroplasty and reverse
arthroplasty for treatment of proximal humeral fractures: a systematic review.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Sep 18;95(18):1701-1708.

67.  Namdari S, Baldwin K, Horneff JG, Keenan MA.  Orthopaedic evaluation and surgical
management of the spastic shoulder.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2013 Oct;44(4):605-614.

68.  Baldwin K, Yanascoli S, Namdari S, Speigel D, Keenan MA.  Specialty Update: What’s new
in orthopaedic rehabilitation? J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Nov 20;95(22):2071-2077.

69.  Baldwin K, Kovatch K, Namdari S, Mehta S. 100 most cited articles in orthopaedic trauma.  
Am J Orthop.  2013 Dec;42(12):547-52.

70.  Donegan RP, Namdari S, Galatz LM.  Arthroscopic management of anterior capsulolabral
lesions: how and why. Oper Tech Sports Med.  2013 Dec;21(4):214-19.

71.  Namdari S, Donegan RP, Dahiya N, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K, Keener JD.  Characteristics
of Small to Medium-Sized Rotator Cuff Tears with and without Disruption of the Anterior Supraspinatus Tendon.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Jan;23(1):20-7.

72.  Scolaro J, Voleti P, Makani A, Namdari S, Mirza A, Mehta S.  Surgical fixation of
extra-articular distal humeral fractures with a posterolateral plate through a triceps sparing technique.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Feb;23(2):251-7.

73.  Namdari S, Donegan RP, Chamberlain AM, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K, Keener JD.  Factors
affecting outcome after structural failure of repaired rotator cuff tears.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Jan 15;96(2):99-105.

74.  Nelson GN, Namdari S, Galatz L, Keener JD.  Pectoralis major tendon transfer for
irreparable subscapularis tears. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Jun;23(6):909-18.

75.  Horneff GJ, Namdari S.  My shoulder is stuck: limited range of motion after open
reduction and internal fixation of the shoulder.  Curr Orthop Practice. 25(3):227-232, May/June 2014.

76.  Hsu J, Namdari S, Baron M, Kuntz AF, Abboud JA, Huffman GR, Williams GR, Glaser D.  
Glenoid perforation with pegged components during total shoulder arthroplasty? Orthopedics. 2014; 37: e587-e591.

77.  Photopolous C, Namdari S, Baldwin KD, Keenan MA.  Decision-making in the Treatment of
the Spastic Shoulder and Elbow: Tendon Release vs. Tendon Lengthening.  J Bone Joint Surg Reviews. 2014 Oct;2(10):e3.

78.  Skelley N, Namdari S, Chamberlain AM, Keener JD, Galatz LM, Yamaguchi K.
Arthroscopic debridement and capsular release for treatment of shoulder osteoarthritis.  
Arthroscopy. 2015 Mar;31(3):494-500.

        79.  Kolman S, Keenan MA, Spiegel D, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Baldwin KD.  What’s New in
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Nov 19;96(22):1925-1934.

80.  Gillespie RJ, Garrigues GE, Chang E, Namdari S, Williams GR. Surgical Exposure for
Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Differences in Approaches & Outcomes.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2015 Jan;46(1):49-56.

81.  Padegimas E, Maltenfort M, Ramsey ML, Williams GR. Parvizi J, Namdari S.  Periprosthetic
Shoulder Infection in the United States: Incidence and Economic Burden.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 May;24(5):741-6.

82.  Padegimas E, Maltenfort M, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Future
Young Patient Demand for Shoulder Arthroplasty: National Projections. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jun;473(6):1860-7.

        83.  Namdari S, Leopold SS.  Editor’s Spotlight/Take 5: Future Patient Demand for Shoulder
Arthroplasty by Younger Patients: National Projections.  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jun;473(6):1856-9.

84.  Mori D, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Williams GR. Glenoid bone loss in anatomic shoulder
arthroplasty: literature review and surgical technique.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2015 Jul;46(3):389-397.

85.  Chamberlain AM, Namdari S, Keener J. What’s new in shoulder and elbow surgery.  J Bone
Joint Surg Am. 2015 Oct 21;97(20):1719-27.

86.  Kolman S, Spiegel D, Namdari S, Hosalkar H, Keenan MA, Baldwin KD.  What’s new in
orthopaedic rehabilitation. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Nov 18;97(22):1892-8.

87.  Lawrence C, Donegan RP, Namdari S.  Augmentation in proximal humeral fractures:  when
and how?  Curr Orthop Practice. 26(6):576-583, November/December 2015.

        88.  Abdullah L, Davis D, Fabricant P, Baldwin KB, Namdari S.  Is there truly "no significant
difference"? Underpowered randomized controlled trials in orthopaedic literature.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Dec 16;97(24):2068-73.

        89.  Padegimas E, Clyde C, Zmistowski B, Restrepo C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Risk factors
for blood transfusion following shoulder arthroplasty.  Bone Joint J. 2016 Feb;98

90.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA, Wang ML, Namdari S, Barlow J,
Arnold WV, Kostas J, Hou C, Fertala A. Auxiliary Proteins that Facilitate Formation of Collagen-Rich Deposits in the Posterior Knee Capsule in a Rabbit-Based Joint Contracture Model. J Orthop Res. 2016 Mar;34(3):489-501.

        91.  Lenart B, Namdari S, Williams GR.  Total shoulder arthroplasty with an augmented
component for anterior glenoid bone deficiency.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2016

92.     Ko JWK, Namdari S.  The Diagnosis and Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infections of
the Shoulder.  Op Tech Orthop Surg.  2016 March: 26(1):53-59.  

93.     Nelson GN, Davis DE, Namdari S.  Outcomes in the Treatment of periprosthetic joint
infection after shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.  2016 Aug;25(8):1337-45.

94.  Shields MV, Abdullah L, Namdari S.  The challenge of Propionibacterium acnes and revision
shoulder arthroplasty: a review of current diagnostic options.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg.
2016 Jun;25(6):1034-40.

95.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski BM, Clyde CT, Restrepo C, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD, Ramsey
ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Length of Stay after Shoulder Arthroplasty- The Effect of
an Orthopaedic Specialty Hospital. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Sep;25(9):1404-11.

96.  Bhat S, Secrist E, Austin L, Getz C, Krieg J, Mehta S, Namdari S.  Displaced proximal
humerus fractures in the elderly: practice variability among shoulder surgeons and traumatologists.  Orthopedics.  2016 May 1;39(3):e509-13.

        97.  Lawrence C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Influence of glenosphere design on outcomes and
complications in reverse arthroplasty: a systematic review.  Clin Orthop Surg. 2016

98.  Chamberlain AM, Namdari S, Keener J. What’s new in shoulder and elbow surgery. 2016
Oct 19; 98 (20): 1755 -1762.

99.  Bhat SB, Lazarus M, Getz C, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Economic Decision Model
Suggests Total Shoulder Arthroplasty is Superior to Hemiarthroplasty in Young Patients with End-stage Shoulder Arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Nov;474(11):2482-2492.

100.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski B, Restrepo C, Getz C, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey M,
Williams GR, Namdari S.  Instability after Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Which Patients Dislocate?  Am J Orthop. 2016 November;45(7):E444-E450.

        101.  Dialectos A, Namdari S.  Glenohumeral osteoarthritis and the young patient: current options
for treatment.  Curr Orthop Practice. 28(2):130-134, March/April, 2017.

102.  Namdari S, Mehta S, Tierney A, Hast MW.  Locking Cap Designs Improve Fatigue
Properties of Polyaxial Screws in Upper Extremity Applications. J Orthop Trauma. 2017 May;31(5):275-280.

103.  Davis DE, Narzikul A, Sholder D, Lazarus M, Namdari S, Abboud J.  Shoulder Synovial
Fluid Lipoprotein Levels and Their Relationship to the Rotator Cuff.Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2017 Mar;49(3):396-402.

        104.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Steinberg D, Williams G.  Randomized
Controlled Trial of Interscalene Block Compared with Injectable Liposomal Bupivacaine in Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Apr 5;99(7):550-556.

105.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA, Wang ML, Namdari S, Barlow J,
Rivlin M, Arnold WV, Kostas J, Hou C, Fertala A.  Blocking collagen fibril formation in injured knees reduces flexion contracture in a rabbit model.  J Orthop Res. 2017 May;35(5):1038-1046.

106.  Padegimas EM, Lawrence C, Narzikul A, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Future Surgery after Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty: the Impact of
Unexpected Positive Cultures.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jun;26(6):975-981.

107.  Padegimas EM, Hendy BA, Lawrence C, Devasagayaraj R, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA,
Lazarus M, Williams GR, Namdari, S.  An Analysis of Surgical and Non-Surgical Operating Room Times in High Volume Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jun;26(6):1058-1063.

        108.  Padegimas EM, Ramsey ML, Austin M, Parvizi J, Williams GR, Doyle K, West M,
Rothman RH, Vaccaro A, Namdari S.  An Assessment of the Safety of an Orthopaedic
Specialty Hospital: A Report of Our Five Year Experience.  Orthopedics. 2017 Jul 1;40(4):223-229.

109.  Padegimas EM, Schoch BS, Kwon J, DiMuzio PJ, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Evaluation
and Management of Axillary Artery Injury: The Orthopaedic and Vascular Surgeon's Perspective.  JBJS Rev. 2017 Jun;5(6):e3.

110.  Seidl A, Sholder D, Warrender W, Livesey M, Williams G, Abboud J, Namdari S.  Early
Versus Late Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures: Does It Matter?  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2017 Jul;5(4):213-220.

111.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty: Review of
Early Clinical and Radiographic Results.  JBJS Rev. 2017 Aug;5(8):e3

112.  Lawrence C, Zmistowski BM, Lazarus M, Abboud J, Williams G, Namdari S.  Expectations
of shoulder surgery are not altered by surgeon counseling of the patient.  Joints. 2017 Aug 115(3):133-137.

113.  Schoch BS, Padegimas EM, Maltenfort M, Krieg J, Namdari S.  Humeral shaft fractures:
national trends in management.  J Orthop Traumatol. 2017 Sep;18(3):259-263.

114.  Sheth M, Ko JWK, Namdari S.  Reverse Arthroplasty and Latissimus Dorsi Tendon
Transfer: a systematic review.  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2017 Sep/Oct;46(5):E287-E292.

115.  Schoch B, Abboud J, Namdari S, Lazarus M.  Glenohumeral Mismatch in Anatomic Total
Shoulder Arthroplasty. JBJS Rev. 2017 Sep;5(9):e1.

        116.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Parvizi J, Ramsey M.  Preoperative doxycycline does not
decolonize Propionibacterium acnes from the skin of the shoulder: a randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Sep;26(9):1495-1499.

117.  Aleem AW, Syed UAM, Nicholson T, Getz CL, Namdari S, Beredjiklian PK, Abboud JA.
Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients Following Corticosteroid Injections into the Subacromial Space of the Shoulder.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2017 Sep;5(5):315-321.

        118.  Brolin TJ, Hackett DJ, Abboud JA, Hsu JE, Namdari S. Routine cultures for seemingly
aseptic revision shoulder arthroplasty: are they necessary? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov;26(11):2060-2066.

119.  Padegimas EM, Zmistowski B, Lawrence C, Palmquist A, Nicholson TA, Namdari S.
Defining optimal calcar screw positioning in proximal humerus fracture fixation.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov;26(11):1931-1937.

120.  Schoch B, Mehta S, Namdari S.  Surgical Fixation of periprosthetic humerus fractures using
an extension plate: Surgical Technique and Report of 5 Cases.  J Orthop Trauma. 2017

        121.  Zmistowski B, Padegimas EM, Howley M, Abboud J, Williams G Jr, Namdari S. Trends
and Variability in the Use of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Medicare Patients.  J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2018 Feb 15;26(4):133-141.

        122.  Schoch B, Hast MW, Mehta S, Namdari S. Not All Polyaxial Locking Screw Technologies
Are Created Equal: A Systematic Review of the Literature. JBJS Rev. 2018 Jan;6(1):e6.

123.  Cox RM, Jamgochian GC, Nicholson K, Wong JC, Namdari S, Abboud JA. The
effectiveness of cerebral oxygenation monitoring during arthroscopic shoulder surgery in the beach chair position: a randomized blinded study.  Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Apr;27(4):692-700.

        124.  Mehta S, Chin M, Sanville J, Namdari S, Hast MW.  Calcar screw position in proximal
humerus fracture fixation: Don't miss high! Injury. 2018 Mar;49(3):624-629.

        125.  Namdari S. CORR Insights®: Primary Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty: What Can Be Learned
From 359 Cases That Were Surgically Revised?  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018 May;476(5):1041-1042.

        126.  Livesey M, Horneff JG 3rd, Sholder D, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S. Functional
Outcomes and Predictors of Failure After Rotator Cuff Repair During Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Orthopedics. 2018 Mar 1:1-6.

127.  Sheth MM, Sholder D, Abboud J, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Namdari S.  
Revision of failed hemiarthroplasty for painful glenoid arthrosis to anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Oct;27(10):1884-1890.

        128.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Zmistowski BM, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  Surgeons'
experience and perceived barriers with outpatient shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Jun;27(6S):S82-S87

        129.  Nicholson T, Maltenfort M, Getz C, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S.  Multimodal Pain
Management Protocol Versus Patient Controlled Narcotic Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Control after Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 May;6(3):196-202.

        130.  Wong JC, Schoch BS, Lee BK, Sholder D, Nicholson T, Namdari S, Getz CL, Lazarus MD,
Ramsey ML, Williams GR Jr, Abboud JA.  Culture positivity in primary total shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Aug;27(8):1422-1428.

        131.  Zmistowski B, Pourjafari A, Padegimas EM, Sheth M, Cox RM, Ramsey ML, Horneff JG
3rd, Namdari S.  Treatment of periprosthetic joint infection of the elbow: 15-year experience at a single institution.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Sep;27(9):1636-1641

        132.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Steinberg D, Williams G.  Interscalene
Block with and without Intraoperative Local Infiltration with Liposomal Bupivacaine in Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Aug 15;100(16):1373-1378.

        133.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Silva S, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari
S.  Outcomes of Shoulder Arthroplasty Performed for Postinfectious Arthritis.Clin Orthop Surg. 2018 Sep;10(3):344-351.

134.  Williams A, H Tischler E, Sholder D, A Nicholson T, G Maltenfort M, Getz C, Williams G
Jr, Namdari S.  Identification of Risk Factors for Abnormal Postoperative Chemistry
Labs after Primary Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Jul;6(4):282-288.

135.  Padegimas EM, Hendy BA, Chan WW, Lawrence C, Cox RM, Namdari S, Lazarus MD,
Williams GR, Ramsey ML, Horneff JG.  The effect of an orthopedic specialty hospital on operating room efficiency in shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jan;28(1):15-21.
        136.  Updegrove GF, Nicholson TA, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  Short-Term Results
of the DePuy Global Unite Platform Shoulder System: A Two-Year Outcome Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Sep;6(5):353-358.

        137.  Ghoraishian M, Abboud JA, Romeo AA, Williams GR, Namdari S. Augmented glenoid
implants in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty: review of available implants and current literature.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Feb;28(2):387-395.

        138.  Mehta S, Chin M, Sanville J, Namdari S, Hast MW.  Use of an Additional Nonlocking
Screw in Olecranon Fracture Osteosynthesis Changes Failure Mechanism.  Orthopedics.
2019 Jan 1;42(1):e74-e80.

        139.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams G, Parvizi J.
Comparative study of cultures and next-generation sequencing in the diagnosis of shoulder prosthetic joint infections.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jan;28(1):1-8.

        140.  Horneff JG, Nicholson TA, Namdari S, Williams GR, Abboud JA.  The Midterm Results of
the Delta Xtend Reverse Shoulder System: A Five-Year Outcome Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2018 Nov;6(6):532-538.

        141.  Zmistowski B, Warrender W, Livesey M, Girden A, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  The
Characteristics of Surgeons Performing Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Volume Consistency, Training, and Specialization.  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2018 Dec;47(12).

        142.  Sheth MM, Sholder D, Getz CL, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Revision of failed
hemiarthroplasty and anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty to reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6):1074-1081.

        143.  Namdari S.  CORR Insights®: What Pain Levels Do TSA Patients Experience When Given
a Long-acting Nerve Block and Multimodal Analgesia?  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2019 Mar;477(3):633-634.

        144.  Stone MA, Namdari S. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty: diagnostic and treatment options for
the infected reverse. Ann Joint Nov 2018;3:91.

        145.  Bachner EM, Schmidt EC, Chin M, Namdari S, Baxter JR, Hast MW.  Parameterization of
proximal humerus locking plate impingement with in vitro, in silico, and in vivo techniques.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6):1183-1192.

        146.  Sheth M, Sholder D, Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Getz CL, Ramsey ML, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Failure of Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty with Revision to another Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 Jan;7(1):19-23.

        147.  Stone MA, Namdari S.  Surgical Considerations in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Proximal
Humerus Fractures.  Orthop Clin North Am. 2019 Apr;50(2):223-231.

        148.  Schwarz EM, Parvizi J, Gehrke T, Aiyer A, Battenberg A, Brown SA, Callaghan JJ, Citak
M, Egol K, Garrigues GE, Ghert M, Goswami K, Green A, Hammoud S, Kates SL, McLaren AC, Mont MA, Namdari S, Obremskey WT, O'Toole R, Raikin S, Restrepo C, Ricciardi B, Saeed K, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Shohat N, Tan T, Thirukumaran CP, Winters B.
The 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Musculoskeletal Infection: Research
Priorities from the General Assembly Questions.  J Orthop Res. 2019 May;37(5):997-1006.

        149.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: prevention of periprosthetic shoulder infection.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S13-S31.

        150.  Klein JS, Davis DE, Wells ZS, Kane LT, Sholder D, Namdari S, Abboud JA. The Distress
and Risk Assessment Method predicts postoperative narcotic use in patients undergoing rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S146-S153.

        151.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group. Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: evaluation of periprosthetic shoulder infection.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S32-S66.

        152.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: management of periprosthetic shoulder infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S67-S99.

        153.  Garrigues GE, Zmistowski B, Cooper AM, Green A; ICM Shoulder Group.  Proceedings
from the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Orthopedic Infections: the definition of periprosthetic shoulder infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Jun;28(6S):S8-S12.

154.  Schumaier A, Abboud J, Grawe B, Horneff JG, Getz C, Romeo A, Keener J, Friedman R,
Yian E, Muh S, Nicholson G, Delaney R, Otto R, William W, Tokish JT, Williams G, Kazanjian J, Dines J, Ramsey M, Green A, Paxton S, Namdari S, Flanagin B, Hasan S, Kaar S, Miniaci A, Cuomo F.  Evaluating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: The Relative Impact of Patient Age, Activity Level, Symptoms, and Kellgren-Lawrence Grade on Treatment.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 Mar;7(2):151-160.

        155.  Lee BK, Jamgochian GC, Syed UAM, Getz CL, Dodson CC, Namdari S, Ramsey ML,
Williams GR, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD.  Reconstruction of Acute Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Dislocations with or without Tendon Graft: a Retrospective Comparative Study.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2019 May;7(3):239-245.

        156.  Nicholson TA, Elder A, Gallen K, Namdari S. Rotational Osteotomy of the Humeral Shaft
for Malunion in Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect. 2019 Jul-Sep;9(3):e0161.

        157.  Beason AM, Koehler RJ, Sanders RA, Rode BE, Menge TJ, McCullough KA, Glass NA,
Hettrich CM; MOON Shoulder Group, Cox CL, Bollier MJ, Wolf BR, Spencer EE, Grant JA, Bishop JY, Jones GL, Barlow JD, Baumgarten KM, Kelly JD, Sennett BJ, Zgonis M, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Allen C, Kuhn JE, Sullivan JP, Wright RW, Brophy RH, Smith MV, Dunn WR.  Surgeon Agreement on the Presence of Pathologic Anterior Instability on Shoulder Imaging Studies.  Orthop J Sports Med. 2019 Aug 9;7(8):2325967119862501.

        158.  Padegimas EM, Chang G, Namjouyan K, Namdari S.  Failure to restore the calcar and
locking screw cross-threading predicts varus collapse in proximal humerus fracture fixation.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Feb;29(2):291-295.

        159.  Padegimas EM, Merkow D, Nicholson TA, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Williams GR,
Namdari S.  Outcomes of shoulder arthroplasty following axillary lymph node dissection.
Shoulder Elbow. 2019 Oct;11(5):344-352.

        160.  Ho JC, Thakar O, Chan WW, Nicholson T, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Early radiographic
failure of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with structural bone graft for glenoid bone loss.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Mar;29(3):550-560.

        161.  Zmistowski B, Gutman M, Horvath Y, Abboud JA, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  Acromial
stress fracture following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: incidence and predictors.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):799-806.
162.  Ho JC, Kane L, Stone MA, Romeo AA, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Arthroscopic débridement
of irreparable rotator cuff tears: predictors of failure and success. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):e118-e123.

        163.  Lucasti CJ, Namdari S. Acromial Stress Fractures: A Systematic Review.  Arch Bone Jt
Surg. 2019 Sep;7(5):397-401.

        164.  Fram B, Elder A, Namdari S. Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures in Shoulder Arthroplasty.
JBJS Rev. 2019 Nov;7(11):e6.

        165.  Bechay J, Lawrence C, Namdari S.Calcific tendinopathy of the rotator cuff: a review of
operative versus nonoperative management.  Phys Sportsmed. 2020 Jan 18:1-6.

        166.  Bassora R, Namdari S, Beharrie AW, Inzerillo VC, Abboud JA.  Late-Onset Radial Nerve
Palsy After Closed Treatment of a Periprosthetic Humerus Fracture: A Case Report.  JBJS Case Connect. 2020 Jan-Mar;10(1):e0510.

        167.  Brolin TJ, Cox RM, Horneff Iii JG, Namdari S, Abboud JA, Nicholson K, Ramsey ML.
Humeral-sided Radiographic Changes Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jan;8(1):50-57.

        168.  Davis DE, Zmistowski B, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Cost Effectiveness of Laminar Flow
Systems for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Filtering Money from the OR?Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jan;8(1):38-43.

        169.  Stone MA, Ho JC, Kane L, Lazarus M, Namdari S. Midterm outcomes of arthroscopic
rotator cuff repair in patients aged 75 years and older. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jul;29(7S):S17-S22.

        170.  Gutman MJ, Stone MA, Namdari S, Abboud JA.  Treatment of elbow periprosthetic joint
infection: a systematic review of clinical outcomes.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020

        171.  Stull JD, Nicholson TA, Davis DE, Namdari S.  Addition of 3% hydrogen peroxide to
standard skin preparation reduces Cutibacterium acnes-positive culture rate in shoulder surgery: a prospective randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Feb;29(2):212-216.

        172.  Kirsch JM, Namdari S.Rehabilitation After Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder
Arthroplasty: A Critical Analysis Review. JBJS Rev. 2020 Feb;8(2):e0129.

        173.  Kane LT, Thakar O, Jamgochian G, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Horneff JG.
The role of telehealth as a platform for postoperative visits following rotator cuff repair: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):775-783.

        174.  Singh AM, Sethi PM, Romeo AA, Anakwenze OA, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Strategies to
decolonize the shoulder of Cutibacterium acnes: a review of the literature. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Apr;29(4):660-666.

175.  Tan Z, Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Camp RS, Getz CL, Abboud JA, Namdari
S.Glenohumeral synovitis score predicts early shoulder stiffness following arthroscopic
rotator cuff repair. J Orthop. 2020 Mar 30;22:17-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2020.03.050. eCollection 2020 Nov-Dec.
        176.  Entezari V, Henry T, Zmistowski B, Sheth M, Nicholson T, Namdari S. Clinically
significant subscapularis failure after anatomic shoulder arthroplasty: is it worth
repairing?  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Sep;29(9):1831-1835.

177.  Vincent S, Paskey T, Critchlow E, Mann E, Chapman T, Abboudi J, Jones C, Kirkpatrick
W, Namdari S, Hammoud S, Ilyas AM. Prospective Randomized Study Examining Preoperative Opioid Counseling on Postoperative Opioid Consumption after Upper Extremity Surgery.  Hand (N Y). 2020 May 20:1558944720919936.

        178.  Kane LT, Namdari S, Plummer OR, Beredjiklian P, Vaccaro A, Abboud JA.  Use of
Computerized Adaptive Testing to Develop More Concise Patient-Reported Outcome Measures.  JBJS Open Access. 2020 Mar 12;5(1):e0052.
        179.  Sheth M, Sholder D, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Williams G, Namdari S. Revision of Anatomic
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty to Hemiarthroplasty: Does it work? Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Mar;8(2):147-1153.

        180.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Ramsey ML, Williams G, Parvizi J.
Cutibacterium acnes is less commonly identified by next-generation sequencing than culture in primary shoulder surgery.  Shoulder Elbow. 2020 Jun;12(3):170-177.

        181.  Patel MS, Singh AM, Gregori P, Horneff JG, Namdari S, Lazarus MD. Cutibacterium
acnes: a threat to shoulder surgery or an orthopedic red herring? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jun 1:S1058-2746(20)30231-7.

        182.  Kane LT, Lazarus MD, Namdari S, Seitz AL, Abboud JA. Comparing expert opinion within
the care team regarding postoperative rehabilitation protocol following rotator cuff repair.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 May 5:S1058-2746(20)30171-3.

        183.  Menendez ME, Moverman MA, Puzzitiello RN, Pagani NR, Namdari S.  A Break-Even
Analysis of Benzoyl Peroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide for Infection Prevention in Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Nov;29(11):2185-2189.

        183.  ASES B2 Glenoid Multicenter Research Group, Ricchetti ET, Khazzam MS, Denard PJ,
Dines DM, Edwards TB, Entezari V, Friedman RJ, Garrigues GE, Gillespie RJ, Grawe BM, Green A, Hatzidakis AM, Horneff JG, Hsu JE, Jawa A, Jin Y, Johnston PS, Jun BJ, Keener JD, Kelly JD 2nd, Kwon YW, Miniaci A, Morris BJ, Namdari S, Spencer EE, Strnad G, Williams GR Jr, Iannotti JP. Reliability of the Modified Walch Classification for Advanced Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis using Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis: A Study of the ASES B2 Glenoid Multicenter Research Group.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Apr;30(4):736-746.

184.  Carducci MP, Mahendraraj KA, Menendez ME, Rosen I, Klein SM, Namdari S,
Ramsey ML, Jawa A. Identifying surgeon and institutional drivers of cost in total shoulder arthroplasty: a multicenter study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jan;30(1):113-119.
        185.  Ghoraishian M, Stone MA, Elhassan B, Abboud J, Namdari S. Techniques for lower
trapezius tendon transfer for the management of irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears. J Orthop. 2020 Aug 15;22:331-335.

        186.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Parvizi J. Cutibacterium acnes is Isolated from Air Swabs: Time
to Doubt the Value of Traditional Cultures in Shoulder Surgery?  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Jul;8(4):506-510.

        187.  Zmistowski B, Nicholson TA, Wang WL, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  What is the Clinical
Impact of Positive Cultures at the Time of Primary Total Shoulder Arthroplasty? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun;30(6):1324-1328.

        188. Richard GJ, Denard PJ, Kaar SG, Bohsali KI, Horneff JG, Carpenter S, Fedorka CJ,
Mamelson K, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Abboud JA, Paxton ES, Kovacevic D, Hebert-Davies J, Ponce BA, King JJ. Outcome measures reported for the management of proximal humeral fractures: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Oct;29(10):2175-2184.

        189.  Hendy BA, Padegimas EM, Kane L, Harper T, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD, Romeo AA,
Namdari S. Early Postoperative Complications after Latarjet: A Single Institution Experience Over 10 years. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun;30(6):e300-e308.

        190.  Kohan EM, Wong J, Stroh M, Syed UAM, Namdari S, Lazarus M. Outcome of biceps
suspensionplasty for recurrent multidirectional shoulder instability.
J Orthop. 2020 Oct 9;22:473-477.

        191.  Davis DE, Cox R, Patel MS, Lazarus M, Ramsey M, Namdari S. Successful Outcomes
Achieved Via Web-based, Home Program after Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Nov;8(6):661-667.

192.  Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Wells Z, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Humeral Shaft Fractures:
Surgical versus Nonsurgical Management in Workers' Compensation.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2020 Nov;8(6):668-674.

        193.  Testa EJ, Lowe JT, Namdari S, Gillespie RJ, Sears BW, Johnston PS; Rothman Institute
Shoulder Consortium Group; Association of Shoulder Surgeons, Jawa A. Operative duration-based learning period analysis for reverse and total shoulder arthroplasty: A multicenter study.  Shoulder Elbow. 2020 Dec;12(1 Suppl):23-30.

    194.  Shah SS, Gaal BT, Roche AM, Namdari S, Grawe BM, Lawler M, Dalton S, King JJ,
Helmkamp J, Garrigues GE, Wright TW, Schoch BS, Flik K, Otto RJ, Jones R, Jawa A, McCann P, Abboud J, Horneff G, Ross G, Friedman R, Ricchetti ET, Boardman D, Tashjian RZ, Gulotta LV. The modern reverse shoulder arthroplasty and an updated systematic review for each complication: part I.  JSES Int. 2020 Sep 7;4(4):929-943.

        195.  Stone MA, Noorzad AS, Namdari S, Abboud J.  Prosthetic Bearing Surfaces in an
Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 May 15;29(10):414-422.

196.  Gutman MJ, Gutman BS, Joyce C, Kirsch JM, Sherman M, Namdari S.  Performance in
Major League Baseball Pitchers after Surgical Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Phys Sportsmed. 2021 Jan 20. [ePub ahead of print]

        197.  Kirsch JM, Patel M, Singh A, Lazarus MD, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Early Clinical and
Radiographic Outcomes of an Augmented Baseplate in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Glenohumeral Arthritis with Glenoid Deformity. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jul;30(7S):S123-S130.

        198.  Kirsch JM, Gutman M, Patel M, Rondon A, Ramsey ML, Abboud JA, Williams GR,
Namdari S. Low-dose aspirin and the rate of symptomatic venous thromboembolic complications following primary shoulder arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jul;30(7):1613-1618.

    199.  Omid R, Trasolini NA, Stone MA, Namdari S.  Principles of Locking Plate Fixation of Proximal
Humerus Fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 Jun 1;29(11):e523-e535.

    200.  Shah SS, Roche AM, Sullivan SW, Gaal BT, Dalton S, Sharma A, King JJ, Grawe BM, Namdari S,
Lawler M, Helmkamp J, Garrigues GE, Wright TW, Schoch BS, Flik K, Otto RJ, Jones R, Jawa A, McCann P, Abboud J, Horneff G, Ross G, Friedman R, Ricchetti ET, Boardman D, Tashjian RZ, Gulotta LV.  The modern reverse shoulder arthroplasty and an updated systematic review for each complication: part II.  JSES Int. 2020 Sep 10;5(1):121-137.

    201.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Chang G, Hebert-Davies J, Namdari S. Outcomes of Open
Reduction and Internal Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fracture Dislocations. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2331-2335.

    202.  Stone MA, Kane LT, Ho JC, Namdari S.  Short-Term Outcomes of Lower Trapezius Tendon
Transfer With Achilles Allograft for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears.
Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Dec 24;3(1):e23-e29.

    203.  Mahendraraj KA; ASES Acromial Stress Fracture Group, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin
T, Entezari V, Friedman L, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta L, Gutman M, Hart PA, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King J, Kloby MA, Knack M, Levy J, Murthi A, Namdari S, Okeke L, Otto R, Parsell DE, Polisetty T, Ponnuru P, Ricchetti E, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Townsend C, Wright M, Wright T, Zimmer Z, Menendez ME, Jawa A.  Predictors of Acromial and Scapular Stress Fracture after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: An ASES Multicenter Study from the Complications of Reverse Arthroplasty Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2296-2305.

    204.  Hendy BA, Padegimas EM, Harper T, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Horneff JG.
Outcomes of chronic distal biceps reconstruction with tendon grafting: a matched comparison with primary repair. JSES Int. 2020 Dec 19;5(2):302-306.   

    205.  Gutman MJ, Patel MS, Vannello C, Lazarus MD, Parvizi J, Vaccaro AR, Namdari S. What was the
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Asymptomatic Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgery in One Large United States City Mid-pandemic? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021 Aug 1;479(8):1691-1699.

    206.  Cronin KJ, Kirsch JM, Gates S, Patel MS, Joyce CD, Hill BW, Gutman MJ, Williams GR, Namdari
S. Three-Dimensional Measures of Posterior Bone Loss and Retroversion in Walch B2 Glenoids Predict the need for an Augmented Anatomic Glenoid Component. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Oct;30(10):2386-2392.

    207.  Singh AM, Kirsch JM, Patel MS, Gutman M, Harper T, Lazarus M, Horneff JG, Namdari S,
Voskeridjian A, Abboud JA. Effect of Perioperative Acetaminophen on Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Rotator Cuff Repair: A Prospective Randomized Study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Sep;30(9):2014-2021.

    208.  Gutman MJ, Joyce CD, Patel MS, Kirsch JM, Gutman BS, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Ramsey ML.
Early repair of traumatic rotator cuff tears improves functional outcomes.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Nov;30(11):2475-2483.
    209.  Namdari S.  Editorial Commentary: Hydrogen Peroxide in the Perioperative Skin Preparation is a
No Brainer for Shoulder Surgery (Despite Imperfect Data). Arthroscopy. 2021 Apr;37(4):1141-

    210.  Zmistowski B, Chang M, Shahi A, Nicholson T, Abboud J, Lazarus M, Williams G, Parvizi J,
Namdari S. Is D-dimer a Reliable Serum Marker for Shoulder Periprosthetic Joint Infection?
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021 Jul 1;479(7):1447-1454.

    211.  Namdari S, Nicholson T, Brolin TJ, Lu J, Abboud JA, Lazarus MD. Healing and Functional Results
of Dermal Allograft Augmentation of Complex and Revision Rotator Cuff Repairs.  Am J Sports Med. 2021 Jul;49(8):2042-2047.

    212.  Henry TW, Entezari V, Ghoraishian M, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Complications Associated With
Intravenous Antibiotic Treatment for Cutibacterium acnes Periprosthetic Shoulder Infection.  Orthopedics. 2021 May-Jun;44(3):e422-e426.

    213.  Rondon AJ, Paziuk T, Gutman MJ, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S. Spacers for Life: High Mortality
Rate associated with Definitive treatment of shoulder periprosthetic infection with permanent antibiotic spacer. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jun 1:S1058-2746(21)00472-9. [Epub Ahead of Print]

    214.  Horan DP, Baldwin K, Purtill JJ, Namdari S.  Predictors of Success in an Orthopaedic Residency.
JBJS Rev. 2021 Jun 14;9(6).
    215.  Patel MS, Kirsch JM, Gutman MJ, McEntee RM, Alberta F, Ramsey ML, Abboud JA, Namdari
S.Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation Correlates with American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Score for Common Elbow Pathology: A Retrospective Cohort Study.  Am J Sports Med. 2021 Aug;49(10):2771-2777.

216.  Lawrence C, Lazarus M, Abboud J, Williams G, Namdari S.  Prospective Comparative Study of
Preoperative Expectations and Postoperative Outcomes in Anatomic and Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Joints. 2021 Jun 18;7(4):159-164.

    217.  Baessler AM, Brolin TJ, Azar FM, Sen S, Chang M, Zmistowski BM, Routman HD, Namdari S,
Gulotta LV, Throckmorton TW.  Development and validation of a predictive model for outcomes in shoulder arthroplasty: a multicenter analysis of nearly 2000 patients.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Dec;30(12):2698-2702.

    218.  Henry TW, Gutman M, Backal A, Namdari S.  The Surgical Treatment of Deep Infection in the
Native Shoulder Joint.  Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2021 Jul;9(4):412-417.

    219.  Joyce CD, Gutman MJ, Hill BW, Singh AM, Sherman M, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Radiographic
Severity May Not be Associated with Pain and Function in Glenohumeral Arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2022 Feb 1;480(2):354-363.

    220.  Steplewski A, Fertala J, Tomlinson RE, Wang ML, Donahue A, Arnold WV, Rivlin M, Beredjiklian
PK, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Fertala A. Mechanisms of reducing joint stiffness by blocking collagen fibrillogenesis in a rabbit model of posttraumatic arthrofibrosis. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0257147.

    221.  Zmistowski B, Chapman T, Sheth M, Getz CL, Ramsey ML, Namdari S. Hematoma following total
elbow arthroplasty: incidence, management, and outcomes. Shoulder Elbow. 2021 Oct;13(5):538-543.

    222.  Ho JC, Kane LT, Nunes B, Williams GR, Abboud JA, Namdari S.  Glenoid Radiolucent Lines in
Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty are Unaffected by Thrombin Glenoid Preparation. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2021 Sep;9(5):543-547.

    223.  Panico L, Roy T, Namdari S. Long Head of the Biceps Tendon Ruptures: Biomechanics, Clinical
Ramifications, and Management.  JBJS Rev. 2021 Oct 25;9(10).

    224.  Cronin KJ, Lazarus MD, Ramsey ML, Namdari S.  Ambulatory shoulder arthroplasty provides a
mild reduction in overall cost compared with inpatient shoulder arthroplasty cost of ambulatory shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Jun;31(6S):S90-S93.

225.  Kohan EM, Hendy BA, Kowal LL, Kirsch J, Gregori P, Williams GR, Namdari S. Mid-to-Long
Term Outcomes of Augmented and Non-Augmented Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty in Walch B3 Glenoids. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Jun;31(6S):S103-S109.

    226.  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) Multicenter
Group, Hsu JE, Bumgarner RE, Bourassa LA, Budge MD, Duquin T, Garrigues GE, Green A, Iannotti J, Khazzam MS, Koh JL, Matsen FA 3rd, Namdari S, Nicholson TA, Richter S, Sabesan V, Virk MS, Whitson A, Yian E, Ricchetti E.  What do Positive and Negative Cutibacterium Culture Results in Periprosthetic Shoulder Infection Mean? A Multi-Institutional Control Study.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Aug;31(8):1713-1720.

    227.  Cronin KJ, Hadley CJ, Hameed D, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Outcomes of Instability
after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Reoperation and Persistent Instability is Common. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Aug;31(8):1738-1742.
    228.  Kirsch JM, Patel M, Hill BW, McPartland C, Namdari S, Lazarus MD. Preoperative Single
Assessment Numeric Evaluation Score Predicts Poor Outcomes After Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Without Arthritis. Orthopedics. 2022 Jul-Aug;45(4):215-220.

    229.  Brochin RL, Schiffman CJ, Hsu JE, Quigley RJ, Garrigues GE, Kohan EM, Namdari S, Ricchetti
ET.  New Approaches to the Diagnosis and Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infection of the
Shoulder. Instr Course Lect. 2022;71:361-376.

    230.  Ghoraishian M, Hill BW, Nicholson T, Ramsey ML, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S.  Postoperative
stiffness after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2022 Apr;14(2):150-156.

    231.  ICM-VTE General Delegates. Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: General.  J Bone Joint Surg
Am. 2022 Mar 16;104(Suppl 1):4-162.

    232.  ICM-VTE Shoulder & Elbow Delegates. Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Shoulder &
Elbow.  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2022 Mar 16;104(Suppl 1):252-266.

    233.  Namdari S, Sudah SY, Menendez ME, Denard PJ. Antibiotic Spacers for Shoulder Periprosthetic
Joint Infection: A Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 Oct 1;30(19):917-924.

    234.   Stoll KE, Hendy B, Brown T, Cohen N, Lee TQ, Namdari S, Davidson P. Arthroscopically
Assisted Acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular Reconstruction with a Looped Braided Polyester Suture Band and Buckle Device. Arthrosc Tech. 2022 Apr 22;11(5):e819-e826.

    235.  Gupta R, Schmidt EC, Namdari S, Stone MA, Hast MW. The addition of cerclage wiring does not
improve proximal bicortical fixation of locking plates for Type C periprosthetic fractures in synthetic humeri. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2022 Jul;97:105709.

    236.  Nicholson TA, Kirsch JM, Churchill R, Lazarus MD, Abboud JA, Namdari S. The Effect of
Tranexamic Acid for Visualization on pump pressure and visualization during Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: a blinded, randomized controlled trial.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Nov;31(11):2211-2216.

    237.  Townsend CB, Liss F, Langman C, Mazur D, Stache SA, Sharma S, Stolzenberg DS, Srinivasan M,
Pedowitz D, Namdari S, Wang ML, Greis AC, Ilyas AM.  Perspectives of Orthopedic Patients on Medical Cannabis: A Survey of More Than 2500 Patients. Orthopedics. 2022 Nov-Dec;45(6):e309-e314.

    238.  Menendez ME, Pagani NR, Puzzitiello RN, Moverman MA, Sudah SY, Namdari S, Jawa A.
Strong Public Desire for Quality and Price Transparency in Shoulder Arthroplasty. Cureus. 2022 Oct 17;14(10):e30396. doi: 10.7759/cureus.30396.

    239.  Sanko C, Cox R, Hadley C, Gilmore G, Wood C, Getz C, Namdari S, Davis D.  The Impact of
Elective Surgical Restriction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: patient perceptions.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Nov 23:S1058-2746(22)00852-7.

    240.  Paziuk T, Cox RM, Gutman MJ, Rondon AJ, Nicholson T, Belden K, Namdari S.Periprosthetic
joint infections of the shoulder: A 10-year retrospective analysis outlining the heterogeneity among these patients. Shoulder Elbow. 2022 Dec;14(6):598-605.

    241.  Gutman MJ, Kohan EM, Hendy BA, Joyce CD, Kirsch JM, Singh A, Sherman M, Austin LS,
Namdari S, Williams GR Jr.  Factors Associated with Functional Improvement After Posteriorly Augmented Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jan 4:S1058-2746(23)00001-0.

    242.  Chambers MM, Khan AZ, Namdari S. Teres Minor Muscle Atrophy: Anatomy, Patterns, and
Clinical Manifestations.  JBJS Rev. 2022 Dec 16;10(12).

    243.  Joyce CD, Stoll KE, Harper TM, Sherman M, Botros J, Getz CL, Namdari S, Davis DE. Shoulder
Synovitis Does not Affect Pain After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair.
Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2022 Dec;10(12):1013-1019.

    244. Klein JS, Jamgochian G, Thakar O, Singh A, Huntley S, Nicholson T, Thomas J, Namdari S,
Abboud J.  Post-operative Urinary Dysfunction Following Shoulder Surgery: Rates and Risk Factors. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2022 Dec;10(12):1020-1025.

    245.  Chen RE, Vaughan AK, Cox RM, Alfosi S, Belden KA, Namdari S. Shoulder Periprosthetic Joint
Infection is Associated with Increased Mortality. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jun;32(6S):S1-S7.

    246.  Hendy BA, Fertala J, Nicholson T, Abboud JA, Namdari S, Fertala A. Profibrotic behavior of
fibroblasts derived from patients that develop posttraumatic shoulder stiffness. Health Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 16;6(2):e1100.
    247.  Luthringer TA, Kane LT, Vaughn AK, Reddy YC, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Work Related
Outcomes of Revision Rotator Cuff Repair for Patients Receiving Workers' Compensation. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Feb 25:S1058-2746(23)00125-8.  [Epub ahead of print]

    248.  Hill BW, Joyce CD, Singh A, Guttman MJ, Williams GR, Namdari S. Patients With Mild
Osteoarthritis Are Less Likely to Achieve a Clinically Important Improvement in Pain or Function After Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2023 Feb 28.  [Epub ahead of print]

    249.  Khan AZ, Luthringer TA, Kohan EM, Kowal LL, Vaughan A, Zmistowski BM, Keener JD,
Williams GR, Namdari S. Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty in Walch C Glenoid Deformity: Mid-to-Long Term Outcomes. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Jun;32(6S):S23-S31.

    250.  Blaber O, Hadley CJ, Gutman MJ, Bishop ME, Namdari S, Romeo AA, Erickson BJ. Prior
Acromioplasty Provides Similar Outcomes and Rate of Postoperative Complications Including Acromial Fracture After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Matched-Cohort Analysis. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2022 Dec 26;5(1):e263-e266.

    251.  Kobayashi EF, Namdari S, Schenker M, Athwal GS, Ahn J. Evaluation and treatment of
postoperative periprosthetic humeral fragility fractures. OTA Int. 2023 Mar 28;6(1 Suppl):e244.

    252. Sudah SY, Imam N, Sirch F, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. Differences in the
Academic Attributes of Matched and Unmatched Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Applicants are Narrowing. JBJS Open Access. 2023 Apr 13;8(2):e22.00138.

    253.  Chen RE, Gates ST, Vaughan A, Santoro A, Reddy Y, Williams GR, Namdari S. Complications
after Operative Treatment of High Grade Acromioclavicular Injuries. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Sep;32(9):1972-1980.

    254.  Imam N, Sudah SY, Shaikh SZ, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. National Institutes of
Health Funding to Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery at U.S. Medical Schools from 2015 to 2021. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Aug 2;105(15):1205-1213.

    255.  Tzeuton S, Johns W, Campbell B, Hammoud S, Ciccotti MG, Namdari S.Outcomes and Patient
Satisfaction of Delayed Distal Biceps Repairs without Graft Augmentation: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2023 May 4;11(5).

    256.  Padegimas EM, Nicholson TA, Namdari S. Short-Term Results of a Convertible Diaphyseal-fit
Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty System. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(3):154-159.

    256.  Gutman MJ, Patel MS, Weintraub MT, Singh A, Padegimas EM, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Can
Patients Accurately Recall their Preoperative Pain and Functional Scores Following Rotator Cuff
Repair and Total Shoulder Arthroplasty? Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(3):160-165.

257.  Stone MA, Henry TW, Gutman MJ, Ho JC, Namdari S. Surgical Treatment of Shoulder Infection
Following Rotator Cuff Repair. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(2):111-116.

    258.  Hendy BA, Zmistowski B, Sheth M, Abboud JA, Williams GR, Namdari S. Hematoma Following
Shoulder Arthroplasty: Incidence, Management, and Outcomes. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2023;11(2):102-110.

259.  Stoll K, Alfonsi S 3rd, Khan AZ, Vaughan A, Namdari S. Preoperative Prophylactic Antibiotics
Administration Does Not Influence Culture Yield in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Nov;32(11):2366-2370.

260.  Cox RM, Hendy BA, Gutman MJ, Sherman M, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Utilization of comorbidity
indices to predict discharge destination and complications following total shoulder arthroplasty.
Shoulder Elbow. 2023 Jun;15(3):274-282.

    261.  ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Lohre R, Swanson DP, Mahendraraj KA, Elmallah
R, Glass EA, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Risk Factors of Acromial and Scapular Spine Stress Fractures Differ by Indication: A Study by the ASES Complications of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Dec;32(12):2483-2492.

262.  Fernández-Rodríguez D, Cho J, Parvizi N, Khan AZ, Parvizi J, Namdari S. Next-generation
Sequencing Results Require Higher Inoculum for Cutibacterium acnes Detection Than Conventional Anaerobic Culture.  Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2023 Dec 1;481(12):2484-2491.

    263.  Cehelyk EK, Stull JD, Patel MS, Cox RM, Namdari S.  Humeral Head Avascular Necrosis:
Pathophysiology, Work-up, and Treatment Options. JBJS Rev. 2023 Jun 27;11(6).

    264.  ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Lohre R, Swanson DP, Mahendraraj KA, Elmallah
R, Glass EA, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Predictors of Dislocations after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A study by the ASES Complications of RSA Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jan;33(1):73-81.

265.  Eoghan T Hurley, Seth L Sherman, Daniel J Stokes, Scott A Rodeo, Shane A Shapiro, Ken
Mautner, Don A Buford, Jason L Dragoo, Bert R Mandelbaum, Kenneth R Zaslav, Brian J Cole, Rachel M Frank; Members of the Biologics Association; Mukesh Ahuja, Adam W Anz, Jorge Chahla, Constance R Chu, Ramon Cugat, Joao Espregueira-Mendes, Jack Farr, David C Flanigan, Alberto Gobbi, Andreas H Gomoll, Daniel A Grande, Mederic M Hall, Kay Horsch, Jason L Koh, Elizaveta Kon, Christian Lattermann, Louis F McIntyre, Iain R Murray, George F Muschler, Norimasa Nakamura, Surena Namdari, Nicolas S Piuzzi, Daniel B F Saris, Nicholas A Sgaglione, Kurt P Spindler, John M Tokish, Adam B Yanke. Experts Achieve Consensus on a Majority of Statements Regarding Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pathology.  Arthroscopy. 2023 Aug 23;S0749-8063(23)00673-4.

    266.   Cox RM, Mandava N, Lazarus MD, Williams GR Jr, Namdari S. Management of Proximal Humerus Bone Loss with Allograft Prosthetic Composite Technique in Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6):1306-1312.

    267.   Hoveidaei AH, Nakhostin-Ansari A, Namdari S, Hosseini-Asl SH, Khonji MS, Selk-Ghaffari M,
    Pouramini A, LaPorte DM.  Increasing Burden of Upper-Extremity Fractures in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): A 30-Year Analysis of the Epidemiology and Causes of Injuries..J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Nov 24.

    268.  Khan AZ, Vaughan A, Mandava NK, Wickes C, Ramsey ML, Namdari S.  Elevated HbA1c is not associated with reoperation following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients with diabetes mellitus.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Feb;33(2):247-254.

    269.  Hurley ET, Sherman SL, Stokes DJ, Rodeo SA, Shapiro SA, Mautner K, Buford DA, Dragoo JL, Mandelbaum BR, Zaslav KR, Cole BJ, Frank RM; Members of the Biologics Association.  Experts Achieve Consensus on a Majority of Statements Regarding Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pathology. Arthroscopy. 2024 Feb;40(2):470-477.e1.

    270.    Chambers MM, Namdari S. A Review of Surgical Irrigation Solutions for Infection Prevention in Orthopaedic Surgery. JBJS Rev. 2023 Dec 11;11(12).

    271.  Kane LT, Wilkening JD, Keener M, Tashjian RZ, Omid R, Namdari S. Common Complication From Routine Shoulder Surgery: Postoperative Stiffness After Rotator Cuff Repair. Instr Course Lect. 2024;73:527-534.

    272. Roddy E, Gardner MJ, Namdari S, Athwal GS, Hebert-Davies J. Proximal Humerus Fractures: How to Achieve Best Outcomes. Instr Course Lect. 2024;73:535-545.

    273.  Fram BR, Strony JT, Chen RE, Namdari S, Krieg JC. Proximal humerus fractures: Postoperative protocols and factors affecting treatment decisions among shoulder and elbow and orthopedic trauma surgeons.
J Orthop. 2023 Nov 25;49:75-80.

    274.  Lopez R, Singh J, Ghoraishian M, Nicholson T, Gates S, Namdari S. Anatomic factors associated with degeneration and fraying of the coracoacromial ligament. 2024 Mar;27(1):26-31.

    275.  Kane LT, Luthringer T, Vaughan A, Kim S, Ramsey ML, Namdari S. Outcomes of Initial Non-Operative Treatment of Traumatic, Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears. . 2024 Jul;33(7):1586-1592.

    276.  Lopez R, Zmistowski B, Hendy BA, Sanko C, Williams A, Getz CL, Abboud JA, Namdari S. Is Arthroscopic Latarjet a Cost-Effective Procedure? A Decision Analysis. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2024;12(1):12-18.

    277.  Imam N, Sudah SY, Shaikh SZ, Bonney AA, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. The Rising Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery: An Updated Analysis from 2014 to 2022. JB JS Open Access. 2024 Feb 12;9(1):e23.00079

    278. Schiffman CJ, Baker W, Kwak D, Ramsey ML, Namdari S, Austin LS. High failure rate of 2-stage revision for the infected total elbow arthroplasty: a single institution's experience. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6S):S122-S129.

    279.  Mirghaderi P, Azarboo A, Ghaseminejad-Raeini A, Eshraghi N, Vahedi H, Namdari S. Shoulder Arthroplasty After Previous Nonarthroplasty Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes and Complications. JBJS Rev. 2024 Mar 20;12(3).

    280.  Sanko C, Kane LT, Vaughan A, Ramsey ML, Williams GR, Lazarus MD, Namdari S. Humeral stem loosening is not always prosthetic joint infection. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jun;33(6S):S86-S92.

    281. Rompala A, Sudah SY, Miller AS, Gaccione AG, Nicholson AD, Namdari S, Menendez ME. Predicting academic productivity among American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons fellowship faculty from publications acquired before and during surgical training. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct;33(10):e523-e528.

    282.  Schiffman CJ, Kane L, Khoo K, Hsu JE, Namdari S. Does retained cement or hardware during 2-stage revision shoulder arthroplasty for infection increase the risk of recurrent infection? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Apr 29:S1058-2746(24)00300-8. [Online ahead of print]

    283. Schiffman CJ, Cohn MR, Austin LS, Namdari S. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty to Treat Proximal Humerus Fracture Sequelae: A Review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg.  2024 Aug 1;32(15):681-691.

    284.  Khan AZ, Vaughan AK, Aman ZS, Lazarus MD, Williams GR, Namdari S.  Reaching Minimal Clinically Important Difference, Substantial Clinical Benefit, and Patient-Acceptable Symptomatic State for Patient-Reported Outcome Measures following Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Does Not Correlate with Patient Satisfaction.  J Clin Med. 2024 Apr 26;13(9):2550.

285. Kane LT, Mahmood H, Singh J, Tate A, Namdari S. Provider Opinions on Effectiveness of Physical Therapy as Treatment for Glenohumeral Arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Aug;33(8):e415-e421.

286. Hurley ET, Aman ZS, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Jazrawi LM, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Klifto CS, Anakwenze O, Dickens JF; Posterior Shoulder Instability International Consensus Group. Posterior Shoulder Instability, Part I-Diagnosis, Nonoperative Management, and Labral Repair for Posterior Shoulder Instability-An International Expert Delphi Consensus Statement. Arthroscopy. 2024 May 11:S0749-8063(24)00341-4. [Online ahead of print]

287. Hurley ET, Aman ZS, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Jazrawi LM, Garrigues GE, Namdari S, Hsu JE, Klifto CS, Anakwenze OA, Dickens JF; Posterior Shoulder Instability International Consensus Group. Posterior Shoulder Instability Part II - Glenoid Bone-Grafting, Glenoid Osteotomy, and Rehabilitation/Return to Play - An International Expert Delphi Consensus Statement. Arthroscopy. 2024 May 10:S0749-8063(24)00340-2. [Online ahead of print]

288. Tarabichi S, Goh GS, Fraval A, Lizcano JD, Abe EA, Courtney PM, Namdari S, Parvizi J. Serum and Synovial Markers in the Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infection of the Hip, Knee, and Shoulder: An Algorithmic Approach. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Jul 3;106(13):1221-1230.

289.  Chen RE, Vaughan A, Santoro AJ, Namdari S, Williams GR. Low acromial insufficiency fracture rate in reverse shoulder arthroplasty with distal clavicle excision. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Jul;16(3):258-264.

290.  Hurley ET, Doyle TR, Levin JM, Klifto CS, Anakwenze OA; Pseudoparalysis/Pseudoparesis Consensus Group. Defining Pseudoparalysis & Pseudoparesis - A Consensus Study.  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct;33(10):2111-2117.

291.  Yao JJ, Aggarwal M, Lopez RD, Namdari S. Current Concepts Review: Large Language Models in Orthopaedics: Definitions, Uses, and Limitations. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Jun 19. [Online ahead of print]

292. Stadler RD, Sudah SY, Moverman MA, Denard PJ, Duralde XA, Garrigues GE, Klifto CS, Levy JC, Namdari S, Sanchez-Sotelo J, Menendez ME.  Identification of ChatGPT-Generated Abstracts Within Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Poses a Challenge for Reviewers.  Arthroscopy. 2024 Jul 9:S0749-8063(24)00495-X. [Online ahead of print]

293.  Kane LT, Vaughan A, Namdari S, Kohan E. Effect of Axillary Radiograph Rotation and Medial Scapular Visualization on Glenoid Retroversion Measurement. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2024;12(8):597-602.

294.  Yeramosu T, Johns WL, Onor G, Menendez ME, Namdari S, Hammoud S. ChatGPT is capable of providing satisfactory responses to frequently asked questions regarding total shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Jul;16(4):407-412.

295.  Lopez R, Schiffman C, Singh J, Yao J, Vaughan A, Chen R, Lazarus M, Namdari S. Early Postoperative Pain is Similar after Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair versus Short-Stay Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Prospective Study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Oct 18:S1058-2746(24)00761-4. [Online ahead of print]

296.  Brush PL, Trenchfield D, Pohl NB, Swan TL, Santana A, Jones CM, Namdari S, Beredjiklian PK, Fletcher D.  A comparison of distal triceps tendon repair outcomes by surgical technique. JSES Rev Rep Tech. 2024 Jul 20;4(4):790-796.

297. ASES Complications of RSA Research Group; Puzzitiello R, Glass EA, Bowler AR, Swanson DP, Moverman M, Lohre R, Mahendraraj KA, McDonald-Stahl M, Diestel DR, Le K, Dunn WR, Cannon DJ, Friedman LG, Gaudette JA, Green J, Grobaty L, Gutman M, Kakalecik J, Kloby MA, Konrade EN, Knack MC, Loveland A, Mathew JI, Myhre L, Nyfeler J, Parsell DE, Pazik M, Polisetty TS, Ponnuru P, Smith KM, Sprengel KA, Thakar O, Turnbull L, Vaughan A, Wheelwright JC, Abboud J, Armstrong A, Austin L, Brolin T, Entezari V, Garrigues GE, Grawe B, Gulotta LV, Hobgood R, Horneff JG, Hsu JE, Iannotti J, Khazzam M, King JJ, Kirsch JM, Levy JC, Murthi A, Namdari S, Nicholson GP, Otto RJ, Ricchetti ET, Tashjian R, Throckmorton T, Wright T, Jawa A. Low Success Rate of Closed Reductions when Treating Dislocations after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Study by the ASES Complications of RSA Multicenter Research Group. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Nov 13:S1058-2746(24)00805-X. [online ahead of print]

298.  Cox RM, Mandava N, Vaughan A, Ramsey ML, Getz CL, Namdari S. Management of periprosthetic humerus fractures after shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Mar 18:17585732241239952. [Online ahead of print].

299.  Horneff JG 3rd, Vaughan A, Patel M, Nicholson T, Tzeuton S, Lazarus M, Namdari S, Abboud JA.
Photodynamic therapy for Cutibacterium acnes decolonization of the shoulder dermis. Shoulder Elbow. 2024 Oct;16(6):635-640.

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