Methodist Hospital - Jefferson Health
2301 South Broad Street
Philadelphia PA, 19148
United States
Philadelphia PA, 19148
United States

Location Info
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From Center City Philadelphia
- Go south on Broad Street (PA-611) to Wolf Street.
- At traffic light turn left onto Wolf.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Delaware and Points South of Philadelphia
- Take I-95 North to Exit 17 (PA-611 N/Broad Street).
- Turn slight left onto Broad Street/PA-611 North. Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From I-476 South
- Take I-476 South to I-95 North.
- Take I-95 North to Exit 17 (PA-611 N/Broad Street).
- Turn slight left onto Broad Street/PA-611 North. Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From New Jersey via the Walt Whitman Bridge
- Take the Walt Whitman Bridge to Exit 349 (Broad Street/PA-611).
- Turn right onto Broad Street/PA-611 North.
- Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Points North and West of Philadelphia
- Take PA Turnpike to Exit 326 (Valley Forge).
- Take I-76 East to Exit 347B (Passyunk Ave/Oregon Ave).
- At traffic light, go straight on Oregon Avenue and continue for about 1 mile.
- Turn left onto Broad Street.
- Turn right onto Wolf Street. Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Southwest Philadelphia
- Go southeast on South 70th Street toward Passyunk Avenue.
- Turn left onto Eastwick Avenue/Lindbergh Boulevard.
- Turn right onto South 63rd Street.
- Turn left onto Passyunk Avenue.
- Turn right onto Vare Avenue/Oregon Avenue.
- Continue straight on Oregon for about 1 mile. Turn left onto Broad Street.
- Turn right onto Wolf Street and right onto Methodist's driveway.
Get Directions to this Location
Use my current location
From Center City Philadelphia
- Go south on Broad Street (PA-611) to Wolf Street.
- At traffic light turn left onto Wolf.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Delaware and Points South of Philadelphia
- Take I-95 North to Exit 17 (PA-611 N/Broad Street).
- Turn slight left onto Broad Street/PA-611 North. Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From I-476 South
- Take I-476 South to I-95 North.
- Take I-95 North to Exit 17 (PA-611 N/Broad Street).
- Turn slight left onto Broad Street/PA-611 North. Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From New Jersey via the Walt Whitman Bridge
- Take the Walt Whitman Bridge to Exit 349 (Broad Street/PA-611).
- Turn right onto Broad Street/PA-611 North.
- Cross Oregon Avenue and continue straight for four blocks. At traffic light, turn right onto Wolf Street.
- Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Points North and West of Philadelphia
- Take PA Turnpike to Exit 326 (Valley Forge).
- Take I-76 East to Exit 347B (Passyunk Ave/Oregon Ave).
- At traffic light, go straight on Oregon Avenue and continue for about 1 mile.
- Turn left onto Broad Street.
- Turn right onto Wolf Street. Turn right onto Methodist's driveway.
From Southwest Philadelphia
- Go southeast on South 70th Street toward Passyunk Avenue.
- Turn left onto Eastwick Avenue/Lindbergh Boulevard.
- Turn right onto South 63rd Street.
- Turn left onto Passyunk Avenue.
- Turn right onto Vare Avenue/Oregon Avenue.
- Continue straight on Oregon for about 1 mile. Turn left onto Broad Street.
- Turn right onto Wolf Street and right onto Methodist's driveway.