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723 Results Found
Low Back Pain: What Do You Need To Know and What Are Your Treatment Options?
Join Dr. Mia Song of Rothman Orthopaedics for a virtual discussion on low back pain. Low back pain is not unique. An estimated 75-85% of Americans experience some form of back pain during their life. Although low back pain can be quite debilitating and...
94 and ready for the next dance
In September, Moore, who lives in Woodbury, will turn 95. Three years ago, he underwent surgery for a total replacement of his right knee. His motivation: He wanted to continue living a full and active life, including windsurfing and dancing. Read more...
Fitness Test: Are You In Shape?
"We used to think intervals were only for the super fit because they're so difficult, but they can benefit everybody," says Michael Ross, MD, medical director of the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute's Performance Lab in Cherry Hill, New Jersey." Read this...
Absorbable screws used in foot surgery
A local doctor is helping to rewrite the book on treating a common foot injury, and his solution should make patients, doctors, and even insurance companies equally happy. Read more about the Channel 6 News story featuring Dr. Ahmad on foot surgery by...
For the love of the game: DO team physicians on highs, lows of their craft
Click here to read Dr. Franks discussing the love he has for helping other people through his skills.
Fox School’s Online MBA preparing surgeons to lead in an evolving healthcare industry
An orthopedic surgeon and spinal specialist, Alex Vaccaro maintains a tightly organized schedule. He’s the Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Sidney Kimmel Medical Center at Thomas Jefferson University and President of Philadelphia’s Rothman...
Cecily Tynan battles back from torn ACL
You've probably noticed that Action News meteorologist Cecily Tynan hasn't been here for a few weeks. She recently tore her ACL- a major ligament in the knee - so she was out for surgery. To hear Dr. Frederick discuss her injury please click here.
Going the extra mile: Building body and mind with long distance running
Long-distance running is the road to good health and improved longevity. It has become extremely popular due to its ease and practicality, and virtually anyone can begin to run at a modest distance and pace and gradually improve his or her fitness at a...
Local surgeon warns of hoverboard dangers
When my kids first told me that hoverboards were all the rage this Christmas season, I frankly did not know what they were talking about. What came to mind was Marty McFly trying to escape his assailants in "Back to the Future II." However, while on...
Rethinking rehab: New research looks at efficacy of self-guided and accelerated therapy programs following total joint replacement
Research presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) challenges two common rehabilitation standards: physical therapy following total hip replacement (THR) at an outpatient facility, and gradual movement...
Concurrent surgery: Defining and implementing a safe practice
“One of the important points is to understand the difference between concurrent surgery and overlapping surgery,” Gerald R. Williams Jr., MD, president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, told Orthopedics Today. To read Dr. William's...
Beach running not for faint of feet
People should resist the urge to run multiple miles barefoot on a beach and instead ease into the practice, explained Dr. Michael Ciccotti, director of the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute's Center for Sports Medicine. For more running advice click here.
AtlantiCare Sees Increase in Beach/Water-Related Spinal Cord Injuries
“Most of the beach and water-related spinal cord injuries we treated were preventable,” said Kristen Radcliff, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at AtlantiCare and is among the specialists...
Olympic Surgeon's Job Includes Touch of Espionage
For many athletes, lower back injuries are common—but also treatable
Lumbar spine injuries are all-too common in athletes of all ages. While core strengthening and physical activity is necessary for a healthy back, high-level athletic activity can lead to significant low back injuries. Almost 14% of athletes at the NFL...
Fighting an Orthopaedic Giant: Let’s Talk About Treatment for Knee and Hip Arthritis
Knees and hips tend to be problem areas for many people as they age. And it makes sense. Over the years, we put a significant amount of stress on these major joints. Smaller injuries take their toll on cartilage and genetics play a role too. It’s easy...
Volunteering: One Surgeon's Dedication and Enthusiasm
Grateful for all the support he has received throughout his education and training, Asif M. Ilyas, M.D., FACS, an orthopedic surgeon and program director of the Hand Surgery Fellowship at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,...
Flyers' doc headed to Sochi for Winter Games
Following Saturday’s game at Wells Fargo Center against the Calgary Flames, the majority of the Flyers will embark on a two-week mid-season break provided by the Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. But a handful will head up the turnpike to Newark, N.J. to...
Richard - Total Hip Replacement
I had two uncemented Bi-Polar Hip Replacements in 1990 when I was 38 and 39 years of age. I had no follow up except for a couple visits with my Orthopedist in the summer of 1990. I am a big guy 6'3" 200 lbs and very active. I used to be an athlete. I...
Rothman Bone Cancer Specialist Saves Lives and Limbs at Capital Health
Kim Schappell had been living for weeks with a pain in her thigh she couldn’t explain. There was no recent injury or change in her routine that she could remember, so why did it hurt so much? Over the next few weeks the pain got worse, and even a...