
Find the Best Hip Replacement Surgeons at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

If a hip replacement is the best treatment for you, let Rothman Orthopaedic Institute guide you to the best hip replacement surgeons.

If your condition merits the consideration of a hip replacement, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can educate you and prepare you for such a procedure. Whether the procedure is needed or not, our doctors will thoroughly evaluate your condition, diagnose your pain, and recommend a treatment plan.

The hips are ball-and-socket joints that support your lower extremities and provide a wide range of motion needed to walk, bend, and rotate efficiently. In addition to stabilizing the body’s movement, the hips support the entirety of the upper body’s weight. Where the femur (ball of the joint) and the pelvis (containing the socket) meet, there is a layer of cartilage atop the ball allowing movement to be smooth and painless when the joint is healthy.

A hip replacement is a final treatment method for advanced cases of hip damage, most often involving osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, or severe fractures. Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease which causes stiffness, joint pain, and swelling. Characterized by the breakdown of the cartilage atop the ball joint, osteoarthritis results in severe pain from bone/bone contact that shouldn’t take place in a healthy joint. Osteonecrosis occurs when a bone eventually collapses due to diminished blood flow.

If an evaluation determines that your condition requires a hip replacement, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is home to the best hip replacement surgeons who will ensure you receive the treatment you need.

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Offers the Best Hip Replacement Surgeons in the Area

At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we are internationally recognized for our excellence in orthopaedic science and technology. Our physicians and surgeons are leaders in clinical research, innovators in developing advanced treatment methods, and have the highest expertise in their specialties.

When seeking out the best hip replacement surgeons, some important qualities should be taken into account. You deserve physicians who embody excellence in focused expertise, in research, and in orthopaedic leadership.

Focused Expertise

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is the largest and most experienced orthopaedic practice in the South Jersey and Philadelphia regions. Each of our specialists conduct hundreds of procedures each year, utilizing the latest in medical advancements and treatment interventions.

Excellence in Research

Our research team carries out studies on bone and cartilage diseases, pioneering groundbreaking developments in care, treatment, and prevention. We take the implementation of current technology and state-of-the-art methods very seriously, and a hip replacement is no exception.

Orthopaedic Leadership

At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we do more than just pursue excellence in our orthopaedic practices. In addition to maintaining a reputation for the highest dedication to care, we train the next generation of orthopaedic specialists. From conducting satellite webcasts and simulcasts to meeting with surgeons and colleagues the world over, to hosting residency and fellowship programs from Thomas Jefferson University, our doctors maintain the utmost dedication to excellence in all fields. With us, you know you’ll find the best hip replacement surgeons for your hip treatment and recovery.

For more information about hip replacement surgery or other hip treatments, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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