Learn about the types of rotator cuff tears and how they can be effectively treated.
If you have experienced any form of shoulder pain, you have likely heard about rotator cuff injuries and the discomfort and complications they can cause. The shoulder joint is a highly complex part of the body that allows the arm to have an incredible range of motion. But this complexity also makes it particularly vulnerable to injury, and when injury occurs a lack of mobility in this critical joint can be particularly frustrating and uncomfortable. While most rotator cuff tears may need treatment, not all tears are the same. If you or someone you love is suffering from a rotator cuff tear, then you will want to understand the different types of rotator cuff tears, the symptoms, and the available treatment options.
Types of Rotator Cuff Tears
One or more tendons in the rotator cuff may tear, if the injury is untreated and activity continues, then the tear may worsen. It is important to receive proper treatment to allow the rotator cuff to function optimally.
The different classification of rotator cuff tears include:
Partial tear: The tendon of the rotator cuff is damaged, but not completely severed.
Complete tear: The soft tissue is torn into two separate pieces. The tendons frequently tear away from where they are attached at the humerus (upper arm bone).
Acute tear: These tears are caused by injury/trauma, such as a fall or lifting something too heavy too quickly or awkwardly.
Degenerative tear: Most rotator cuff tears are multifactorial in origin and occur from a gradual wearing down of the tendon over time as well as genetics, and other medical conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol. Because of this, tears are more common in the dominant arm due to the higher level of repetitive stress it experiences. Degeneration also occurs naturally as we age, increasing a likelihood of injury over time.
Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear
If you are concerned that you may have a rotator cuff tear, then you may experience the most common rotator cuff tears symptoms, which include:
Pain over the lateral aspect of the upper arm (policeman’s patch area)
Pain while resting and at night, especially if sleeping on the injured shoulder.
Discomfort when lifting or lowering the arm in specific ways.
Weakness when rotating the arm.
A cracking or popping sensation when moving the arm in certain positions.
If the tear is a degenerative one that develops over time, then the symptoms may also progress gradually. Eventually it may become difficult to perform normal daily task using the shoulder muscles. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor immediately.
Treatments Options
There are a number of different treatment options that share a singular goal to restore function and reduce pain. A doctor will recommend treatment according to a patient’s preferences, medical history, and the condition of the tear.
Treatment options include:
Rest - Limiting arm usage, particularly overhead movements which put strain on the joint. A sling may be recommended for additional protection and rest.
Activity modification - Avoiding activities and changing routines that cause pain in the joint.
Medication - Anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce pain and swelling.
Exercises and physical therapy - Using specific exercises to target muscles in the shoulder to provide additional strength and support restoring movement, reducing pain, and helping to prevent further injury. Stretching exercises will also help to restore flexibility.
Steroid injection - If the other methods are not effective, then an injection of local anesthetic and cortisone may be injected into the shoulder to reduce inflammation and allow healing.
Surgery - If non-surgical methods prove insufficient, then a rotator cuff tear surgery may be recommended.
For further information regarding rotator cuff tears and possible treatment options, contact the orthopaedic specialists at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. Visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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