
Pros and Cons: Total Knee Replacement in Lower Manhattan

Wondering whether total knee replacement surgery is for you? Some people assume that they’re too old or young for a joint replacement and rule out the possibility without seeing a doctor. Or perhaps you’re looking for a quick solution to a persistent knee problem when you should be following non-surgical treatment methods.

Total knee replacement in Lower Manhattan is recommended only in certain cases. If you fit certain parameters to be eligible for this surgery, it can be life-changing. The best doctors for knee replacement surgery can evaluate your case to determine whether this procedure would be of benefit to you. Those who are candidates for knee surgery should be apprised of its pros and cons so that they know what to expect when they begin this process.

What Are the Pros of Total Knee Replacement in Lower Manhattan?

Total knee replacement is one of the most effective and successful surgeries out there. Rothman Orthopaedic Institute performs approximately 13,000 knee and hip replacements annually, with excellent results. Here are the pros of getting this treatment from some of the best knee surgeons in NYC:

  • Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Results
    10 years after surgery, your chances of enjoying use of the prosthetic are high: 98% of Rothman Orthopaedic Institute patients continue to have full functionality after 10 years.

  • Lasting Durability
    Patients who maintain a healthy weight and are reasonably active can expect their new prosthetic knee to last a lifetime. Medical studies reliably show that knee replacements continue to function well in 94% of patients after 20 years.

  • Pain-Free Living
    Replacing the knee will eliminate the painful symptoms you’ve been experiencing. Whether you struggle with arthritis that inflames the knee joint, cartilage deterioration, limited mobility, and/or stiffness, a replacement will effectively eliminate your symptoms.

  • Functionality
    You should expect your knee replacement to perform well allowing you to take part in a host of desired activities including walking, hiking, cycling, golfing, swimming,and even skiing. We do advise against higher-impact activities such as running or contact sports because this can cause undue wear on the prosthetic knee.

  • Speedy Recovery
    Total knee replacement recovery time is relatively short. You can expect to be back to many of your normal activities within a few weeks and driving six to eight weeks after surgery!

  • Quality of Life
    This procedure brings dramatic pain relief to patients,  improving the quality of life every moment of the day!

What About the Cons of this Surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is one of the most successful elective surgeries and when your doctor recommends this for you, you can trust that you stand to benefit greatly from the procedure. However, like any surgery, you need to be prepared for the recovery process.

  • Post-surgery Pain Management
    As with any procedure, the weeks immediately afterward are likely to be sore as your body recovers. Rothman Orthopaedic Institute doctors provide a comprehensive plan to manage pain and avoid complications during these first weeks.

  • Rehabilitation
    You will have to work to build your new knee’s mobility and strength. A graduated walking program and specific exercises will be assigned to ensure a full restoration. Depending on your prior level of fitness, this rehabilitation program could be harder or easier for you. In any case, it will take discipline!

  • Avoiding Complications
    To avoid complications you should carefully follow the instructions and postoperative plan of your doctor and his highly specialized team.

Find the Best Knee Replacement Surgeons in NYC at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has an impressive track record and vast clinical experience performing knee surgery. We are offering total knee replacement in Lower Manhattan this year at our new office so that residents of New York can access our world-class services. To make an appointment, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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