Trenton Orthopaedic Group offers superior treatments for wrist fractures.
It’s instinctual: when you experience a slip, trip, or fall, our natural impulse is to brace the fall with outstretched arms. While this action protects your head and face from traumatic damage, it can have an unfortunate consequence. A distal radial fracture (or broken wrist) commonly results from falls on outstretched arms.
The distal radius is the most commonly broken bone in the arm. With that in mind, Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute prioritizes offering superior distal radius fracture treatment in Trenton. By partnering with Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Trenton Orthopaedic Group ensures that patients in the area who are undergoing distal radius fracture treatment in Trenton receive the effective, cutting-edge treatment that has earned Rothman Orthopaedic Institute its elite reputation.
The type of treatment that is recommended for patients with broken wrists is largely dependent upon the conditions of the break. There are multiple ways in which a distal radial fracture may occur; the type of fracture that is suffered will define the type of treatment that is recommended. To learn more about the basic types of distal radial fractures and recommended treatment options, continue reading below.
Types of Distal Radius Fractures
The forearm features two bones; the radius is the larger of these two. The end of the radius that extends to the wrist is known as the distal end. The distal radius may experience a fracture if a strong impact is impressed upon the distal end of the radius.
Patients will receive specialized distal radius fracture treatment in Trenton based primarily upon the type of fracture that has occurred. There are four major types of wrist fractures; they are detailed below.
Extra-articular Fracture
An extra-articular fracture features a break above the wrist joint; the fracture does not extend into the joint itself. -
Intra-articular Fracture
Intra-articular fractures are wrist fractures that affect the wrist joint. The distal radius is fractured, including the joint. -
Comminuted Fracture
Comminuted fractures involve multiple breaks of the distal radius. In this type of injury, the bone is broken into several pieces. -
Open Fracture
Open fractures are serious injuries that require immediate medical care. These injuries involve bone fractures which puncture the skin and are externally exposed.
While these different wrist fracture types vary in terms of severity, they all require medical attention in order to heal properly.
Three Distal Radius Fracture Treatments
Which type of treatment will effectively address the damage that your distal radius has experienced? Your orthopaedic doctor or specialist will be able to determine the answer to that question following a thorough examination and the administration of diagnostic tests, such as X-rays.
Following examination, the type of fracture (extra-articular, intra-articular, comminuted, or open) will be diagnosed and the best method of treatment will be determined.
Splinting or Casting
Non-surgical treatment can often effectively repair distal radius fractures. It may be recommended for extra-articular, intra-articular, or (in some cases) comminuted fractures that do not feature severe displacement of the fractured bone. It can only effectively address fractures where the bone is still in relatively good position.
Non-surgical care typically entails casting of the damaged wrist. Treatment begins with the physical re-alignment of the damaged bone pieces; no incision is made, and all physical manipulation is externally performed. Next, the bone is either placed in a distal radius fracture splint or a fiberglass cast to stabilize the distal radius. Casts will usually be changed after three to four weeks and a removable splint is applied for another three weeks; the average distal radius fracture recovery time is approximately six weeks to eight weeks. -
Surgical Treatment
In more severe fractures and injuries involving significant bone displacement, surgery is required to restore proper alignment and full function. In surgical treatments, manipulation and alignment of the damaged bone will be performed. Following realignment, casting, pinning, external fixation or open reduction(skin incision) and internal fixation with plates and screws may be used to hold the wrist in proper alignment and allow healing to take place. Wrist fracture healing time depends upon the mechanisms used; speak with your doctor about recovery. -
Open Fracture Treatment
If an open fracture occurs, immediate surgery is required. The surgical process entails cleaning exposed bone and tissue, followed by internal or external fixation repair of the damaged bone. Antibiotics will be administered for infection prevention.
If you require distal radius fracture treatment in Trenton, contact Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. To contact Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, visit us here or contact us at> 1-800-321-9999.
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