Learn more about why revision hip surgery is a viable option for those with hip pain.
Individuals who have weathered hip pain and sought the appropriate treatments know that one-size does not fit all. Much of the time, a variety of treatments are necessary. This may look like a combination of lifestyle modifications like weight loss to reduce joint strain, physical therapy and exercises to keep muscles strong, and total hip replacement surgery to stabilize the joint. If over time, the hip replacement has insufficiently reduced your hip pain, or there is a change in the efficacy of the prosthetics, it is time to consult with your doctor about alternative treatments. Surgery might be the answer. But, if you are asking yourself, “What is revision surgery and why do I need revision hip surgery?” Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has the much-needed answers to your pressing treatment questions.
Who qualifies for revision hip surgery?
Candidates who are eligible for revision hip surgery are those who have completed hip joint replacement surgery, but have encountered difficulties or complications at any time after the surgery. In each instance where revision hip surgery is necessary, the prosthetics need to be replaced with new components. There are a few reasons that a revision procedure may be required, including:
Mechanical wear, implant loosening, and breakage: The usual expected lifetime of hip prosthetics is 10-20 years. The mileage varies between individuals, but even those who have achieved healthy recovery from their initial total hip replacement surgery may over time need to replace the plastic, cement, ceramic, and metal parts. Osteolysis is when a patient’s immune system may react strongly to the prosthetics causing bone loss, which loosens the fit of the prosthetics. Patients may not feel pain during the wearing down of their prosthetics, so regular checkups with a physical examination and radiographs are important in order to catch the problem early.
Infection: Infection risks are highest in the first 90 days after surgery, and treatment methods will vary depending on the type of bacterial infection, infection duration, the patient’s overall health, antibiotic sensitivities, and the location and severity of the infection.
- Repetitive hip dislocation: Some patients have a higher predisposition to dislocation, which damages the hip structures in the joint and causes significant instability. Different surgical alternatives are available to resolve this problem.
An eligible candidate for revision hip surgery will have the support and recommendation of a specially trained and highly experienced joint surgeon. The risks and prognosis unpredictability are higher and the procedure is more complicated and individualized. With well-performed and modern techniques, a successful revision hip surgery can restore the longevity and functionality of one’s joint.
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has the resources and expertise to implement this restorative procedure for you. Don’t just ask yourself: “Do I need revision hip surgery?” Find out why and what to expect from one of our qualified orthopaedic surgeons. The Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Joint Replacement Program is one of the nation’s top joint replacement programs. More than 12,000 surgeries are performed annually with us. Our patients agree that it is worth it to look into your treatment options now for a better future tomorrow.
For more information, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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