Do Not Ignore Persisting Symptoms! Find Out When It’s Time To See A Doctor.
If you are experiencing wrist pain, you may be wondering where it came from or whether or not to see a doctor. After all, wrist pain is common and can go away on its own. However, there may be some signs that your wrist pain is a manifestation of an underlying condition.
At Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Institute, our wrist specialists ensure that every patient receives the best quality care. We use the latest diagnostic tools as well as our expertise to determine the source of each patient’s discomfort. Based on this assessment, our specialists create an individualized treatment plan for each case. If you live in the area, a Robbinsville wrist doctor can help you through this time of uncertainty.
Wrist Conditions We Treat
Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Institute offers a wide range of services for patients with wrist injuries or conditions. Below are just a few condition patients come to our offices with.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: the condition that forms when the median nerve is compressed, typically due to overactivity of the hand and wrist.
Wrist tendonitis: a condition chiefly characterized by inflammation of the tendons that surround the wrist. This is considered one of the most common culprits of wrist pain.
Ganglion cyst: a tumor or swelling located on the top of a joint on the back or front of the wrist or base of a finger.
Wrist arthritis: the condition that manifests in the wrist when the surrounding joints lose cartilage. This condition may cause inflammation and make movement more difficult.
Wrist fracture: a break in one or many wrist bones. The most commonly fractured bone in the wrist is the radius.
If you suspect you have symptoms of one of the above conditions, or if you are dealing with one of the three circumstances below, it is probably time to see a wrist specialist.
Three Scenarios In Which You Should See A Robbinsville Wrist Doctor
Your symptoms have not improved by themselves. Is the pain persisting? Does your wrist still look swollen despite applying R.I.C.E.? Some injuries, such as wrist fractures, simply do not get better without treatment prescribed by a specialist. Sometimes an injury requires specific medication, physical therapy, or even surgery. When you go for a doctor’s visit, ask which method of treatment is the most suitable for your condition.
Your symptoms are severely aggravated or worsening. Despite your efforts, does the pain seem as if it is getting worse? If certain wrist conditions are not treated properly and in a timely manner, the injury may worsen or even cause a secondary injury to form. In certain cases, the longer you wait for seeking treatment, the longer your recovery time might be. For example, if you have carpal tunnel syndrome and continue to use your hands and wrists in ways that exacerbate the pain, it may take longer for the numbness, tingling, and discomfort to subside.
Your symptoms are stopping you from completing everyday activities. Is typing on the computer now much more difficult or even impossible? Are you having trouble continuing your favorite sport because it hurts to grip objects? If so, it is particularly important to see a Robbinsville wrist specialist. If your injury or condition can be treated or improved, there is no reason why you should have to sacrifice the activities you love.
The physicians of Trenton Orthopaedic Group at Rothman Institute encourage you to evaluate your symptoms and seek medical attention if your wrist injury does not improve. We can help you determine the state of your condition and find the most effective treatment for you. To set up an appointment with a Robbinsville wrist doctor, or if you would like more information, please visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.
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