
Is Spinal Reconstructive Surgery for Deformities the Right Treatment for Your Condition?

Alan S. Hilibrand, MD March 1st, 2017

The experts at Rothman are here to offer advice about how numerous spinal deformities may be treated successfully using spinal reconstructive surgery.

We at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute understand how back and spinal injuries pose challenges for patients. If you or someone you love are seeking accessible information on spinal conditions and potential treatments, then consider seeking an evaluation from one of our spine specialists. With a better understanding of the nature of spinal deformity types, you’ll be able to determine whether spinal reconstructive surgery for deformities would be the best treatment option for you. If spinal reconstruction surgery is advisable for your condition, our skilled experts at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute will provide the highest quality medical care to successfully and precisely treat your spinal issues.

The Nature Of Spinal Deformities

There are numerous spinal deformity types that may merit spinal reconstructive surgery for deformities. Anyone living with chronic pain will begin with nonsurgical treatments. Your doctor might advise a combined regime of bracing, stretching, and strengthening exercises to start. In less serious cases, these methods may prove very effective. However, if these non-surgical methods prove insufficient, surgical treatment options may be explored.

One notable and familiar spine condition that many patients experiences is scoliosis. Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. The cause of this condition is not known.

Later in life, it may prove debilitating. In particularly severe cases, patients can have impaired lung function because of reduced or compressed chest space. Spinal reconstructive surgery for deformities such as severe scoliosis may be advised by a doctor.

It is of utmost importance that only skilled orthopaedic surgeons using the most advanced methods are trusted to perform spinal reconstructive surgery for deformities, like in the case of scoliosis surgery. Otherwise complications including flat back syndrome may occur.

Flat back syndrome is a very serious complication that may be caused by prior fusion surgery when instrumentation (certain structural rods) is used in the lumbar spine. While healthy lumbar bone has a degree of curvature, compromised lumbar can become flat, or even inversed, causing a condition known as kyphosis. Serious flatback syndrome is most common in older adults and may result in severe back pain and difficulty standing upright.

Kyphosis is another spine condition that may be treated with spinal reconstructive surgery. This deformity may be caused from surgical complications, but can also occur independently.

These conditions, though quite serious, can be effectively treated by spinal reconstructive surgery for deformities by the surgeons at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. This foundational information should help you take the next step as you pursue treatment options.

If you have any questions regarding these conditions of the details of surgical treatment, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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