
Insider’s Guide to Finding a Shoulder Specialist on the Lower East Side

Brandon J. Erickson, MD March 7th, 2019

When experiencing shoulder pain, discomfort, and disruption of daily tasks, who do you turn to? If you’ve been seeking a shoulder specialist on the Lower East Side, but aren’t sure how to begin, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can help. As world-class experts in specialty orthopaedics and clinical research, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute physicians are skilled and experienced in a number of areas. We have an entire team dedicated to shoulder and elbow conditions.

Don’t let the cause of your shoulder pain prevent you from doing the things you love. Our job is to help find the best way to alleviate your discomfort. You deserve to live a life in motion!

Considerations When Choosing a Shoulder Specialist On The Lower East Side

Whether you’re an athlete who depends upon shoulder health for her or his livelihood or someone who has found that his or her shoulder range of motion isn’t what it should be, consulting with an orthopaedic expert can help get to the bottom of your symptoms. But, if you’ve never been to an orthopaedic physician, how do you find the best shoulder specialist in New York?

First, it’s important to recognize how orthopaedic practices may vary. For example some facilities offer “general orthopaedics.” General orthopaedics covers the scope of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions involving the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Other orthopaedic organizations practice specialized orthopaedics. This means that doctors and surgeons are specialty-trained and educated on specific areas of the body. Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, for example, is comprised of teams of world-class orthopaedic experts—including the Shoulder & Elbow and Sports Medicine teams.

Why Is This Important?

As specialty orthopaedic leaders in the international development of new treatments and surgical standards, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute physicians are knowledgeable in addressing a comprehensive range of shoulder injuries and conditions, which include:

Not only is Rothman Orthopaedic Institute known for addressing a diverse range of orthopaedic disorders and injuries, but our patients also benefit from:

  • Advanced Approaches in Treatment
    Rothman Orthopaedic Institute utilizes some of the most advanced procedures in orthopaedic treatment and innovative technology. Our comprehensive orthopaedic care is founded upon evidence-based medicine.

  • Convenient Locations
    We have convenient locations in both New York and New Jersey. So, when searching for a shoulder specialist on the Lower East Side, you don’t have to look far! The most skilled orthopaedic doctors and best shoulder surgeons in NYC are close to home.

  • Superior and Extensive Services
    In addition to a range of specialties from Shoulder & Elbow, Hand & Wrist, Hip, and Knee, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute also offers Sports Medicine care and treatment. Our services range from X-Rays, MRI scans, Physical Therapy, and Orthotics to Nutrition & Wellness Counseling, and more.

Take the First Step

Your first step in consulting with a shoulder specialist on the Lower East Side is to set up a consultation. During your visit, a Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Shoulder & Elbow or Sports Medicine specialist will conduct a physical examination, review your past and present medical information, and go over your symptoms. Diagnostic testing may be used to help further determine a diagnosis.

Rest assured that whatever shoulder issue you’re experiencing will be addressed as safely and effectively as possible. Whenever possible, our physicians utilize conservative methods of treatments.

To get started and schedule an appointment, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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