Pennington, NJ
116 Washington Crossing Pennington Rd, Pennington, NJ 08534

Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:30AM - 4:00PM
Thursday: 7:30AM - 4:30PM
Physical Therapy On Site
Phone: 609-303-3799
PT Office Hours:
Monday & Thursday:
7:30AM - 4:00PM
7:30AM - 3:00PM
Wednesday & Friday:
7:30AM - 4:30PM
Location Info
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New Jersey
- Route 95 South
- Exit 3 off ramp make right onto Scotch Road (North)
- 4th traffic light make right onto Washington-Crossing Road (Route 546)
- Office is located 1/2 mile on right
- Route 95 North into New Jersey
- Exit 3 off ramp make right onto Scotch Road (North)
- 4th traffic light make right onto Washington-Crossing Road (Route 546)
- Office is located 1/2 mile on right
Get Directions to this Location
Use my current location
New Jersey
- Route 95 South
- Exit 3 off ramp make right onto Scotch Road (North)
- 4th traffic light make right onto Washington-Crossing Road (Route 546)
- Office is located 1/2 mile on right
- Route 95 North into New Jersey
- Exit 3 off ramp make right onto Scotch Road (North)
- 4th traffic light make right onto Washington-Crossing Road (Route 546)
- Office is located 1/2 mile on right